What's some good vidja I can play on my web browser...

What's some good vidja I can play on my web browser? I have a security job and I basically have 10 hours a day of free time.

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Just buy a handheld.


Overnight Security is the best Sup Forums core job

I would but I'm not 12 or a manchild.


yes you are

>worse than browser games

>slacker job
>not a manchild

Yes you play browser games you are statistically a teenage girl, or a housewife

>play lewd japanese games on handheld
>guy with a silenced pistol shoots me in the back of the head
>people find me with uguu big-titted moeshit on the ground the next day


Then why are you on this board? We're all manchildren playing videogames until we die

Thanks for the replies, friends.

Why don't you just read books?

literally what I do.

too bad I have video game burnout so I just read books or drive around

Because books are for nerds


It's 2016, odd is if you die in public, your handhel blow up along with you

That's literally what I've been doing for the past 3 months at this job.


>overnight security guard
>not a manchild

As an overnight audit, you're full of shit.

Anyway I just browse Sup Forums and text on my phone

At least your parents would learn you're not gay.


but they already know that because I fucked my mom

your* damnit, it was supposed to be a clever joke

how do you even get a job like that?

>All these garbage answers

Play town of salem OP, its the best browser game ever existed

Not one fucking game has been mentioned. Not even one.

Fuck this board.

- Spelunky
- Abobo's Big Adventure
- Agar.io
- Runescape
- Pandemic
- Doom
- Wormfood
- A million clicker games

Also, all the classic DOS games are free to play archive.org.

Wolfenstein 3D

Don't be a faggot and read a book like a normal person.

I have another lazy job (sysadmin) but they cut my hours down by too much for me to live on so I'm doing this part time.

Thanks anonamigos.

shit.I Also heard you need to take a class before becoming a security guard.Is that true?

>security job
>not getting hired by a giant international pharmaceutical company for ez office work pretending to be an Umbrella Corporation underling and getting mad dosh doing nothing

If it runs a web browser it can run a NES emulator, spin that shit.


magic the gathering x heroes of might and magic, it's fucking amazing

Hi Martin Shkreli

Not unarmed security. Just don't be a frail little shit that a granny could take.

Are you me?

I'm an admin for a private pharma research company. I sometimes get asked to do something trivial, but I mostly sit in my cubicle and browse the Internet or play phone games all day, while getting paid more than double what my friends make at their "real jobs".

Madness Project Nexus. The arena mode is REALLY addictive and it's a pretty good game.


Looks like she's taken a huge dump in her pants.

>I have a security job and I basically have 10 hours a day of free time.
>I mostly sit in my cubicle and browse the Internet or play phone games all day, while getting paid more than double what my friends make at their "real jobs".

This is what happens when you roll max luck in life. You get the greatest job anyone could possibly have, getting paid to do what you love - lurk Sup Forums and play flash games. Also, to answer your question OP, I recommend Newgrounds flash games sorted by highest rated.

Can't you download an emulator? You can easily play older consoles like Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Nintendo DS, PS1.




I quit my night time sec job.

I was paid 10 bucks so I got mad and left to resume my NEET life

All I did was literally shit up Sup Forums all night long

Just join the army and say you can type.


get a disc with a portable emulator (one you don't need to install, google it)

I did this at college, admins didn't even know.

As opposed to seeing pregnant Elsa foot surgery flash game?

that's hot