>Pokemon Go made 14 million in one week
>Pokemon X/Y sold 4 million copies in one WEEKEND
So uh, why did we fall for the "mobile is bigger than consoles" meme again?
Pokemon GO making less money than handheld Pokemon titles
Bigger audience, less profit
OP you're a dumbass, that's all anybody ever meant
pokemon go already available in all countries?
Because GO was a staged release and isn't even released in most countries right now?
Unlike the handheld games which get released at roughly the same time.
This isn't difficult to understand OP.
The games are a one-off purchase.
Go has the potential to make 14mil every week.
>game is not out worldwide
OP is retard
>Game is not released worldwide
>What are microtransactions
I really didn't know nintendrones were this dumb
>Free digital game made 14 million in one week.
>Not being a huge profit.
Yeah well NINTY gets 10%
Is Pokemon GO the most shilled game on Sup Forums?
Go will not sustain this level of hype and most of the money goes to Google.
Sup Forums gets so butt hurt and makes rage threads about the game they don't realize they're giving it free advertising
does pokego have some kinda advertisement revenue?
How much do you think it took to make it? Pokemon GO barely have any content, I bet it was like 10% of a pokemon game budget to make and a took only a little time.
OP is such a retard tbqh
That would be Overwatch. Pokemon GO just attracts all the shitposters in this board.
That's still a shit ton of cash for basically no work
Except once you've bought X/Y , that's it.
GO will keep printing money indefinitely.
Made me reply
>doesn't understand development costs
>doesn't understand initial profits vs longtime profits
>is a cuck
where did Sup Forums go wrong lads?
Summer, people considering themselves "oldfags" because they started browsing in 2012, take your pick
omo Somi
I have't played go and consider it a reddit-tier game, with the press it's getting among normalfags.
Can you fight people in Go as you could in red etc.?
Nope, still not in several major markets. Such as the UK.
>tfw people stopped lurking first
This can't be real.
I thought I finally won.
>2012 was 4 years ago
What the fug
Why the fuck does this even matter anyway? How insignificant is your life that something like this matters to you?
it's about making money in the long run, not in the first week
>most of the money goes to Google.
source: your ass
no, you don't even battle wild pokemon
you just throw balls at it until you catch it
more balls costs money
How do I get coins in this game without paying
Overwatch is an actual game though and is fun.
It's very different to normal Pokemon games. It's a lot like their previous game, Ingress, if you've ever heard of/played that.
Writing something off just because it's popular is pretty autistic, by the way. Try it out and see if you like it, at least then you won't look like a moron trying to act superior for not playing a 'Reddit-tier' game.
I'm enjoying the game and I think it's pretty cool that a lot of people are playing it. I don't think it's a great game by any means but it's got a nice social aspect to it and walking around collecting Pokemon is kind of fun.
you can literally get an infinite amount of balls for free with minimal effort
OP is a fucking retard with downs.
>more balls costs money
no it doesnt you just go to a pokestop and refill them
Hold gyms
If you have a pokemon in the gym lineup for a while you get he chance to redeem coins.
You get to redeem up to 100 coin (10 per pokemon in gym) every 24 hours
It's the shield in the top right in the shop
Because people had to actually buy XY to be able to play it. Go is free-to-play. One that I might add, is kinda more generous than I expected and could spend pennies if not nothing at all if you are pretty good at playing. The reason it has such a high download count is because you can just go into the app store and install it free of charge. Add that along with the fact its a very recognizable franchise means it was likely going to gain a lot of popularity and the free download availability allowing anybody and their pet Download it with out much of a problem. This doesn't really equal sales though because again people aren't really required to toss in money. So it's really just a gamble. It could earn more later. It could fade out and lose future chances at more micro transactions. All depends how the players, who at the moment are willing give Go enough to earn that 14 million a week in by optional choice instead of sticking to playing for free.
Do you think Normies will buy the new games when they come out?
GO, must work as pretty great advertising. I assume it will lead to a boost in purchases of the AAA titles and of Nintendo merchandise.
only merchandising and only for people to just make one picture and upload it to some social site. The smart ones make the picture just in the shop and don't even buy anything.
Since Sun/Moon will be 3DS Exclusive, I don't think anyone will buy a new 3ds for this one game (well maybe 1 or 2% of the new players)
Released today dude.
Really, Niantic just tossed all the pokemon shit on top of their existing AR game Ingress so yeah, probably didn't take that much to make.
Nigga you get them from Pokestops and you get a free 15 or so when you level up.
You're a retard, it's not about pure revenue, it's about putting the name Pokémon back into the public eye.
Out today already lvl 5. The amount cut content is a joke. Only two moves oer pokwmom and grind fest for candies to evole
I think Go and other mobile games will be good for Nintendo. Just the consistent revenue stream.
The good thing is that as soon as interest starts to fall off, they can just drop a whole new gen of Pokemon. Updates every two weeks is pretty good, as well.
Animal Crossing is another one that has potential.
In all honesty pretty much every developer has a game they could easily make for phones that would rake in the megabucks.
I mean people still ask for a Chao game from Sega.
The pokemon company is roughly 70% Nintendo owned. Nintendo gets about 30% of the total profit of the game.
30% for apple/google, 10% for gamefreak, 30% for the developer, 30% for Nintendo.
Google takes ~30-33% of all revenue made in the play store and on top is also very close and a major owner of niantic, who take another cut.
So yeah its not a long shot to say google(and also apple) profits more from the game than nintendo, especially since they dont even have to invest any money to get their cut.
>roughly 70% Nintendo owned
Nigga, nintendo only has 33% percentage in the pokemon company
They own the full rights to all of the pokemon themselves though.
Also they own Creatures Inc and have 40% of Gamefreak
Damn Nintendo are the real good guys not fucking JEWNY
Where exactly are you getting your information from user?
Pokemon GO Red & Blue with fighting.
Yes? And which are the other members of the pokemon company? Fucking retard.
Nintendo, gamefreak and creatures. And creatures is 100% owned by Nintendo.
I hate faggots arguing about shit they dont have a fucking clue about.
That means nothing because the Pokemon company is solely for licensing. It does not own the copyright to pokemon
>Nintendo, gamefreak and creatures. And creatures is 100% owned by Nintendo.
>implying GF are first party developers.
>not knowing what TPC does
Spotted the new fag.
Nintendo owns 70-80% of the Pokemon Company. They own Creatures and a big chunk of Gamefreak.
When people say The pokemon company gets 30% and Nintendo 10% regarding Pokemon Go, it means nintendo gets its 10% plus 80% of the 30% from the Pokemon Company.
Thats around 34% of profits from the total of Pokemon Go.
That doesn't answer the question, where are you getting your information from.
You're supposed to search for "pokemon" not "pokémon".
Gonna need that pics sauce friendo.
Are you fucking retarded?
>They own the full rights to all of the pokemon themselves though
No they dont, you clearly dont even have a idea what you are talking about.
The right to all pokemon designs belong to Gamefreak.
The licencing right for pokemon outside of video games belongs to creature(all pokemon merchandise and such).
Nintendo only owns the publishing right for mainline pokemon games(not spin offs, those belong to TPC hence why they already made pokemon games on mobile without nintendo).
>Also they own Creatures
They dont, they only have like 3-5% of the Creatures as stated in their financial overview.
>have 40% of gamefreak
They have 0% stakes in Gamefreak.
On a side note, nintendo also dosent own a single % of HAL or the Kirby franchise.
>they dont even have to invest any money to get their cut.
>Google is a magical infrastructure that appeared from thin air
All profit numbers for Pokemon Go right now are estimates based on previous apps on top of the charts tho.
Pokemon Go is going to destroy mainline and the rest of Nintendo's IPs. The new NES was the sign, they're going to become a novelty gaming company.
but having a bigger audience is completely irrelevent if it's making less money
Not the other user, but read the trademarks again, all pokemon trademarks are owned and registered by nintendo.
Is Pokemon GO the biggest game of all time?
Can you install Pokemon Go on Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 somehow?
>In relation to the other companies, Nintendo owns a 32% share in The Pokémon Company, and a small (not financially significant for Nintendo) stake in Creatures Inc.
the 14 million is from the micro transactions you fucking idiot. what did you think he meant? that's normie gos only source of income
>Make game that costs nothing
>Include in optional in app purchases
>Make the game playable without the said optional purchases
>Mainline Pokemon games sell millions and all retail for over $30 in store.
Its not hard to figure out why Pokemon GO brings in less money than mainline games.
32 YO old here, everyone keeps talking about this and this thread after reading many on here made me DL it, I'll report back later after I go out hunting fuck it
lol fuck dude how do you get something so wrong that takes like 4 seconds on google to find out?
>i have no idea how financials work
wew lad
Go out to a nearby park or town center or whatever populated area if you can.
My neighborhood was boring and had only a few pidgeys, but my bro took me to this town and there were mad pokestops/gyms/lures and tons of people walking around playing.
>Pokemon Go is international title
>"porn" is in English
who do you think is shilling this fucking awful "game"? why are gook posters such fucking dummies?
>Go, a game with 2% of the content of the main games
>no printing costs
>can rip-off normalfags for years as they slowly add content over time to maximize profits
>32 year old
hey dad
literally who searches for porn in their native language (assuming it isn't English)
Just look at the copyright for smash characters
Characters: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. /
Notice something?
No one on Sup Forums does.
why would you want to? it's shit and you have no friends to make it fun
People probably search for their own individual fetishes, which probably lowers the count significantly.
give it time. it's a phone game. they make money from microtransactions. people who are stupid will put hundreds if not thousands into this thing. a 3ds game will make all of its money from normal sales and at some point, those sales are gonna drop off. this will keep going until people finally drop it, but the biggest phone games never do drop.
and yes, nintendo will get less for this game than its pure profit because this is not being sold on a system they fully own. they have to run through other people's stores to play on their non-nintendo devices.
which is irrelevant to the point made in the post I was responding to
1) Pokemon go is free and all purchases are over a period of time
2) It's not released everywhere yet
Pokémon, Pokémon character names, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Wii, Wii U, and Wiiware are trademarks of Nintendo.
All the trademarks are Nintendo .
You are confusing trademarks with copyright.
You're pretty retarded aren't you.
if it's sustainable, you'll get a steady trickle of money. When it's a $9 billion trickle, I'd say Nintendo is doing fine.
Hell, after all this, I'd say Nintendo won video games forever. No one will have the power they hold over normies.
I don't even know why nintendo fans are still allowed to live on Sup Forums this days. Nintendo is an amiboo and mobile game cancer fest.