Name ONE (1) thing Microsoft has contributed to gaming as a medium that doesn't involve Halo or Gears of War

Name ONE (1) thing Microsoft has contributed to gaming as a medium that doesn't involve Halo or Gears of War

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Sonycucks pretended they didn't care and now wank the knock off that are "platinuming" games

Steamdrones aswell

Subscription based online access

And Sony followed the bad example they set

Fuck Microsoft dead

Windows 10

Achievements led to lazier devs giving less in game rewards as they relied more and more on just throwing achievements

Microsoft contributed heavily to the rise of DLC via map packs. Halo was their first shooter with map packs, which were sold as a physical disc. It sold amazingly and from that point on DLC took off like a rocket. Its said horse armor started it. Now, this started it.


Paying for Peer to Peer connections
Paid DLC
Tracking your personal data and habits and selling them to advertisers so they can tailor the ads better to you.
People complain about Win10's tracking, but Xboxes have all that shit baked into their EULA and modding your Xbox gets you banned.

Wasn't the first, it just popularized it. along with xbox live as a whole.

Sega did paid online first and PC games did Peer to peer before MS as well.

There used to be a wall that divided the worlds of console gaming and PC gaming
Xbox tore it down

They were the first console in history to not have any fucking exclusives

>mfw pcfaga will never ever play Jet Set Radio Future

I will just leave this here.


Cancer that takes away from the game itself

Any other "accomplishments?"

we all know sony fans are the most cancerous
this isn't news to anyone

Why was the 360 so popular, lads? Is Halo JUST THAT GOOD? I will never understand

People liked to say the PS3 had no games but what exclusives did the 360 have to speak of?


I have more but you'll just deflect to hate it because it's MS

But ok.

They contributed the best controller known to man, the 360 controller.


Forza is pretty good.
Shame Horizon 3 is being held hostage by W10

DirectX. A straight boot OS to app ( which was the entire premise of the original Xbox )
A unified runtime environment with PC, which has been expanded further with win10 and cross platform CLR and open source C#.
Cheap motion detection and voice recognition APIs offered to developers.

To be honest of course, M$ is usually more attractive to developers / programmers than it is to consumers.

Aww look the console kiddies are squabbling again


Halo was just that good

Keep in mind Halo was a lot of peoples first console multiplayer experience

Spyro 3 literally had achievements on the PS1, and every Ratchet and Clank game did too, all before the 360 even existed. Fuck off.

Halo 3 of course. Although Ninja Gaiden 2, Ace Combat 6 and Lost Odyssey were great.

Best controllers available. The original huegbox controllers were't that great, but 360 controller was miles above anything else that was available for nearly a decade. Now that standard Xbone controller isn't that much better than DS4, but Elite controller is possibly the best gamepad ever made.

Came to post this, basically the only good thing they brought

you're a retard and that's not the same thing at all

Upvoted +1

Age of Empires
Windows as a whole


The Xbox 360/One controllers are pretty much the best controllers out there.

The Elite controller would be THE best controller if it weren't outrageously priced.

Windows is the most video game friendly OS.

halo and gears of war literally detracted from gaming

>yfw the elite controller IS the standard scorpio controller

Online play that wasn't as retarded as the dreamcasts online play

The standardized use of hard drives in consoles instead of memory cards.

An operating system to play all pc games on

the adventures of edison trent: mustard hair edition

surely that could have been achieved without castrating an entire genre of video games


Seriousness in cross platform play.

Also the best controller ever made for gaming 360 controller


Yeah, the kids who never got to experience Goldeneye or perfect dark


how are they going to market an xbox one the size of a parking lot?
maybe you could live in it and play video games in it.

>the PS2 had a provision for a harddrive, you could buy one if needed. tech-wise MS did nothing innovative.
the reason most games installed data during the PS3 era was that the data stream from the Bluray was not enough, it was inevitable.
>Sega Dreamcast was the first with a network but thanks for the subscription
>DS3 ended up having everything. motion sensing, rumble, built in battery.
>Move is a rip off that actually works with accuracy and a full range of motion.
>DS3 never got triggers, it got analogue shoulder buttons which work better for racing games.
>The PS3 caught up and surpassed the xbox in sales which means it WAS selling better, the 360 just had a head start.
>Sony took a shit practice and added some games to it at least.

It had piracy.

Halo WAS that good. Now I feel like halo is my sick dying dog that my parents won't take to the vet to have put down. I want to end it's suffering and remember the good old days, not be reminded that it's shit now.


Turning their OS into a monopoly because their graphics engine was really nice for devs at the time, but #greed2stronk.

If only the bone controller had different triggers and a responsive d-pad.
I swear that fucking thing barely works.

Get serious pls

Change both sticks to be concave. The left stick hurt like a bitch after a while of playing.

How can it be the best if the dpad sucks and the RB is faulty?

name one thing sony has done that has nothing to do with using media that lets them put more cutscenes in games

>copy nintendo
>copy microsoft

literally all they do.

This isn't a serious thread, he's asking for amazing microsoft things but the amazing things aren't permitted, it's just like asking why do you like sex and then exclude every fun part.

oh look it's the most overstated controller of all time! oh look it's that controller that was horrible at playing anything other than a select few nintendo titles in a generation with hundreds of multiplat games that required 2 real sticks! yes, it can only be the best controller ever!

>Halo or Gears of War
Neither were made by ms they did buy them before release.

Viva pinata


>what microsoft contributed
Stable, unhacked network done right.
Overall leader of sales in the last decade.
Successful motion analog technology.
To name a few...

It was cheaper than the PS3 and released one year earlier, thats it.

top spin tennis was great.

fuck them for giving up on that. was my fav xbox game

>literally all they do.

How about best technology all around ?

TFW you were able to trade in your platinums for special stuff

Old Halo was actually really good.
Also the original Xbox was a pretty solid console with worthwhile exclusives (Halo, Phantom Dust, Mechassault, Voodoo Vince, a couple Rare titles, Fable)
COmbine that with Sony shooting themselves over and over in 2006 and most people drifted to the 360 just in time for MS to shit themselves.

Ehh, if neo ships with current specs, it will be overwhelmed by scorpio.

Microsoft fucked themselves with x360 RROD during launch and couple of years later. That and the fact that as a Perfect Dark 64 fan, the x360 launch PD sucked fucking ass. Heck remastered Halo 2 would've been better

Showing that gamers are retarded as fuck. Gamers (in case you're triggered, people who play games) are so stupid that they'll pay for xbl gold for no reason and then they'll even defend it and say that p2p online like all cod games have better online because of this. Fuck'em. Now sony does the same. It's like apple, they fucked their customers and always glued the battery inside of your phone and now Samsung is doing it too. Competition is good, but only if the market leader is consumer friendly

That controller is shit and you know it.

The only game that its actually comfortable for is Luigi's Mansion and Melee. Everything else just feels awkward.
>Soul Cal 2 was completely ruined by the button set-up
>All the Pikmin re-releases were noticeably better with any other controller. Even the fucking Wiimote
>only redeeming feature is the analog triggers

You're correct Ratchet and Clank would unlock stuff in the game and not just pop those stupid symbols.

The game servers do cost money to host though, and unlike PC the players can't host their own servers I think? You're never using another person's bandwidth, MS is paying it all

>angsty teen millenial perfect dark
This severely triggers me also.

The PS4 is nothing but a reskinned Xbox 360.

You know that right?

Making online matchmaking actually good with dedicated servers

>XBOX HUGE gets a figma

Age of Empires.

>mfw GS5

This entire post is wrong

>shit shoulder buttons
>shit c stick
>shit d pad
>retarded button layout
>cheap plastic feel

The GC controller was ass. No clue why some people here claim it was good, let alone the best controller ever.

The greatest overall controller of all time (360)
Pushed consoles Online
Bridge the gap between PC and consoles

kek pic related

Pure hipsterism.

Does it ever lag for 8 players though when they're playing with "session host" that has 1 dl / 0.5 ul internet ? I don't think players do any of the hosting, it's all on the microsoft end

He got a gf?

XBOX is huge is one of the best memes of all time, so it was worth it just for that.

Halo has pioneered the following in videogames:
-Dual wielding
-Recharging personal shields (every FPS today copies it)
-Dedicated grenade button
-Dedicated melee button (melee is actually useful in Halo)
-Complex characters (master chief, arbiter) -Involving and deep storyline
-Saved the Xbox
-Made LAN parties cool
-Saving and sharing replays
-First ever console FPS to include a map editor
-Perfectly streamlined online play
-It is so good that games nowadays are referred to as "Halo clones," and some, like Killzone, try to be a "Halo killer"
-Orchestral music (before it everything was just bleepbloop synthesized music)
-AI that becomes more intelligent on higher difficulties instead of just having more health.

It wasn't the PS3

PS3 had no games

>online console gaming
>semi-computer consoles
>Microsoft Game Studios and all of their killer apps
>PC gaming in general

Just to name a few. Also
>you have to ignore halo, the game that made console FPS a thing and allowed the domination of FPS to exist, possibly the single most important game of the last 20 years with exception to maybe WoW or Minecraft
Sure, pal, we can box in your argument so it's literally impossible for you to lose, or we just won't because you're fucking retarded.

I have Initial D and Wangan Midnight for my PS3

What do you have?

>Made PC gaming more accessible with Windows 95

Most of you newfags would have cried dealing with DOS. Windows 95 had gaming capability built in Day 1 and made it significantly easier to boot and configure PC games.

>Hiro still hasn't given Sonyggers their own board yet

Ps2 was the best shit though.

You didn't think when you posted this.

There has only ever been one demographic that takes console FPS seriously and seeing as you are so eager to defend it, you are the only retard here, user

Mark of the Ninja

I never had to deal with dos. I only know that if I wanted to secretly play wolf3d, I had to type zip. It even got removed from the screen by my parents.

windows as a gaming platform
age of empires

But it's not 2004 anymore. Servers are not anywhere near as expensive as they were back then, so the subscription fee is completely unwarranted

it's got two real sticks and 4 buttons like the other controllers of that gen, what are you talking about user?