5 million active subscribers

>5 million active subscribers

Can anything stop this behemoth?

Other urls found in this thread:


ps3 limitations

>Can anything stop this behemoth?
Nothing can stop it on the road to MUHALAMHIGO!


The shugo chara with SMT gameplay MMO that will use the same engine that is coming out next year.

>active subscribers
don't you mean bots?

why do japanese devs only put white characters in their games? Do they hate their own race?

>Can anything stop this behemoth?

>WoW gets 10 million players
>FFXIV gets 1
>4 mill quit because latest x-pac is balls
>FFXIV announce they have 5mill subs

>Legion comes out in a month

RIP FFXIV next time actually design proper combat

Legion is going to flop harder than WoD if the beta and PTR was anything to go by.

Got a higher res senpai?

>Legion is going to flop
>Almost all of the top/pro players are praising it already


>those nigs who spend hundreds of dollars on fantasia potions by the droves on Balmung

I can't believe this shit game got away with 30 dollar cash shop mounts.

Source where?

>PTR was anything to go by

PTR is a new talent tree and an XMog system...

Is it actually good though? I've only ever played WoW and Runescape

I'd like to get into competitive raiding again, with more than one or two guilds active.

>Is it actually good though?
If you're expecting Wow, no. It plays nothing like Wow despite the meme Wow-clone.

If you're expecting a well polished theme-park mmo with tons of ff references then yes, it's pretty great.

What are some top tier guilds in the game then? Is there like a ladder system or something? Also what is endgame like?

Oh and just to make sure, there is no pay2win shit right?

Depends on the server, there isn't a ladder system, but there is a personal pvp ranking system.

It's pay2play, and pay for mounts that move at the same speed as free mounts, glamours, and old event costumes.

Endgame is a 4 part hardcore raid, and a new 8man trial of some sort every 3 months.

8man trials are basically just boss fights.

I still wonder how come it makes fraction of wow's even with twice the subs

>FF XIV has 5 million subs
>unstoppable behemoth

>WoW currently around 5 million

I have to be honest and say that the characters in this game looks like second life tier shit. I kinda prefer WoW's cartoony style.

Also, why can't I find any twitch streams of this game? Am I just retarded?

>Also, why can't I find any twitch streams of this game? Am I just retarded?

Also nothing like secondlife characters, if you believe that you're obviously suffering from diabetes and severe cataracts.

scroll down to around 200 viewers

>200 viewers
>5 million players
Literally how? Community is extremely important to me in games, how can a game with so many players have so little community content?

Nobody wants to watch 2.5 second GCDs.

There is literally no correlation between how popular a game is, and how many people watch it. FF14 has no famous streamers or anything, and most of the popular users have youtube channels for how to guides on their page.

Japanese are white

has nothing to do with the gcd. the only content worth watching are raids and at this oiint everyine has done them

game needs more real endgame content.

Literally this

The combat in that game is worse than literally any MMO I've ever played- super slow, half the skills root you even for melee, and the ones that don't make your character slide. Not to mention the fact that you have like 3 super simple rotations (that light up on your keyboard) you have to spam instead of one interesting one because buffs...

OK then. Just a bit surprised. I'm going to try out the trial now. It might be an amazing game.

I think I want to play a tank, so that's the Gladiator class, right?

>I think I want to play a tank, so that's the Gladiator class, right?
Gladiator(Paladin) and Marauder(Warrior). In Heavensward there's also Dark Knight.

Its a decent game, the only bad thing is it doesnt try anythign super unique so if you like MMOs in general its a safe bet. The content will keep you going for a while + expansion.

If you want to play with Sup Forums (which isnt as bad as it sounds) AVOID BALMUNG AT ALL COSTS. Nothing but ERPers.
Ultros has a large FC, gilgamesh has a linkshell of people trying to get into high end raiding there (if you can get on the server) so try those instead.

DRK (In heavensward)

Like if you're gonna shitpost this terribly, why even waste your time?

In fact, why are you even in a thread about a game you don't like? Isn't there something better to do with your time like get a life or something like that?

Like wtf is your thought process, honestly, "Hey my life is shitty, I'm gonna wake up today for some reason, because god didn't have the grace to end it in my sleep, and shitpost in a game I don't like so I feel better about my impotency?

I wouldn't go with gladiator as a first tanking class, marauder is a lot harder, but if you're experienced in tanking you should pick it up pretty quickly.

>WoW currently around 5 million

So is marauder simply better than gladiator then? I used to do prot tanking in WoW, but that's only because I also did some PvP, and I really enjoyed warrior pvp.

I normally enjoy Paladin classes more.

Also what is the best race for a Gladiator or a Marauder?

FFXIV has nowhere near 5 million. That number, which was released last year, included everyone who, at any time, had paid for a month's subs. Most estimates place FFXIV around 800,000 to 1,200,000 active, concurrent subs. In other words, it is getting BTFO. Which makes sense, because it is shit. Of course, the whole MMORPG genre has been shit for over 5 years.







Relax user, there are plenty of people who play other low-tier MMOs like Aion and Neopets

Source: your ass.

Race doesnt matter as much as 11, play whatever you want.

As for tanks:
GLD/PLD is based on heavy mitigation: you'll be taking 0 damage when other tanks are mashing cooldowns, and rattling off blocks with your shield left and right while keeping the boss debuffed with the only on-demand GCD stun in the game. Lategame they get ally shield and heals.

MRD/WAR ends up being a DPS/TNK hybrid where if they dont actually have to tank they end up dishing out huge amounts of damage, and when they are tanking they deal less damage and are a bit shaky on cooldowns but can keep the boss debuffed permanently to help out everyone else. Also super strong aoe damage/hate.

>2.5s GCD

>play WoW
>Mythic progression drags on, everyones getting tired
>decide to make coffee
>can't drink it during combat

>suddenly hear about FFXIV
>give it a try
>can now drive to the grocery store between skills

Thank god for based MMO

Nobody takes Paladin anymore. Warrior is essential to every end-game raiding composition.
Plus you get to wield a fuckhuge axe and fell cleave niggers all day long.
You still need to level Gladiator up enough to get your cross-class skills. They're essential for playing any Tank class to the fullest.


500k would be really generous.

so much of this

Combat is a joke, the real meat of the game is crafting and housing.

>cross-class skills

Also, am I fucked for playing in EU region? I feel like most non-Japs playing this game are playing on NA.


>>cross-class skills
Classes and jobs can use a limited amount of skills from other classes.
Classes can have 10 of any other class.
With jobs it's 5 skills from two classes.

>Also, am I fucked for playing in EU region? I feel like most non-Japs playing this game are playing on N
Depends. Where are you from?

Sweden, but I assume all of EU is one region? Unless it's like LoL where I got put into EU East, but then I'll just remake an account and do an EU West one.

The lizards are Japs with skin probems.

It's like a "Coming soon on /gif SFM Thread"

Game has 2 point 5 minute cooldowns you can play it on Ausfailia ping

EU servers have been located to germany and NA servers are in canada, so EU should be perfect for your connection. Though if you want to play on NA, avoid the Balmung server. It's ERP central.

the thing you don't need to play this game?

You don't need PSplus to play FFXIV.

Are there any Sup Forums guilds or servers on EU?

You don't even need a Playstation.

You wouldn't want to play with Sup Forums.

I played it since launch, just quit recently. If you don't have the time to play everyday (or don't want to play any other games) then don't even bother. Theres easy content that you grind for charity gear every day or you join a hardcore faggot group for this months top tier gear.

Lmao the guy can weigh in with his opinion when he sees the thread while casually browsing Sup Forums.


Yea I love making shit that I'll dread using in shit combat and/or selling it to others for the same purpose

Better still is making furniture for my house. I play on the ERP server so it's basically SecondLife with the opportunity to fight ladybugs

There's some EU people in the Ultros FC, but I think most of them are on Moogle or something.

So I'm in a shit fc on the erp server, I'm finished with the main story and got the classes i wantto 60. What should i do now? I haven't done any crafter/gathering and the chance I'll do high lvl trials and raids is low since i play only a couple hours a day

>Like if you're gonna shitpost this terribly, why even waste your time?
He's not shitposting though, the combat feels really clunky mostly due to the GCD. It just doesn't feel responsive at all compared to WoW.

I really was hoping to love it, and i liked pretty much everything else but the combat, the core of an MMO was really unplayable to me.

I'm really liking the game so far. Been playing for about 1.5 months.

I'm actually surprised that I would ever find an MMO that is on par with WoW.

Though I'm kind of snuffed that the only dps parsing addons out there makes the game lag a lot, which annoys me since I can't improve my DPS if I don't know how much I'm doing.


You know there's a possibility most people don't think watching a MMORPG play is the most exciting thing in the world.

>Combat is core

Uh, no. That's called a fighting game or an action game. If RPG is in the acronym, then story/setting is 99% of what matters.

Well Runescape has 13K and WoW 12K viewers at the moment. So at least some people find it exciting.

You have to admit that 200 viewers is extremely little.

>He's not shitposting though, the combat feels really clunky mostly due to the GCD.

Anyone who actually thinks this is true, has played the game for 10 minutes.

Wow doesn't have 5 million subs, most of those are probably chinks playing in internet cafes.

FFXIV is 10% gameplay and 90% ERP


Why the fuck are people watching Runescape of all things

A million subs is more than enough to sustain an MMO, and more than the vast majority. WoW has made the industry retarded and made publishers expect multi-million subs for ever game.

The idea of competing for #1 and trying to get the WoW audience is what killed a lot of MMOs in the first place, if you can fill a niche and have 100k or whatever loyal subs then you're fine

Where's the nude patch at?


>if you can fill a niche

Yeah, but most MMOs aren't niche at all. Most MMOs are following the EQ model.

The only MMO that can justifiably be said to be filling a niche, is Eve Online.

go crafting/gathering if you still wanna play.

>5 million players
Are you retarded?


I have never played a proper mmo. Is it worth the time and money?

I understand being a wow babby who needs epic fast faceroll 2 button rotation, but this is a final fantasy game. The long gcd makes it feel similar to jts turn based roots, and allows for muh more complex rotations with many more abilities. You probably don't care about that though since your vraphics are so shit you cant tell one spell from another anyway

What are you talking about? I run ACT and it doesnt affect the game in any way and my system was midrange like 6 years ago. What toaster are you running the game on? or does xiv app or whatever the other parser is run that badly?

>there is literally no correlation between how popular a game is, and how many people watch it

dumb frog poster

Well my experience with FFXIV is that the gameplay is balls tier but it was nice scenery and pretty cool people

I tried to run ACT too, and it lowers my FPS by like 15.

My comp was top-end like 5 years ago too, cost like 2000 dollars.

DAoC with RvR, and the director for the sequel has explicitly said he wants to appeal to hardcore players and doesn't really care about casuals
But yes you're right most MMOs are derivative as hell but then so is everything

That level of delusion deserves a frogpost.

Wat. Thats crazy. Has it always done that? maybe try reinstalling? Or try using xivapp (or whatever its called I forget).

>Actually using anything other than ACT

Look at this faggot

You can go back to /xivg/.

According to your logic, Hearthstone is more popular than Overwatch.

There is no correlation between views and player base. None. At all. There is no delusion. There never was.

300dps DRG spotted

don't you have a ledge to backflip off of

I found a free company that filled in the hole that was left when I left my guild in GW.

That's all I wanted out of a fucking MMO anyways. Can we stop pretending like they're at all complex or entertaining as any other genre. You play these games for the community.

>So is marauder simply better than gladiator then? I used to do prot tanking in WoW, but that's only because I also did some PvP, and I really enjoyed warrior pvp.

Paladin is very slow and basic, like white mage, some people love it, most get bored.

>Lmao the guy can weigh in with his opinion when he sees the thread while casually browsing Sup Forums.
Ok I see the need to defend yourself, but it's not his opinion, it's a parrot opinion.

How many times in each thread do we have to see the same stupid
>muh 2.5 argument said and disproved again and again?

It's not a 2.5 global cooldown because you one, get off cooldown skills to use, and 2 can get it at or under 2 seconds with the proper equipment and materia.

That said the whole game is balanced around the cooldown, it's not an attack heavy game, it's a mechnic heavy game, you're not gonna just stand around and do nothing majority of the time you'll be dodging or handling one mechnic or another

Dis nigga gets it, if i wanted to play a MMO for the actual game, i would play .hack //GU all day or FFXII.

>having an auto-renew sub
retarded desu

>You have to admit that 200 viewers is extremely little.
No. Twitch has nothing to do with a game's popularity. Skyrim has sold millions of copies, minecraft is still popular as shit and those don't have a ton of viewers.

Most people who watch ff14 watch youtube videos, the most popular easily get tens of millions of reviews.