How do you feel about the future of the Ys series?
How do you feel about the future of the Ys series?
why stir up needless drama? it's obvious they were ideas thought up after the game was finished.
>day one patches and DLC
So they're westernizing the series?
Where dogi
Why bother trying, otaku eat anything up, why waste money actually giving a shit when a low effort, rigged with countless dlcs and cashshops, earn you just as much, if not more?
Stay at home dad.
Not interested in it. Falcom are shit now since they went to consoles.
Will Adol get his dick wet this time?
More like when they traded morals for otakubux.
Fucking otaku, they're just perverted casuals in the end. Right down to the shit tastic designs.
Looks more like a trails game
Could these characters big less tropey?
>Big dude
>White haired dude for fujobux
>Token loli
>Token love interest that Adol still doesn't give a fuck
Jesus, even Tales tries more.
Trails have good writing, though.
Well, tits does. CS...
So will the Dana segments just be her alone? I like what I've seen from the trailers. But those slow downs man.
Can't we get some Adol alone time again. I kinda miss it
If they keep the party system in the next game then its likely they'll keep it that way.
What is wrong with Adols face?
Who cares. The only thing that matters is if the bosses are fun and the music is good.
If adol fucks a girl he will lose his magical power to wreck any ship he wants
>brown loli
Into da trash
Is this karna in upper right corner, or am i seeing things.
>adol dreams he is a woman named dana
lol all that years of celibacy caught up with him, i guess
Oh god now that I think about it this might eb fucking hilarious.
Doujins never
Happy, I want to see every game Sup Forums still loves get destroyed, you chimps deserve this
>day 1 DLC
>art of the game is now homogenized with the rest of Falcom games
>need to purchase original Adol costume
As much as I love Kiseki, it and Ys are different games and it should stay that way.