Have you ever tried a game you thought was shit only for it to slowly grow on you?

Have you ever tried a game you thought was shit only for it to slowly grow on you?

Yes, I'm experiencing this with Mass Effect r8 now

f-for me it's definitely Overwatch

SaGa Frontier. It didn't click until the second playthrough.


No. I'm not going into the game with my mind set on it being shit.

Dragon's Dogma? It literally doesnt show how good it is till post game.

This happens with books more than video games desu

Probably Mount and Blade.
I played Mount and Blade when it released years ago, got bored after an hour and forgot about it.

Bought Warband a while after it was released, since I was told that it was an improved M&B. I thought it was just as awful in the beginning, but I kept playing and after about 10 hours on my first save I was in love with the game.

Neptunia. I'm now in love with the entire series.

Most games with boss battles tend to do this to me
>die repeatedly when I don't know anything about the boss
>start to do more and more damage before dying
guess it's not that bad
>finally beat the boss flawlessly

I really want to go back to it.

I tried to like Dead Rising but the stupid time limit shit was awful.

Tibia. Back in the day, one of my friends started playing it, and was mocked by everyone because of the shitty graphics and whatnot. Everyone eventually got to play it.
I don't play it anymore because of botters, but some of them still do.

Stop now before it's too late.

me too senpai
i hate time limits in everything except Mario games

Animal Crossing.

The mgs series.
I got into it late because I grew up kinda poor and could only afford a nintendo. So I missed out on all the great games that came out for ps. When I finally tried an mgs game I hated it. The controls were too clunky and I was about to drop it right there but I kept at it.
Now mgs is all time favorite series, and Snake Eater is my personal favorite.

I'm way past too late, I have 2.4k hours in the game now.

Dark Souls II

Went from being disappointed to having it be my favorite souls game in the end

Shadow the Hedgehog

I liked using the guns. That was new and exciting.

Overwatch. I don't really like neo-Blizzard and I found the art style irritating for some reason, but then I decided to try beta and found it really fun when playing with friends.


This. DS2 was the best game in the franchise.

Dark Souls 2

imo post-game was the boring part. there wasn't anything left to do except do the Everfall chores

Alice Madness Returns
Far Cry 2
The whole cuhrayzee genre

I'm 30 hours in, did it happen before or after that?
I just sould vessel'd and redid my build because sword and board was boring as shit.

It feels like the focused on the enemies/areas more than they focused on the bosses. The result is that getting to the boss is a nightmare, and then you just one-shot the boss. It's been like that for every area/boss except the smelter demon.

I enjoyed DS1 way more than DS2 right now.

You played through and beat a JRPG you hated for 50 HOURS and THEN began a new game?
Nigga you didn't hate that game.

None that I can remember specifically expecting to be shit, but there are several games like Dead Space and Farcry 2 that I despised at first but over time they became some of my favorite games of all time.

Everyone said this game was the worst thing ever made. I found it fun and enjoyable

You would love Furi then

"Post-game" for books is generally called an epilogue user.


Not that guy, but kinda. First time through was okay, but slowly lost hype as you keep going. They didn't focus on the areas, many of the later areas are literally corridors and enemy attacks all have the same timing and thus all feel the same. Seriously, once you beat the four great souls the level design takes a nosedive.

That said, after making a few more characters and trying more builds I found that DS2 is better for repeat playthroughs, as the shitty linear level design makes it easier for people who know what they're doing to run through it. You also get access to several area paths really early (Forest, Heides, Shaded Woods, Huntsman's Copse, Gutter). Try out all the weapons was great too as weapon movesets felt much more dynamic (speaking as a greataxe/greathammer user in DS1).

Compare that to DS3. First playthrough of DS3 was a blast with vastly improved level and enemy design. Then upon making a second character I realized that aside from killing Dancer early, DS3 was the most linear Souls game (aside from Bloodborne but I haven't played that). The level design was good, but your choice of levels was rigidly linear and you have pretty much no choice in which areas to tackle in what order. That combined with weapons reverting to DS1 movesets with much less variety than DS2 and it just kinda killed my enjoyment of the game. I began to appreciate DS2 a lot more after 3.

Demon's Souls

Yes, recently too. Basically, this game is "Tim Schafer makes a Super Robot Wars/Advance Wars/Fire Emblem game". I got fucked on my first runthrough half because I specced poorly and ended up with 90% caberjacks (basically melee warriors), lost my one ranged character early in the fight, and the game spawned a melee enemy in a completely unpathable bit of terrain for some reason.

I wanted to put it down, but something inside me just said "try this again, you get it now, fucking breed some good heroes this time" and it clicked. Started over and beat the whole thing on iron mode, which is basically hardcore (autosaves after everything so you can't save scum, and can't manually save or load otherwise except on quit). One of the coolest RPG's I've ever played.

Probably Demons souls. I was playing it like monster hunter which was a bad Idea. Once i got in the right mindset it quickly became one of my favorites.

Fallout 2.

I remember playing the temple of trials as an INT/Speech build and not being able to hit a goddamn ant. I was pissed and unable to believe that this was a game that got shipped.

I persisted. And when I got to the end of the temple of trials and was able to talk my way out of combat with my fellow tribesman, I was hooked. Now it's my favorite RPG.


who is this qt pa-2T

Monster Hunter, now I can't wait until tomorrow, gonna buy the new one. OP Girl is cute.

first it was monster hunter,
most recently, mega man.

both of which due to me getting pwned for first few hours.

pokemon go

HoMM 6

>rent Xenosaga
>feel bored in the first 1-3 hours for some reason
>actually stop playing it
>play it again
>game gets fun
>have to rent it twice to beat it because I wasted time not playing it


Anime name? Google reverse shows nothing

try the WAIT feature Sup Forums-X recently added