You can erase all your memories of ONE video game in order to experience being new to it again.
Which one do you pick?
You can erase all your memories of ONE video game in order to experience being new to it again.
Which one do you pick?
SMT: Nocturne.
World of Warcraft.
Dungeon Keeper, assuming it was back in the day. Presently I'd just look at the graphics and pass on it, what have I become....
Dark souls. The way the world wraps around itself was so cool when you'd discover some new shortcut.
or Ghost Trick
Planescape: Torment
Castlevania Curse of Darkness.
I've finished it ten times. I want to finish it another ten.
Deadly Premonition, but make it so I won't be put off by the way it looks for years, too please.
I still regret that.
Does that also erase the memory of the sequels to that game? Because the knowledge of the sequels and what happens in them kind of ruins the whole point.
Crusader kangs 2
Ace Attorney
Ocarina of Time
Dragon Age 2
I'm a masochist
Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age
Dark Souls
Pikmin 2
Sounds fair
None, i watched the Butterfly Effect, if i erase my memories of a game i might wake up and have no legs
kys if you pick anything else
Fallout New Vegas
Ghothic 2 night of the raven
You're thinking of the Zero Escape series, aren't you
RE4 and never play it
i chose to erase Sup Forums
Deadly Premonition.
Mass Effect series.
Bloodborne, even if deep chalices farming will be hard now.
Mass effect 2 and 3, then pretend they don't exist.
Earthbound, Undertale, and games similar to it.
It's surprising how deep those kinds of games feel until you know every last detail about them...
That's when they all become hollow.
Deus Ex.
>getting betrayed by Paul
>questioning whether you're the good guy
>working for the rebels and UNATCO
>unravelling the conspiracy behind it all
>that background of real life statistics and history
>actually believing Maggie Chow the first time until *coughs*
>breaking into top secret facilities and finding your brother was alive
>Helios awakening
>choosing the three options
DX was a wild ride.
Uh none? I don't want my fucking memory tampered with it will also ruin looking back on them.
Fuck off Men in Black I don't want your cheap girlscout cookies.
depression quest
Monster Hunter
Slowest burning rush I've ever had
>The kid wakes up
Pestilence: The Utopia.
user, you've got fucking exquisite taste there
Skyrim obviously
OoT and Majora's Mask if I can count them as sequels. I'd love to play them for the first time from an adult perspective.
>how deep those kinds of games feel until you know every last detail about them...
>That's when they all become hollow.
For me, that's the case with sandbox games. Initially testing the limits of the world and getting surprises is the best time.
Resident evil 4
Probably Jak & Daxter, I can't remember a game world that was as legitimately comforting and immersive to just wander around and do missions in. Maybe it's the simple open-world game feel that does it, but you can tell they really poured their hearts and souls into creating the setting, story and characters
Only other thing that's ever come close to matching that Final Fantasy VII/VIII/XI level of immersion for me
You wouldn't be interested in it in its current state
Ghost trick or Umineko if VNs count
Crash bandicoot 3
>I will never get the same amazing feeling when fighting cortex for the first time ever again
GTA: San Andreas
No, I don't want to commit suicide.
Post-mindwipe person wouldn't be "you", it would just be a resemblance of "you" that ceased to exists.
Shadow of the Colossus.
Figuring out how to beat each colossus was really fun. But I have them all memorized now.
Persona 3
Mother 3, i want to get depressed again
Ultima Online
There is always an autist like you who wants to be a smart ass but misses the point of the question.
Shut the fuck up
Stop pretending to be deep. This is a pretty simply premise. There are no catches. The memory of one game is erased, that's it. No side effects.
God damn, get out more. Interacting with people will help you filter out retarded thoughts before you speak
That happens all the time user, the only time it truly becomes worrying if there's two separate copies of your consciousness at any one point.
>The memory of one game is erased
And that is enought to make one cease being truly himself.
999 then.
Proto Man please leave
>If you don't have perfect memory you become a cloen of your original self with the same memories
I don't think thats how it works
So if something causes you to lose part of your memory, you die?
Do you remember what gifts you got on your second Christmas?
By that logic, you died years ago because you forgot where your car keys were.
You're retarded. You lose memories constantly. Memories are only a small part of what makes you.
Probably Dragon's Dogma.
I just saw the new Ghostbusters. Can I erase that instead and leave a note for myself warning me against seeing it?
Metroid Prime
Dark Souls
Gotta go with Majoras mask. My favorite game of all time, to experience the insanity of it fresh again would be amazing.
Bioshock easily.
Suikoden 2. I want to play the best RPG for the first time again.
Take me back
Stop watching so much anime.
>pic related
Man those first routes were so great
Silent Hill 2
The entire plot and reveal were spoiled for me years before I played it for myself. It definitely hurt the experience for me.
>Best RPG
Best LRPG, at a push. Don't get me wrong I love Suikoden 2 but take a step back and look at this objectively mang.
Because I got spoiled.
>The entire plot and reveal were spoiled for me years before I played it for myself
so you basically erase the expierence of playing it, but still have the spoiled content in mind. What should that help?
>You can erase all your memories of ONE video game
Obviously that includes memories related to that video game.
You know, that'd be interesting for me.
My first playthrough I barely paid attention. My second playtgrough I actually absorbed what was going on but I already knew the major twists.
Not him but asuming OP's premise covers literally everything regarding a game
''You can erase all your memories of ONE video game''
It should work
The Talos Principle, so I can solve all the puzzles again.
Skies of Arcadia
but isnĀ“t there a difference between the actual game and your experinces made upon playing it and what others tell you about his game?
two different perspectives, so you have to verify it, because you cannot be sure if the spoiled content is really in the game.
It's still memories regarding that video game right? OP says you will experience the game as if its new to you.
L.a. Noire
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl springs to mind immediately.
Alternatively wipe knowledge of clear sky out and just leave it gone.
truly this
Every single video game. I don't want to remember ever playing them. this way i can do something else with my life.
>believing Maggie Chow
I knew from the moment they said "actress" that she would be lying to me
this game man, nothing else like it
I think 2 after playing 1
You'll just fuck it up all over again, but you wont even have an excuse next time.
World of Warcraft
I want to see Azeroth for the first time again.
Without hesitation; Oblivion.
>You erase your memory for that particular game
>Turns out you don't like the game
>Pick Monster Hunter
>All games are so similar that you'd basicly forget about all of them
>Whoops there goes a thousand hours of my young life again