What is the Black Lives Matter of video games?
What is the Black Lives Matter of video games?
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Is that a man
Good, we don't need more retarded sjw breeding.
Isn't that gonna have the opposite effect? If you're some guilt-ridden sjw who hates her own race, then not having children means you won't pass down your tendency to be a cuck.
She doesn't need to worry, no one would have sex with her anyway.
dat forehead doe
Man, do I love video games
They wont be smiling when it begins. The entire left wing elite will go down the same drain as the criminals and muslims. This is the way the wind has been blowing the last few years.
Do no libtard in the media realize how fucking insane this is?
This is actually racist because she's saying
A) She would never consider race-mixing
B) Biracial people "inherit white privilege" but most of them identify as black
It's easy to turn this kind of shit against them
This isn't video games
She's probably too old to have healthy children anyway.
Would rather her not breed at all than pump out SJW spergs
Jesus christ this must be at least an 8head
She could have just fucked a black dude and become a single mother.
Being only half white and lacking a father tips the privilege scales.
keep crying Cleetus
>yfw these nutjobs are eliminating themselves from the gene pool
This is fake right? Can Canyon really be that fucked in the head?
Not because she's old and ugly right?
Also she could have just banged a non white guy.
Also why is that a news article?
Right, because what this country needs is a fucking civil war, you fucking retard, this shit will continue the exact same way it has always been, they will only change the names of everyone involved
What a nice video games thread.
More like because she's a dyke
Video games lol
>the regressive left and their retarded bullshit made you from a leftist humanist to a right wing extremist in not even a year
> she
That's a damn shame, she's a qt
>ivy league professor
I remember people used to ridicule those that didn't attend college. How things change...
>What is the X of video games?
>What video games let me do X?
Fuck off, these are almost always Sup Forumsbait threads
>this feel
I was pretty liberal once. Now I'm a cynical MGTOW who often catches himself thinking that Hitler was right
>What is the ACTUAL Sup Forums TOPIC THAT I WANT TO DISCUSS of video games?
Every fucking time.
A legitimate movement that address actual real concerns, given a bad name by retards who do retarded shit and causing the entire movement to be painted as retarded by another group of morons who can't look beyond their mother's basements.
Art games. Video games as an artistic medium have a massive wealth of potential by taking advantage of player interactivity to provide a new, more immersive experience. Unfortunately, art games are given a bad name due to uncreative cunts who make interactive movies like Gone Home as well as corporate hacks who think "immersion" means hiring some overpaid Hollywood actor to do VA and adding a dialogue wheel.
Sonyfags. They have a victim complex like most black people and feel entitled to having every video game released on their platform.
it most certainly does need. the leftist cancer needs to be removed. they are destroying society
Yeah, that's why you didn't have kids. Definitely not because nobody would fuck you because you look like Peter MacNicol
Battlefield 1
This. They cry evertime a mod doesn't sticky one if their irrelevant events.
Well.. There was some nigger that tried his hardest to make the creators of kingdome come, put black people in it. Like endless threads about it. His argument was because muslim invasions and "moors", which are actually muslims but whatever.
So glad kingdome come is east european, so we dont have to have this swj shit in it
Hey, better than making children and raising them gender neutral or whatever shit they make up.
>regressive left
Can someone please define this term?
I have never heard it be defined by anyone so i have literally no idea what it means.
Besides it being used as:
>Boohoo you don't agree with my opinion, you are a regressive!
same, and im a degenerate trap
>Peter MacNicol
literally, figuratively, transcendentally who
That's because you keep going back to Sup Forums and end up full of hate and idiotic brainwashing ideas in your heads. Get a life. Otherwise you can't handle Sup Forums, paradoxically.
you VASTLY underestimate how desperate white knights are
>won't breed because self racial hate
>doesn't realise if blacked it won't be white
brain damaged imo.
>be libertarian centrist
>laugh as the world goes mad on all sides
isn't politics fun?
it is not inherently bad to be left-wing
to be left-wing and dismiss all opinions as racist while calling yourself progressive
that is what regressive left means
Jesus, that hairline.
I love it when Sup Forums likes to pretend they were ever leftist
>falling for the alt-right meme
People who use left-wing ideals in order to push a regressive social policy. For example, you often hear leftists talk about cultural appropriation and safe spaces, but that's really just bringing back racial/gender/etc segregation from the past.
I got banned for asking in what games can I play as AIDS Skrillex but this thread is fine.
Coming from a liberal that's hilarious
>regressive left
Regressive left is a term used by lefties sick of SJW stuff but not far gone enough to realise that all the left is regressive.
There's such thing as middle ground
Too many fucking idiots on Sup Forums only think in black and white
You don't have to be a stormfag because you hate SJWs
Pcfags too?
>be a one man party
>watch as the world doesn't give a fuck
I knew a special snowflake like you once
insufferable cunt
Bane should not be allowed to re-write history.
>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks
>cultural appropriation
yea that seems backwards when people complain about that
saying your not allowed to do something based on race is racist, but because its white people it's ok
More black people own a ps4.
Do you mean "alt-right" or alt-right.
Because one are cultural libertarians who don't know what the alt-right is and the other are white nationalists
They're not THAT desperate.
You can still be left, just don't go to the extreme
Not extremist are good people from the people who beat their wives because they think they're subhuman to the people who think woman are a Superior species.
>white privilege
So do blacks want to be treated as good as we are, are us to be treated as bad as they are? Because privilege would imply the latter.
lol so in effect the exact same thing as OP
According to liberals it's impossible to be racist against white people.
>it'a a thinly-veiled Sup Forums thread
>people who beat their wives because they think they're subhuman
People like this don't exist
They went after Quinn, I'm not surprised anymore
Fucking 10 months here.
post bulge, no homo
Not videogames. Fuck off.
People who are pushing for segregation rather than integration because they think that's the right choice. The opposite of progressive.
>nobody will have sex with me so I choose not to have sex
I want /vpol/ to leave
Please don't use Luluco for degenerate trapfaggotry
>A legitimate movement that address actual real concerns, given a bad name by retards who do retarded shit and causing the entire movement to be painted as retarded by another group of morons who can't look beyond their mother's basements.
So Gamergate then
Segregation would be better for everyone though
Dumb lefties
99% of Sup Forums will not have children because kids will disrupt their degenerate hobby so I dont see how you guys could point your finger at some dumb sjw for causing the same problems.
This is the future.
I can't tell if this is serious or not
yes they are THAT desperate
i would know my brother is one
Wrong. We have been winning for decades.
Kill yourself you fence-sitting cuck. If you're not with us, you're part of the problem.
>what is middle east.
>what is third world countries
>sjw women studies bachelor of arts JUST BALD MY SHIT UP "professor" refuses to breed.
God invented Darwinism for specifically this purpose. To weed out all the mentally ill, which includes trannies, nu-males, turbo feminazis and sjws etc.
>Too many fucking idiots on Sup Forums only think in black and white
I've noticed this as well. If someone here has neutral opinions about anything, they're called a "indecisive fence-sitter", even when both sides are full of shit.
>They have a victim complex
That would be Nintenyearolds, my manchild friend ;-)
Funny how many times members of any group or ideology complain about being painted like that while simultaneously doing it to groups/ideologies they don't like.
trumplings get off my board
>there are elementary schools in the US right now that are literally allowed and encouraged to emotionally abuse white children by teaching them to hate themselves for something they cannot change
>while turning around and giving praise and privilege to black children just because they're black
Even if I hypothetically DID ever have a chance to have children, I still wouldn't want to because I don't want to raise a child in a fucked up world like this.
>AIDS Skrillex
>8% of the population
>accounts for approximately 50% of violent crime
>never had a historically noteworthy civ
>White Privilege
the only privilege to being born white is that your parents aren't niggers
But I've seen that term be applied to people who did none of that.
And here we have a few other separate other definitions of the term.
It's almost like it's a worthless term which lacks a unified definition which essentially is just used as a way to label people as stupid and shut down the argument.
>Well, you're just a regressive!!
>Oh boy, these regressives, huh? Nothing more has to be said, they're just sooo regressive!
Similar to the race card:
Well you're a racist!
Oh boy, these racists, huh? Nothing more has to be said, they're just sooo racist!
>dumb blonde
>nigger with tattus
its like a contest to see which one is more retarded
White people like this don't exist. Which is why other races should fuck off.