Will it bomb Sup Forums? Or is Square finally back?

Will it bomb Sup Forums? Or is Square finally back?

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Apart from Spin-offs and sequels, has any FF really bombed?

Which cover is better, this one or

This one?

Have they ever spent as much money on a Final Fantasy as this one?

>Apart from Spin-offs and sequels, has any FF really bombed?
There were never any good FF games apart from spin-offs in the first place. The only good games in the franchise are Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story, everything else is literal weeaboo dog diarrhea.

Relatively speaking according to time period? Yeah, probably.

That's not what I asked. Get your eyes checked and while you're there, get your opinions checked too because they both fucking suck.


Good taste my friend

Both are pretty shit
Give me generic black cover with name and logo and I'm good

Good news, just flip the default cover over and you can have that

ITT: the one who has shit taste is you, but the one who feels actual shame for you is me. It's a strange feel.

pleb spotted


I know that the theme of the game is dark and night and all, but I really like the design of the traditional ff white backround. I'm gonna end up printing my own box art.

I know FF characters fought giant monsters before, but it seems silly that they have their weapons out like they're gonna survive that shit.

Ravus looks like shit desu

>rapier instead of the countless summon-spheres


They can teleport and shit though

Those figures are their allies actually - they're the knights of the round aka the previous kings of Lucis

It'll underperform. These days the rpg audience doesn't care about jap rpgs (not unless you're pokemon).

If they're expecting Elder Scrolls money to recoup their investment, they'll be sorely disappointed.

The previous kings of Lucis that like to burn people alive and cursed Noctis when he was 5. They're pretty shitty allies, familia.

Those swords and those haircuts. They just don't fucking get it.

>tfw they will be forcing Luna/Noctis all the way in instead of the subjectively superior pairing of Iris/Noctis

>These days the rpg audience doesn't care about jap rpgs

FF XV seems to be basically a WRPG made in Japan, though. There's no reason this would be inherently less successful than, say, Witcher 3, as they seem to be the same genre of game, generally speaking.

What can I say, random people shouldn't be touching family relics.

Also we still don't know if they somehow cursed shota-Noct at all.

This probably. Just look at how many watched Kingsglaive in Japan. Isn't that supposed to be where Final Fantasy is most popular?

Those numbers were only after the first 2 days of premier.
Besides, japan hasn't been relevant in vidya sales for god-knows-how-long.

>three giants in the background
dont know their names, but im pretty sure this is some kind of spoiler right there, right?

It is going to be complete and utter crap


They're dragging this series out far too long desu, it's time for a new ip.

It's shaping up to be a definite contender for GOTY 2016 tbqh senpaitachi.


Hey that's not fair, the guy playing was awful. Tabata himself probably could've done better.

How euphoric do you feel?

>dragging this series out

Kill yourself you teenage rat


Looks pretty good when someone who knows how to play gets on it.

>limited release
>zero marketing because originally SE didn't intend to release it in theaters at all
>people avoiding it because muh spoilers
>Deluxe buyers getting it for free anyway
Literally nobody expected it to pull any significant numbers, SE included.

Did I say something wrong?

He doesn't have that final boss aura desu
and his movie model is way better

No Dragon Quest rules the roost in Japan, FF after around VII became more popular in the west than Japan.

This one.

There's at least five of them.

Yeah, FFVII. They blew 150+ million dollars on it 20 years ago.

Are they really? Why are they so fucking huge now?

Square is finally back.

Adjusted right? Cause Shenmue was around $80 million and it was the most expensive game ever made when it came out.

I personally think Luna needs her own episode

but its kinda hard to do when the title of the anime series is labeled as BROTHERHOOD

It depends how big the game is and if it gets more complex than the demo, which I kinda dug. I'll likely get it.

What? He looks menacing and great, plus he has a badass Magitek arm.

Also his last name is Fleuret and he has a fencing foil because he's the foil to Noctis.

>countless summon-spheres
And what makes you say he doesn't still have that? Just because Noctis can summon a single sword at once doesn't mean he can't summon multiple at once. We already know that the Fleuret family are mages.

No, not adjusted for inflation. About 100 million of that sum was marketing, though.

>those figures are their allies actually
>they all look like they are going to battle those "figures"

IIRC she's going to get some extra scenes in ep 6.

Probably even more if there's a panoramic image of it
FFVII's development cost was 45m and Shenmue 47m, both without adjustment

they plan to ADD MORE?!

Definately looks like something like Noctis will fight each member of the KOTR and then you gain access to the summon.

There will be no Kingsglaive in my country.
Feels bad man.

That doesn't justify what they did to Nyx. The guy fought for the country and they still burned him alive.

oh no
its them again

So, one of them theoretically should be Regis, right?

looks like DtB. Is it as good?

No way man, he totally feels main villain. He's like the perfect counterpart to Noctis.

Black modern clothes with dark hair vs White robes and armor with light hair
Prince of Lucis (light) vs Prince of Tenebrae (darkness)
Magical weapons and crystal magic vs Magitek mech arm and physical rapier
Both share connection to Luna as fiancee and brother. And you have Noctis, Luna and Ravus representing black, white and grey.
Fleuret literally means foil, Ravus is the foil to Noctis, and he also has a deep seated hatred for Regis and by extension Noctis.
He also tried on the ring of Lucii which is why his arm got fucked, he may have gained some sort of powers from that too.

Seriously, anyone thinking Ardyn is the main villain at this point is letting themselves fall for a red herring because he has red hair, get it?

the first episode is a bit boring

second and third are pretty great

It'll have to be different from previous FF's for me to be interested in. The series really petered out to me.

It's a quiet SOL that mostly takes place before FFXV and centers on how the main four got together and what Noctis is to them. It's surprisingly good, and I am saying it as someone who generally can't stand modern animu.

Yeah apparently Regis appears as part of KOTR when Nyx first puts on the ring in Kingsglaive.


It's confirmed in Kingsglaive that the figures in Kingsglaive that we also see in the Dawn trailer are ghosts of the former kings of Lucis. They confirmed in the SE blog that the figures on the boxart are important in Kingsglaive too.

I like Brotherhood and wish the episodes were longer but why do the towns look like an average Japanese one? I thought the surrounding buildings of Noctis' palace would be a bit higher class looking

>Implying he won't be Ardyn's pawn

Ravus's motivation is too weak and plain to be the main baddie.
"M-muh dead mother"

Ardyn is a wildcard red herring, his motivations are unknown.

Ravus has a clear personal reason which connects deeper to both the protagonist and the heroine of the game.

And it's not just their mother dying as a result of Regis drawing Niflheim troops towards them, there is other plotpoints such as why Ravus even tries on the Lucii ring on in the first place. Not to mention in the 2013 trailer he's talking about the world ending which is in reference to the plague of the stars, the very thing that Luna is trying to prevent.

I think the entire city is pretty much based Tokyo though

in the middle of some sort of weird sex child between Europe and western America

Oh shit.

>such as why Ravus even tries on the Lucii ring on in the first place.
Vergil's syndrom aka "GIB ME MORE POWAH"

we'll see I guess

The concept art they showed last year shows that the closer you get to the Citadel the more high class it is.

I hope it flops and this franchise dies because it's been shit since xii

fuck off you special wallflower faggot


So if Iris is the temp female party member then what will her weapon be?

I think Ravus might be the rival while Ardyn is the actual mastermind.

My dick would suit her best tbqh

Why is a little girl in there

second from the right, I need more of that

Probably a sword to keep up the family tradition.

See . She isn't so little in the game.

It's nice to see them actually embracing the fujo crowd for once.

Forgot the best edition of them all.

God damn, who's the fourth

Aranea Highwind.

Was this supposed to be Gladio and Iris' father when all those characters were revealed a couple of years ago?

Can we quickly talk about how shitty this game looks before XV kun arrives?

What the fuck, that's not my picture. MOOOOOOOOOT

Well, this is Gladio's dad Clarus in Kingsglaive.

We have no idea who that is. It was never mentioned. And he had like 5 seconds of screentime.


From left to right:
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Cindy Aurum
Aranea Highwind
Crowe Altius
Iris Amiticia

FFXIII is one of the best sellers of the saga. Quality =/= sales.

XV will sell as good or even better because of all the hype around it.

I like how he looks like an autism once you put him around normal looking people

It looks perfectly fine when you aren't posting outdated images and clips from old builds.

Does his hot topic arm band have any special purpose? I already heard XV kun justify all the other stupid cloths but never noticed this until recently

Less than that, I think.