Why are you not maining her?

Why are you not maining her?

>post yfw when MAXIMUM CHARGE


Volkskult privyet!

my fps drops by 20 when there's two of these fuckers

those particle effects need to be nerfed

lmao what gpu bruh

its because of all of thar RUSSIAN power

>playing on console

you asked for the silky smooth 24fps

it never happened before either


how does the game run for you? 1080? im on a budget and i want to upgrade my 1gb hd 7770

Zarya is fukin GOAT

Because i'm not enough of a fag to "main" someone

I have to play Reaper because every game I play, the enemy team has a Zarya and a Roadhog, without fail.

I'm a retardo and don't understand how to play her

>maining Zarya

Thanks for the free kill kid.

It ran at 60-90 FPS at launch at medium high settings.
After a few updates I had to lower them to Low to get a stable 60-70.

>plays Reaper
>calls someone a "kid"

What cpu bro ? I have a 750ti too, but just got a brand spankin new mobo and threw a 2500k a buddy gave me on it.

I cap out frames constantly with everything on high aside from like two settings. Also, the rendering resolution being set to 'Automatic' helped give me silky smoothness. For whatever reason at 100% I'd get little drops that would irk the shit out of me.


I got a shitty i3 2120, I'm sure it'll run better on your PC, I just got the 750 ti in order to make the best out of my current set up.

i love to play zarya but im pretty shit. i try to improve though.


I usually have so-so games with her, but when I'm feeling it oh god I'm a fucking killing machine with constant 80-100% energy. Feels so good




Eh that might be it then, hopefully a patch comes around and clears it up a bit for you. I can remember a few games doing similar things too me on my previous setup. I'm looking at you, Insurgency..

I just got the "stay above 70 energy for 60 seconds achievement". Love playing her. She's so flexible, I do just as much hurt from the back line spamming nades and shields, and then can easily transition into the front line once I'm MAXIMUM CHARGE.

>threw a 2500k
Is this the name of a part of the pc or did you literally splashed $2500000 on a computer

I like playing her but I can't seem to get the shield thing down, any tips?

Reaper is not edgy, he is a complex character.


What do YOU think user ?

Use your brain muscles.

When you want to charge, run in front of enemies but first wait a couple seconds so they really notice you and get full 50%. In big fights use your E and the primary target unless they are already well covered (i.e ulting winston, lone mercy, etc)
Generally the shield is too short to be used in prevention before taking damage : use it when you're already under fire.

Probably not the best advice but it works for me.

Easy mode - if you are going to walk into a choke point where you are bound to take damage, throw up your shield
Medium mode - RIGHT when you take damage or are about to, pop up your shield.
Hard mode: play right behind somebody, watch them go into the choke point, pop a shield up on them, follow behind , throw up your shield, enjoy at least 60-100 percent charge CHEEKI BREEKI

Right, I didn't realise that there was an i5-2500k

Alright thanks bros

>tfw main her
>people choose her
>switch to something else

Sounds like a cool dude to be honest family


What did she mean by that?

Fire at will.

lmao noobs cant handle Zarya


I've started playing Zarya recently and she relies way too much on the rest of the team not being shit to be effective. Half the time people don't even realise you've put a shield on them, let alone the fact the shield makes them fucking invincible!

I am aware of this fact but we're doomed unless you play with a party.

My best friend boght OW with me like a week ago and he's still shit, but im sure we'll do some wombo combos once he gets a grip on his character

I usually go from 4 - 2 zarya to 19 - 4 once my team stops fucking up and make use of my shields

simply an incredibly well designed character and fun as hell to play with

Even if they did realize you're putting idiotic shields on them, they would barely have 1 second to have it blown off them.
You are supposed to predict damage unless you play with people who listen.


But OP I main the best character


Melee > your fighting game

fighting games > party games

I will always laugh at Cummies

>lol le meme party game xDD ECKS DEE DEE DEE

Melee is the superior game, We've grown so big we're no longer subjected to the rules of the FGC community

Delude yourself all u want, at EVO the 200k melee viewers grand finals will have will BTFO your street faita shit


She never seems to do any decent damage, even at high charge. It's not just me either, I've rarely had any issues with enemy zaryas.

>but you've just never faced a GOOD zarya even though she gets picked at least one per game

She doesn't have any mobility and her actual tanking potential is kinda shit compared to other tanks.

I think she should be able to send out her bubble shields in an AOE but they give less charge per hit to compensate, because as it stands she relies more on her teammates than her teammates rely on her. A common tactic people seem to use is to bubble the reinhardt just because hes bound to give some charge rather than for protection. It just seems like it's defeating the purpose.

>tfw cannot reliably track a target for long enough to get a kill even at max charge
Yes im actualy this bad, send help

you should stop lying to yourself

I wish Zarya had more depth.

She's powerful, can fight anybody 1v1 at close-range and ignore stuns and other faggotry with her barrier, but she has no movement abilities and nothing special. All you do is pop barriers and left-click (sometimes right-click) somebody down. She's a mistake.

lmaooooooooooooooooo wait till sunday negro dont forget to check melee grand finals

A good Zarya is unkillable and makes matches incredibly unfun. I want to get better with her but also realize that it would involve playing as Zarya.

>w-we don't even need the FGC!
>w-we are growing bigger every year!
>all other fighting games are trash!
Stay butt mad

I die almost immediately after because I run in excited to wreck shit like a retard

right click and explode shitters

tfw our game's community is way bigger than yours xDDd

>your face when when

OP is retarded



it's English 2.0 you illiterate fuck

>post yfw your yfacefwhenw when OP is a faggot

explain the joke that this image is supposed to convey

z has awesome bowling ball shooter


I seem to do well with her but I can't seem to give damage with her outside of landing a direct nade. Do I just spam nades and laser to finish people off?

t.sub 50 fag

At max charge your nades have a big ass AOE ratio

what i do is always aim between characters


O is an enemy hero
X is the nade

after the first one just just track their movement and shoot between them

also spam nades if you drop graviton surge, i've gotten ez quad kills with nades+graviton+near full charge

for close quarter combat just laser the fuck out of them and finish them up with a nade


what was that game
i remember that face

Seems in line with I was doing. I feel like the splash damage is not that strong so landing nades close is key,

there's no damage variance on the splash damage

it either hits or it doesn't, the radius is larger and it does more damage with higher charge levels but it does full damage to everything clipped by the explosion

the damage range is 45-90 damage from 0 to 100 charge

Guys which of her two good skins should I get.
I'm kind of leaning towards Arctic because I like the blue gun.

Wait what? Really fuck I was playing her all wrong then. I was so focused on direct shots that I kept missing completely.

Thanks user.

>played her once for less than a minute in quick play
>competitive comes out
>every man and his dog is playing her and kicking ass
>try her out in quick play to get decent
>she's now my go to tank if no one else is willing

She's pretty good in decent hands, my first experience was holding the gate on hanamura with a guy who dominated as her with me as his Mercy.

Once you realise that after her personal barrier is gone that she is vulnerable for fookin ages she becomes easy to kill.

Putt-Putt I think.

Even console framerates never drop on Overwatch. At least they never have on my Xbone

user is right. I forgot to mention it on Damage is the same. Dont give a fuck about direct hits, just rape them with splash damage

thats why i told you about the in between shots

gl man, im sure you will get better now

>Literally melting Mercy within a 2 seconds

it is truly a glorious feeling

>mfw hitting the entire team with Graviton Surge

Why are you maining anyone?

>mfw retards killed class based shooters

dont take it literally

i play Zarya, Pharah, D.va, Hanzo, Bastion, etc

for me, main is the word used to describe the CHARACTERS you use the most

stupid Sup Forums toddlers

>maining in Overwatch

you're supposed to switch depending on the situation you filth

but I am user

son i r proud

she's useless unless you have a coherent team to back you up
roadhog and rein are more intuitive


So I've been curious aside from Ana, what other characters were teased on a map and stuff before being added to the game? I know D. Va apparently was, I didn't follow the game really before the open beta and I find this kind of thing really interesting.