What does Sup Forums think of Totalbiscuit?
What does Sup Forums think of Totalbiscuit?
He is cancer.
What does Sup Forums think of OP's thread?
Is this the guy who told someobe to get cancer, and then he got cancer?
I would say something mean here but I'm afraid I'll get cancer also so I'm just going to say I hope he's OK.
He is one of us.
Is he dead yet?
fat cuck with cancer
fat cuck who joked about cancer and ended up getting it
fat cuck who uses tweetderp to bully people
fat cuck who will dies and his wifes son will end up getting his you toob shekel
fat cuck who I honestly don't give 2 fucks about and if he died I wouldn't mind
fat cuck who has fat tits
fat cuck who v likes to talk about
fat cuck who joked about double cancer and got double cancer himself
fat cuck who married a woman who already had a kid from a nig nog
he's a fat cuck pretty much
Just a reminder this is the alternative
He sometimes has interesting things to say but like all men he was better before he got married
I can replace "fat cuck" with OP or user and it'd still apply.
That he is.
reminder you are a loser and if you actually know tha tguys name you're an even bigger loser
He's fine. He's a lot less embarrassing than a lot of the gaming "personalities" that now infest this infustry
a spreg that often spregs out on people
so he is just like us
Jacksepticeye and hes totes my fav xD lol y u such a hater
His videos are informative as his PC is top-tier so if a game runs like shit on his rig it'll run like shit on most. As a person he's a knob though.
Generally, his opinions are okay. Probably a bit too harsh on smaller indie games and their options menus.
some retard who got cancer and talks about video games. i.e. irrelevant
Too harsh on indie games? Open Steam, go to early access, and reevaluate what you said. Respond if you still hold that opinion.
The hero we need and don't deserve.
Never fucked over his viewerbase.
Has been talking about disclosing sponsorship forever.
Has talked about the poor state of video game journalism forever.
Cares about the game and not about entertaining.
His reviews are spot on with my tastes. Never played a game he recommended that was shit.
Sup Forums is full of 15 year olds who like screamtubers who force them to gamble their Steam accounts so they can make some money.
>never fucked over his viewerbase
i agree with most points but he has always been known for shitting on his viewerbase
shitting on isnt fucking over
I wouldn't call that fucking them over, if anything that's the complete opposite of bullshitting them.
used to be OK ages ago, started to take himself and his PC crusade too seriously, turned into a complete dick, people started hating on him, went into therapy, decided to be nice and ignore the assholes
then he was OK and kind of fun for a while then he started to take himself and his pc and anti-sjw crusade too seriously again, turned into a self important asshole, people started pissing him off, therapy again, now he doesn't communicate with anyone and just makes videos
also, cancer
He's the epitome of neo Sup Forums.
Narrow minded which annoys me.
The objectively best game in the world could come out, but he would call it shit if it was 30fps. Or on console.
if he is so smart then why does he believe that a man can magically become a woman by cutting of his dick and putting on clothes?
>falling for a meme
He would say it's ridiculous that it's only 30fps because that's a sure sign it's a port, but if it were a good game (ports generally aren't) then he would say it's a good game.
I hear him say that all the time.
Can't handle criticism, throws hissy fits and "quits" social media every month.
he's based.
It's the tutorial target from Hitman Blood Money
Why is this image so creepy? I can't figure it out.
He has said multiple times that 30fps is fine in certain situations and he has also said that he actually plays his Wii U more than his PC when it comes to playing for fun and not for content creation.
His goty was undertale, despite it being 30fips
post the face morph
Why do asian women always look like they're having an orgasm the second anyone even slightly touches their vagina?
Where does this go?
He's a bit pretentious and sometimes a bit douchy but I really respect him. He's got integrity and is an intelligent person after all.
He likes the new Berserk anime. Does that answer your question?
>using fat cuck that many times
I bet your life is a real sad mess, user
This except for Tale of two Brothers which for some reason he loved and I found it quite meh
I like that girl
she has a cute jew nose and does anal
t. Swede
He's a big guy.
im gonna need a sauce on that right fucking now please user
is this the urethra vore comic?
Work for it you little faggot. Tell me your fetish
>fat cuck responded to me
lol stay triggered
OK faggot. That bitch reminds me of Erin from The Office.
In other words for the love of god give sauce.
a m
why does it look like the guy is trying to sell her the wall?
I'll tell you mine: female domination, but not pegging or any of that faggot bullshit, rather women in a dominating position (forced handjobs, facesitting, reverse cowgirl...)
Hasumi Kurea, you dip.
>your fetish
>implying only one
Oh user, you name it I've jacked to it. Now gief fucking sauce pls
he's okay in my book.
in his latest podcast he BTFO people in chat that screamed at him for not liking pokémon GO and calling it out as the shitty cash grab it is.
It's Claire Hasumi
Was good, but got too sick (or too lazy?) to put any effort into his videos.
Nowadays, every other upload is "Shooting the Shit with Girl and Fat Fuck #2 for Three Hours: Episode 1,340"
Can someone direct me to the nearest bathroom
Not enough nips do anal.
It's unfortunate.
their porn is censored so they have to act. japanese people get off on pain and torture so their moans have to match
>Fat badling cuck with cancer is the face of PC gaming
You simply CAN'T make this shit up
Thats another reason he sucks.
The saviour of video game journalism.
you bitch
post the rest
right fucking now I swear to god I'll shit my pants live on camera if you don't
He's okay. I don't enjoy the cynical/arrogant/asshole persona he has, but for the most part he seems to actually know what he's talking about.
That said, he's also just a meme you're bringing up just because lol cancer.
surprise the shitlord hasnt died of his cancer yet
shit it first
MIAD-711 (Kurea Hasumi)
He did not tell someone to get cancer and die. He was asked what his plans in the summer were. He said "get cancer and die".
I saw this from the index and I'm baffled as to how this is related to the thread but more confused by the content of these webms.
I thought the costume change transformation scene was an anime thing, is the West culturally appropriating it?
at least he's cute desu
ok here i go gonna shit my pants right now
How does Sup Forums feel about Phil "DarksydePhil" Burnell?
>shitty cash grab it is.
collecting mons is fun.
Not too bad, but Brothers is not that good of a game. Better off watching a video of it.
It's the same person.
muh dick
why are people posting random pornshit in here?
may he run at 60 frames per second in the afterlife
I'll never forget the cringy video he made about Dark Souls and his "reasons" why it should come to PC.
The hero we deserve.
post pic or webm of shit in pants
what is that? Whats going on there?
He is a Dude From the Internet, with opinions on video games. When he retires and passes on, another Dude or Lady from the Internet will inherit his internet cred and power, kinda like Highlanders.
>posting this gif
Kill yourself
ok i lied im not going to shit my pants but please just post it
my boner must feed
That can't be true! That doesn't fit my narrative!