Is the first Bloodborne boss just really really hard or am I just shit at this game?

Is the first Bloodborne boss just really really hard or am I just shit at this game?

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it's mostly due to the shitty camera and small arena

It's really easy in terms of BB bosses but if you're new to the game it'll seem hard.

Just chase him around a tree or tombstone, this game is made for idiots

camera management is the real boss here

the second boss is the actual casual test

the third is what turns boys into men

then the fourth is the "nice job never reading item descriptions retard" boss

Ok, I'm an idiot, I should have said games in general are made for idiots. Bloodborne is really good for a single playthrough

Isn't BSB usually third or is there some item that makes Amelia even easier?

you can throw a numbing mist at her to stop her from healing

Oh right. I think I've only ever seen her do that once, so I never even thought of using one on her.

dont lock on him
walk to his sides an hit him in the legs
you can lock on to his head and shoot like 7 times at it and it will stagger him to make a visceral atack

I ran into him without realizing i was walking into a boss fight.
I beat him the first time.
I've already forgotten his attack pattern.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen people whining and complaining about how Amelia is bullshit in BB threads and that the game was shit event though the game had been handing them tools to make it easier the entire time

But... This is Cleric Beast... Not Father Gascoine

daily reminder that shadows of yharnam is the true casual filter in bloodborne

how do i beat pls help

Just get behind him and hope the camera doesn't fuck you

This is actually good advice. You can throw fire bottles/oil at him too. 10 should remove a bit more than 1/2 it's health.

My favorite is people not realizing that Pungent Blood Cocktails might be useful on a creature that is stated to be starving for blood.

he's optional

I'm no soulsborne god, but I beat it first try. It's really easy if you stay calm and try to stay focused on one at the time.

Parry/backstab like crazy. Focus on one at a time.

>how do i beat pls help
separate them using the big tombstone in the arena or summon

or you could just charge an R2 and stagger he out of it.

I admit I've sat in front of amelia's boss door for like a month helping people fight her, but I never really thought she was that bad first time through considering what you had to fight to get there

also he has one huge arm and one little one, dodge his attacks in the direction of his small arm and most will miss you

I was stuck on them for a month until I got the best advice for every boss. If you aren't winning the fight in the first 2 minutes you are doing it wrong. Be hyper aggressive against them.
You will gain health back by trading blows.

Specifically get all of their health to 50 percent as fast as possible.

Then focus only on the ranged user.

Next is kill the katana guy as fast as possible. Then you can stunlock the flamesword candle one

boy I wish the cleric beast was this retarded in any of my playthroughs, this fight always turns into a real clencher for me

Hardest boss I've fought in soulsborne; it has my highest deathcount. To be fair a lot of that can be attributed to adjusting to BB

It's easy if you know what to do.

The first time you are scared as fuck watching than big monster.

Take a look.

not your fault Bloodborne gameplay compared to Dark Souls is a battle of attrition.

For example if you go into the fight with 20 Blood Vials, 20 Bullets and the maximum amounts of molotvs then you should win if you trade blows to regain health and heal at correct times.

But because its early game most players jump at him with less then 20 bloodvials and hope they can win. And they cant.

Best advice for any bosses in the game.. Dont go in under prepared without the most equipment you need.

Play agressive, don't lock-on the camera on big enemies, hit hit hit and dodge when the boss attacks.

That's the way you kill most of the beast bosses.

Also: You can break his arms and perform a visceral attack on his head.

First boss is optional fàm.

It's not like Father Gascoigne is easyer...

With the music box he's cake.

It's pretty annoying how bosses are in this game compared to Souls games. Usually in Souls, either you're dominating the boss or they're dominating you, but in BB, all three of the bosses I've fought so far are made of iron, even with upgraded equipment, summons, and items. It's a literary war of attrition against an enemy that can easily outdamage you if you aren't mobile enough.

it doesn't help that I haven't gotten gud with visceral attacks yet though

Holy fuck, when did Sup Forums get so casual?

> I was stuck on them for a month
How do you even get stuck on a story boss for longer than day? If you can't defeat him in an hour or two you go back and farm that dozen levels and weapon upgrades.

helping someone is casual?


ThisBloodborne is a lot different from the souls games as there's no shield and the entire game is based on offense.

Well...don't think many people knew that on their first time playing.

And also it's hard to use properly, you have to be very near to him and he's very agressive on beast phase.

Why not? Unless you sport that 'gitgud' mentality if you feel stuck your options are summoning or overleveling. Nothing wrong with that desu senpai.

Not the same user but in Bloodborne if you can't beat a boss 99% of the times it's because you suck and not because you are underleveled.

Farming it's not the answer, you will keep sucking at it instead of getting good. If you have to farm make it to improve your weapon, giving you 5 extra points on life or stamina won't change a thing.

just make sure you level up a bit and upgrade your weapon.

the biggest reason why noobs fail is because they run around underleveled and don't upgrade their damn weapon.

yup i always save those for him.

yes git gud.

I'm not OP you tard

The only time I'd reevaluate my setup is if I'm doing too little damage, if I can remove at least a small chunk of hp, then losing means I just need to strategize better.

>died to cleric beast +20 times
>beaten shadow of yharnam on my first try
The real casual filter is BSB

>Reach BSB
>Be a fucking noob and not read the description of the items
>3 "defensive" trys
>Ok that's not the way
>3 "agressive trys"
>Ok we reached poison phase but it's still hard...maybe I can parry it...?
>It can be fucking parryed
>Easyest boss ever once you know when to parry

BSB will absolutely not hit you if you just walk behind him

I'm serious, don't dodge just stroll to his side

>Easyest boss ever once you know when to parry
You don't even need to parry. Literally dodge left the entire time and the fight is a joke.

I beat all the bosses solo on my 1st time playing

But I summoned 2 npc at SoY because I considered they broke the "1 vs 1 rule" and my ass couldn't be more open.

Glad to know I'm not just a retard

I beat Dark Souls but something about this shit is way harder

Still haven't beat cleric beast after a couple hours

Is it really that hard to dodge? I never have a problem with it.

you don't necessarily need to get good with visceral attacks. get your movement down, take your time and observe. this game only pretends to be faster and really rewards strategic combat decision in pve. get your movement, then focus on learning viscerals.

man the i dont know how anyone beats rom the bullshit spider solo. Only boss in the game i summoned for.

It's not but during my 1st time playing I was playing with "Dark/Demon souls" in mind and I was playing VERY defensive and the game punishes you for that. In Vicar Amelia I finally learned I had to be very agressive on BB.

Amelia melts when you use flame paper on her anyway.

Patience. It's a hit & run boss.

Well to be quite honest, i fought it later in game when i reached Y'hargul since the machine gun guy gave me quite a trouble so i decided to visit old yharnam later.After i've beaten the Darkbeast, i realised that i ended up in Old Yharnam, so decided to explore the area and found BSB there.Beat it on my first try but still it was a bit tough to handle and later on i learned it was the 4th boss in the game.So, i thought it would ve been really tough if i were to fight him early game.

most of my runs consisted of the hunter pistol. started a str/blt with the blunderbuss and holy shit you can parry werewolves. never looked back. until the evelyn and gatling gun, but those are offhand and generally the gatling gun only looks cool whereas the evelyn will put in fucking work. lets not even get started on high blt blunderbuss with an ash shot. god damn.

The spiders one shotting you was bullshit.The fight is just more boring than fun.It's really all based on RNG even if you are being patient with Rom.

I know that fucking feel.
I beat all 3 souls game before I started bloodborne so I was expecting to breeze through it.
But nope, it took me quite a while to realize you have to mash buttons like a retard in this one, unlike the other souls games.

The difference is maginal

You will probably kill him first try on subsequent playthroughs. Game becomes a lot easier once you get good with viscerals, being able to dodge after ducking one up is nice.

just walking to the right works as well, he literally cant hit you.

You pretty much have to use free camera, don't lock on. I beat chalice Rom solo doing this. It's annoying though.

this pretty much. the only time i ever really die to rom is when i just want to be over with the fight. it's one of the few, next to ebrietas, where you have to play the long game.

Easiest souls boss period.
Literally just walk right and he is incapable of hitting you.

Stick to his thighs and fucking wail on that shit with the saw cleaver or saw spear in its non-transformed state.

nah, emissary is by far the easiest but i do agree bsb is easily handled by our classic friend circle strafe.

Didn't Shadows of Yarnham get patched so that managing their health doesn't do much to prevent supermode any more?

they fucked up with Rom making the spider jumps one shot you. Makes the battle far more annoying that it should

anyone have any tips for beating orphan of kosm?

Champion Gundyr is the easiest boss by far, I would even go so far as to call him easy peasy.

Learn to dodge, how hard is that? Not hard at all.

take your time and try to parry.

a hunter is never alone

just take your time and kill the spiders, use hit and run to avoid the arcane ice bomb attack
this, I'm good parrying when playing offline but I co-op in the chalice dungeons a lot and if you're not the host parrying is much more difficult due to lag, so I've gotten used to beating bosses like pthumerian descendant and blood-starved beast without parrying. You can definitely beat any boss without the mechanic.

Just got to Logarius and it's the first boss I'm really having trouble with, like more than 4-5 tries. He just isn't really that fun, for some reason, like I can only lose to him a couple times before I turn the game off and come back a couple days later.

First phase, the skulls just feel really weird with their timing and when I think I'm dodging through them they're still in front of me. Second phase, I lose lock on every single time he goes in the air.

What the fuck are you talking about

Everyone always forgets Dragon God.

So right now the only bosses I am able to face are Amygdala and Martyr Logarius, bit I feel super underleveld for them. Shit, I haven't even encountered Rom yet. What am I doing wrong?

There's a joke in here somewhere about Cleric Beast being optional and OP asking about the "first" boss...

>Uptick in BB threads recently
>Reminder I suck and am stuck at Rom

I'm just gunna an hero

Use Tonitrus
Or Tiny Tonitrus
Or Lightning Gems

How are you approaching him, user? Just kite the spiders away from him, kill them one at a time, and then plink away at him very slowly, being careful of those attacks.

with martyr, you're trying to go too fast. i understand having to heal from his shit a lot but you should be ending that fight with 6-11 vials left. as has been said in the thread already, take your time. this is a long fight. anywhere from five to almost twenty minutes depending on if you solo or not. if solo, prepare for a longer encounter. keep your saint's blood handy, in a pinch it'll work wonders. also, use those beast pellets, they're amazing.

Rom the bullshit spider bitch isn't a fun boss even if you know how to beat her.
It's literally an 11 way gank at the start of each phase with every single one of them having at least one move that can kill you if you're not careful and the big one having a crystal meteor shower that will kill you unprepared


it's not that hard.

this. just remember for the second phase when rom is getting all magicky that the little spiders won't kite too far from rom. you're gonna have to fuck with the camera a lot to watch out for the meteor barrage, just continue to take the little ones out one by one. or, run in, get almost a full stamina bar of attacks out(leaving enough to quickstep away), back off and then wait for another opening.

If you can get under his jump attack he's open for a backstab.

Also he can be parried, but you will have to know which moves are just better to dodge.

Also learn when to stop attacking and dodge his retreat attacks.

Is it really this simple? I've always been dodging and strafing left and this boss has always been trouble

if you need help make a password

yeah, go to the right for sure. when he does that long charging slash, dodge into it for some tasty free attacks. bsb is open for a good 2 or 3 seconds after that one.

First time I tried to play Bloodborne was right after DS2, and BSB made me quit the game. The DS2 style combat of staying in front of enemies and baiting attacks that leave openings does not work at all in this game. I've picked it up again after finishing DS3 and I've reembraced the oh so exciting circle strafe and now every boss is pretty easy.