Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
He's a retard magnet
This, christ almighty.
Can't win by himself.
No matter how many heroes you kill, you can't carry your shitter team.
Looks like Jim Sterling.
Not if you end the game in 20 mins cuz you made their mid rq and ganked the shit out of their safelane
they censored his tummy
fucking goobers
rip off
Sorry, Blizzard has a copyright on abominations.
Find a flaw.
He's fat, and fat people lack discipline and don't deserve love.
Find a flaw.
I-i can't.
He can never enter into a narrow doorway normally
He's Bernie Sanders.
He's Bingo Sandbelt.
>tfw io arcana soon
He's Bouncing Singalong.
Easily countered by BKB. Useless when CCed. Useless if he is not supported with CC.
>started playing morphling support
>Timber is permanently stunned by Adaptive Strike
>The tears that fuel my crown of tears.
This is delicious.
Top 10 heroes that autistic retarded manchildren (or literal children) pick 98.56% of the time in no particular order
>Juggernaut - muh cool honorable katana slashing masked man
>Anti Mage - i gotta be the guy on youtube with the highest xpm/gpm highlight even though i'm fucking garbage at last hitting
>Drow Ranger - muh silent blue waifu guhhhh
>Pudge - gotta be the next dendi lololololo
>Invoker - hurr durr so what if i lose my lane, invoker is just TOO DEEEP for you to understand. you wouldn't know why I maxed quas first, hmph typical kid
>pick pudge
>land a bunch of hooks
>nobody says shit
>miss one hook
literally perfectly balanced
>top 10
>posts 5
I'm a retard
I'll think of the rest on the top of my head
>Legion Commander
The reasons I'm sure you get.
He has a problem on not fitting any lane, he is only truly viable as a roamer, but then you are much better at picking bh or riki. He can be potentially broken with aghs, but against any coordinated team he will maximum get 1-2 pick offs and then he will be a giant gold feeding liability.
ShitLord will actually have the exact same problem if released with old skills, he may fit into the offlane with an iron talon, but it would be shit anyway. At least he has some armour unlike pudga. Actually many strength utility cores are bad now, they don't justify themselves as mid vs shit like invo or dp, can't offlane due to zoning out and talon and putting them safelane will only work in a wonky lineup. I wonder when mid became safe lane number 2.
>Not immediately muting both the enemy team and your team at the start of every game to avoid the cancer
Your own fault.
>not faceless void
Old riki maybe. New riki has normal players.
BH however...
>tfw Valve killed Bruno and gave us Slacks instead
That's not a bad idea. I'm sick of timbersaw.
find a flaw
Play skywrath support. I've kept an offlane timber level 1 until literally 10 minutes into the game.
find a flaw
peruvian magnet
based d2g embassy
whats up gulagians
>people who purport to partake in dota 2 without being part of its canonical fanbase
roflmao @ you, kiddo
why is riki in every fucking game now.
Same thing that happened to sniper and axe, people realized they're not just pubstomp heroes anymore.
Sold out to Hillary
being a support player is suffering. I cant save up and get a gem because my team always has a gondar or slark in them and I would fuck them over if I died.
can't you buy a gem for your offlaner or smth
find a flaw
May I join this gathering of magics?
I too am able in this "magics".
Old Faceless maybe. New Faceless requires a little bit of thinking to use properly offlane.
Or just use Iron Talon.
Find a strength.
Literally best hero in dota.
can oneshot pepes?
nyx nyx
build variety
King of supports coming through, peasants.
he's a character in a dead game
and he's valve's
she looks a lot cuter in this pic than in her streams desu fama
she will make you feel like a manlet
wtf is that the new joker?
My nigga, great taste.
Find a flaw
That would be the most underwhelming arcana to date.
Salty 2k mmr spotted
>down from 3426 to 2974
>-25 MMR
let me back into 3k god, let me save some face and be like the big kids
Post your dotabuff, you're clearly doing something wrong if you're going straight down 500 mmr.
Sven is all about physical damage, and cleave completely ignores bkb AND armor value.
here's the end of my losing streak that put me there with team matchmaking games with friends cut out
i just got back into it after like a 4 month absence with no idea who the must have supports are this patch
Found the flaw. Dota is one of the most cancerous, anti-fun piles of shit in gaming and should be banned from being played, deleted off of everyone's system, and anyone responsible for unleashing that hell upon this planet should be launched into the sun.
thats not overcucked.