How can ActiBlizzard even compete?

How can ActiBlizzard even compete?

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>half of the top 10 are blizz games

I dunno m8

just 2 are good or decent, all others suck so bad but thanks to nostalgia/oldfans/blizzdrones

activision killed blizzard

The only game that can even compete with Dota 2 is their shitty mobile app game. Why are they even still a game developer?

>HotS that high
actually impressed

also HotS and SC2 are only on top at the moment because of dreamhack

It's bots.

>Thats high


people are tired of watching games, there's only viewers of personalities at this point

>people actually thought ow was going to kill cs

It was always viewers of personalities. It hasn't been purely about video games for many years. Early in the days.


>The amount of twitch viewers a game has is directly proportional to how good it is

OP is shitposting

Well LoL and Dota are better than CS GO and OW so i guess its kinda right

LoL streams are all bots then.

There's an on-going major tournament. Same for SC2. Those games usually average like 3k viewers or some shit when there are no big things going on.

No shit.

A tip to you my good sir ;)

They just mean that people watch streamers and YouTubers because of the personality of the player, not so much the gameplay or for genuine interest in the game, save for how the player reacts to or comments on the game

That still exists? Honestly impressed.

They only get views because they are promoted on the front page of Twitch. Blizzard jews it's way up all the time, I'm sure most of the people competing at dreamhack are being paid.

Uh oh, you just triggered the Overshills user, be careful next time.

Maybe people actually play the games instead of watching someone play it for them? Or is Sup Forums endorsing lets plays now?

LoL and dota are absolute shit what the fuck are you on?

Apparently it has """""millions""""" of players.

Pretty much.

Here's your upvote :) I also enjoy watching streams of said games while a large black man culturally enriches my tranny girlfriend's forbidden love tunnel. Did you see that last Rick and Morty, btw?

>competitive HotS
haha fucking blizzard and their forced e-sport

P sure he means across all their games. Which I also doubt. I guess OW is doing kinda alright atm but I doubt anything else is.

>17k HotS viewers

That shit usually has 3k at best.

>I'm sure most of the people competing at dreamhack are being paid.
well they do play videogames for a living so...

The fact WoW even ranks so highly ever is a bit impressive imo. The game is as boring as watching paint dry to watch. Mostly people watching beta?

Blizzard is the best company in gaming by far. They provide more content than anyone else, and do it at a good price. Overwatch was a masterpiece of a game, and no amount of tf2 shitposting and Valvedrone retardation can dismiss this fact.

Blizzard isn't only doing good because of marketing, it's because they genuinely care about their playerbase and respect gamers from either console and pc. So fuck off with this shitposting, Blizzard will, and ALWAYS will be the best company around.

No, being paid just to attend. Nobody gives a flying fuck about HotS.

you're trying too hard

Have a (You) for the effort.
You'll have to try harder next time though.

That's some terrible bait.

>6/12 are ActiBlizzard

in all honesty, they have a lot of ground covered.

Stay salty, Valvedrones. I hope your shitty company goes under after they get sued.

but i mostly play quake...

Heroes of the Storm is fun

If you want a newbie-friendly MOBA LoL is better

No excuse, play the superior game that is called Overwatch. It's only $40 and is a good way to have a lot of fun, make friends, and be social. It honestly is fun, in my opinion if you don't have It you should probably get it.

the skill ceiling is too low

>DBD in the top 2 rows
Who /Dwight Power/ here?

>people actually thought ow was going to kill cs

It took CSGO four years to reach 20 million sales with most of them sold for $6 in the steam sale to hackers. Overwatch got 10 million in a week at $60, and will never be sold that low.

Nice try Valvedrone. The skill ceiling is plenty high. It requires good thinking and judgement. Can you pull off webm related in tf2? No.


>having a compendium is not forcing an esport.

Thanks for the giggle

>10 million




>people playing
>people watching

You know...

>dotards literally give their money away to the chinks like the good valvedrones they are

like pottery

whoa... this is... epic...

Gonna have to post source Blizzshill

>Hearthstone Blizzards biggest success
>Pokemon GO Nintendos biggest success

This is truly the darkest timeline

whoa guys he pressed Q
hide your wifes son

those 10 million casuals arent gonna turn their game into an esport tho.

>That fov
Makes me literally sick.


A Q press is a Q press, you can't say it's only half.

>StarCraft 2
WHAT THE FUCK the scene is basically dead, who is watching this game? Not saying it's a bad thing...

Well I turned it on literally because of this thread. I haven't watched in years though.

didnt pokemon go reach that in like a day ?


Stupid valvedrones shouldn't you be playing tf2 aka dead game? Go away stop shitting up Blizzard threads.

pokemon go is free

You have to realize there is a reason people laugh at twitch views, around 40-50% of the total viewers on twitch at any given time are bots.

>playing with default fov

damn son i even like overwatch and that made me mad

I never understood how people base things around streaming. Who gives a shit how many people are watching a game? People should be playing it, not watching it.

Runescape has no business having 13k viewers, jesus christ. Twitch fags are mentally ill.

since streaming is popular, it's basically a benchmark of how popular a game is. what's so hard to understand about that?

some games are easier to stream and more entertaining to watch.

Why not? The CSGO scene is sustained by casuals gambling skins.

no, user. i was genuinely impressed. you should post some more sick plays.

The problem is more people follow the streamers than the games. You'll see some niche game climb to the stop for a day because SCHOOTYBOOTYX36 decided to play it and the people who watch him play LoL still watch him play anything else

>it's basically a benchmark of how popular a game is

Not really otherwise Cod, fifa and clash of clans would be at the top.

OW doesnt have trade-able skins

That's not true at all. When streamers like soda or LIRIK play random games that barely anyone plays, it's in the top 4-5 games. streaming is 90% about the streamer, 10% about the game. They should just be playing the game themselves anyways

this, its more of a benchmark of what popular streamers are playing

Oh alright, this is one from the other day.

>not copies sold

You have to pay $60 to play it.

i've tried watching overwatch and the observers really suck

it's impossible to follow what's going on so it's not worth watching

Maybe you're just autistic

The top five games are some of the most popular in the world. They definitely beat Fifa and Cod

Why watch when you can play?

>When streamers like soda or LIRIK play random games that barely anyone plays, it's in the top 4-5 games.
the thing is, those games dont average a high amount of streamers.

>otherwise Cod, fifa
cod is dying and does fifa have any actual sales figures?

viewers* although both are correct

I just don't understand why people enjoy twitch. People flock when a new games comes out and I just sit there thinking. "Why ruin a new game for yourself at 720p?"

>if it's popular, it's good

TWO JUSTIN BIEBER SONGS IN THE TOP 10, where my #Beliebers @??

Lol fifa is one of the biggest games in the world, everyone plays it.

i hate the default everything, even had to switch melee to a better fucking button than what it was originally.

>hating on based bieber

Ask a sports fan. I'm sure theyve rationalized it by now

>person doesnt feel like playing atm
>person is eating
>person likes the twitch chat(some really do)
>streamer is really good
>streamer is doing a giveaway
>streamer is doing something unique(SaltyBet, TwitchPlays[x])
>streamer has a interesting personality

until i see some sales figures or something, im skeptical.

I gotta be honest since these posts that Zerg vs Terran match I just watched was entertaining.

I wouldn't quite say it was great. I'm always going to be disappointed at how slow and blobby SC2 is to this day. But it was good. It was entertaining.