Sonyggers, apologize to PCbros right now!
Sonyggers, apologize to PCbros right now!
Other urls found in this thread:
As a game with an online component it should have never been on the PS4 to begin with.
>implying anyone on PC is gonna even bother to play this
Neat, I'll be buying this!
I can't hear you over the fun I'm having.
never played an EDF game before. Sup Forums wont shut up about themdo i need to play the only other one on steam first before 4.1?
>You lived long enough to play an EDF game with more than 10 FPS
what a time to be alive
Neptunia and now even EDF are on PC.
So tell me once again why Sonyggers insist that PS4 isn't just a Bloodborne and Uncharted machine?
my fucking side
It's gonna bomb.
Vanillaware and Atlus games are still on PS4, but not on PC.
No, that one's shit.
Congratulations, sonyggers, you have only one game.
They will never get Kingdom Hearts 3 thankfully to some licensing shit that prevents it from being digital.
Persona is the only other franchise I want to see come from PS to PC
Console war babbies are pathetic.
Fucking awesome.
No harder than your economy.
Meanwhile, everyone else has no games
makes you really think
>all those guys saying the "Earth Defense Forth 4.1" entry in steamdb had nothing to do with EDF because of the typo
KH3 is coming to Xbox One, so chances are it'll make it's way to PC still.
I genuinely believe Sonyggers are the saltiest lot on this board by far. The Pokemon Go ordeal. Fuck Sup Forums is like a circus where Sony is the lead clown.
> no couch
Into the trash it goes
>PC is finally opening up to the amazing arcade games selection that up until this point has been the sovereign domain of the Playstation
All that needs to exist now is an Ace Combat HD Collection, new Armored Core games, and a new Warship Gunner in the same amazing style as II was, and I can die a joyous man
Same place where your opinion resides.
Given FROMS experience with PC releases now i'd say a Armored Core for PC is very likely.
If even Danganronpa and RoTK are coming to PC, then there's yet hope for those. It's a fucking exodus.
looks like complete shit desu
>people like Pokemon GO because its the first of its kind in terms of AR monster catching
how stupid can people be?
The game is already available on mega. Google it.
I would provide a link, but I'm at work.
Day 1 pirate
I still have Bloodborne.
Literally NEVER EVER.
People like Pokemon Go because they like Pokemon. No one likes that monstrosity Sony failed through.
Stop with this consolewars bullshit, fucking stupid entitled shits
Kill yourself, get a job and buy the fucking game, I'm a poorfag and I'm not that desperate and do buy my games
Why do people get so upset over some guy playing Warframe so much? Granted, it's not a very good game, but I feel good for him, knowing he found something he enjoys so much. Wish I had a game I could enjoy for so long.
Now THAT'S something to be ashamed of. Invizimals is crap. I had fun with it on the PSP when it was fresh, but I felt genuinely embarrassed playing the demo of the Vita version. I hope it goes somewhere great some day, (they can start by removing the live-action sequences and stop pretending your console is some amazing device for interacting with monsters) but for now it's just nothing special.
source ? probably fake because google gives nothing but still wanting to try it
>kill yourself, get a job and buy the fucking game
user, something seems off with that sequence of events are you sure that would work out
I have a job, I just rather not spend money on things I can get for free because I'm not retarded.
>PC on the rise
>Nintendo on the rise
>even the fucking Bone is generating some twitter-hype after Scorpio was announced
>Sony is bleeding """exclusives""" left and right
How do we come back bros?
You know something you can get for free? STDs, go give them a try!
I hope someone steals your house, why would they buy stuff if they can get it for free?
Mother fucker, he played an average of 6.19 hours per day. For YEARS. He's not enjoying that game, he's addicted to that game.
Just build a PC for xbox games and you'll also get the wii u emulator alongside with it. Just face it sonygger, ps4 is trash.
Calling it now:
>Bloodborn will have a HD remaster for PS4k that will go the way of GTAV and release on PC and Scorpio too
don't forget on the fucking PS4
There is no comming back. Your kingdom burns.
I remember all the dumb autists using EDF4.1 as an argument to justify buying a PS4 while spamming webms of the game
Feels good bathing in their tears. Fuck them to death
Metal Wolf Chaos remake when
I will but I'm not paying for
Today is a sad day for sonyggers. So many games coming to PC/STEAM, so little reasons to own a console.
literally the only reason I was considering a ps4, pretty neat
I remember that thread. Sonygger tears are the best of them all.
Meme magic strikes again. That faggot didn't believe.
Where the fuck are you ? Come and let us mock you with dank memes.
Enjoy your terrible port, hope it runs like shit for you subhumans!
fuck just bought this when i could have pirated
When that happens I'll shoot up the closest Sony corporate office and massacre all employees.
Why do people circlejerk to Souls games so much? I bought it on a Steam sale, spent hours modding it to make it playeable and look good, but got bored halfaway into the 2nd are. It has a cool aesthetic but the gameplay just seems kind of repetitive.
Too bad Mugen Souls is fucking shit, they won't miss it
Stop posting about this port. It's going to run terrible so it's still PS4 exclusive anyways
>Censored shit
Don't support ghostlight the sjw faggots who won't uncensor their games
>all these literally who games that sonyggers hype up then completely stop talking about once they get released on other platforms
Every time
>mugen souls
This game is so bad that not even ps3 owners like it and its nisa so enjoy the censorship
So tell me would somebody even bother owning a PS4 except to play Bloodborne now?
Mmmm delicious
Fuck this shit. After I bought Insect Armageddon I won't touch this shitty series again.
Don't worry you ruined threads when it was a ps4 exclusive so I'll be ruining threads for you cancerous secondaries.
You can do it from the couch without having to sit hunched over some desk. Enjoy backproblems.
So should I stop talking about Neptunia V-II and how that it's still PS4 exclusive?
Oh wait. It doesn't even run terrible. It runs bretty gud. Praise Iffy.
>A port of a censored ps3 game to pc is less of a reason to own a ps4
You're retarded aren't you
>mugen souls
Keep it coming
And you can do the same on PC, your point?
>Im too stupid to connect my pc to the tv
Why do Sony fans claim multiplats as exclusives? EDF ran on 360, it's not a Playstation exclusive franchise. I notice this with PSX all the time on /vr/, a lot of the games people add to PSX lists were on PC or even fucking Saturn in some cases.
I can feel your asspain through the screen.
I'm on an Xbone, so this doesn't really effect me, but god your tears are the juice of the heavens.
as someone who plays my consoles for everything but league of legends and terraria with friends why should i even be happy that we have that garbage at all, let alone exclusives.
>b-but muh couch
>b-but backproblems
ayy to the lmao
>expecting Sonyggers to be intelligent
You see the problem here?
Go be irrelevant somewhere else microshill
>i'll be ruining your threads now that the game isn't exclusive
You're more cancerous than anyone else here. Literally pathetic.
>post yfw you didn't buy a ps4
I'll start
Thank you sonybro', i hope you get good ports from pc too.
>as someone who's opinions don't matter
>no games
>somehow normalfags flock to the machine
Outside of PC, how come other home consoles do so bad?
Thankfully, I bought the game from Toys R' Us for $19.99. I was pretty pissed when I found out it was the same unbalanced game as EDF 2025.
Now the price is $19.99 on Amazon. Maybe PC beggars actually have a use.
Nah fuck you, we couldn't have edf threads when 4.1 came out on ps4 without port begging and shitposting so you don't get good threads. Fuck you secondary cancer.
I play Xbox so I don't care much about this news, but it makes me happy to see our cousine-PCbros take something from the Sonygger camps.
Have fun friends. Maybe we can even cross-play some more games in the future!
a FUN game is coming to a platform that tons of people play on?
Gonna buy this day one.
I loved the previous titles and the split screen was a blast with bros. Having online coop with even more weapons, maps, and enemies makes it all the sweeter.
>complaining about consoles
>current year
>mfw bought a ps4
nice meme cuck
What are you talking about?
nice impotent rage bitch boy lmao.
Nice post underage
Report and move on people.
It's not enough Nintendo has Go threads and plug and play rom consoles clogging the board, one fanboy must ensure those bastard Sonyggers truly feel the burn tonight!
The wrath of smartphone apps and plug and play rom consoles goes deep, deeper than my grave G
I'm a huge Sony fag and I don't give a shit. I've played like three different EDF games and they've all been boring grindy garbage. I'm surprised to always see people talking about it like it's good and not shit.
I strongly suggest pirating it to see if you like it, or waiting for a sale.
Mugen Souls Z is legit one of the worst games I played on the PS3, also it's censored.
These games have more reused assets than bloody majora's mask.
Nintendo: Lack of games last gen
Microsoft: Lack of exclusives last gen