What was the game that made you never preorder anything again?

To those who've had the misfortune of preordering games in the past, but no longer do it now, what was the one game that completely broke your willingness to preorder games anymore?

Pic related. It went from one of the most hyped games of the year to something everyone forgot about.

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Kill me.

Still don't know why it died of so quick. Had a lot of fun with it for couple of months.

For me it's pic related. The pre-release trailers got me so fucking pumped up but the final product was just uninspired and shallow

>Still don't know why it died of so quick. Had a lot of fun with it for couple of months.

I tried giving it a go, Hell, since I pre-ordered it I was forcing myself to try and like it. But the awful AI ruined the singleplayer, the spam of "WE LOST A COMMAND POINT, TAKE IT BACK!", The Awful Lag in the oddest places, the fact you couldn't really *kill* someone rather than knock them out and keep firing for an absurdly long time to make sure they stay *down*, and the absurdly weak looking grenades all did it in for me.

>Kill me.

In your defense, that was pretty much one of the most infamous hype failures in vidya history.

Aliens: Colonial Marines

I got cucked hard by watchdogs, never again.

buyershock infinite. i even got the season pass.

I'm 30 and I've never pre-ordered a game. There's no point.

Both of these

Also DMC2 taught me to never trust a pedigree

Also Black.and White taught me to never trust lionhead

Just fuck my shit up senpai