Am I the only one who think is Reaper should be nerfed?
maybe less health
One of three things needs to happen with him:
1. Health lowered to 200.
2. Speed boost removed on Wraith.
3. Invincibility removed on Wraith.
Limit to how many guns he can carry would make a little sense.
His bullets need to disperse a little more. The point is that he's supposed to be at a great disadvantage at medium to long range. He should ONLY be effective at close range
Have you played reaper?
Thinking he is effective at anything but close range is laughable.
>yes (lowered a little)
what would the point of wraith be then if you remove the invincibility?
If you remove the invincibility then you should allow it to clip through walls or something
>what would the point of wraith be then if you remove the invincibility?
He gets a Lucio speedboost. That alone makes the ability strong, both on one key press is retarded.
does this affect his superior abilities in any way?
most of the times you attack one spot(you must stay in range to get it) hug a car or beeing near that car or defend a base,,,most battles in overwatch are CLOSE quarter battles
>let's nerf the hero that is only useful against rein, winston and roadhog
lol, you need to get good
>nerf his medium to long range
>but user his medium to long range is shit
>overwatch is a close range game wow hes too strong
I think you're overestimating how much faster he gets, smaller guys can easily just follow a low hp reaper trying to run away.
He has the same effective DPS as Tracer from similar ranges. He only starts really falling off around 18 meters.
>only useful against rein, winston and roadhog
Nah, you do.
I blow up half the cast in the game so easily with Reaper.
He counters all the tanks and anyone with 200 HP or below that isn't Pharra.
the point is to be able to escape and get a health pack you fucking moron
what would be the point if he went the same speed and wasn't invincible?
Holy shit what sub-rank-30 garbage pile did you crawl out from under?
Reaper is fine and you're retarded.
>same effective DPS as Tracer from similar ranges
Which is basically nothing from any distance beyond spitting range?
quit being bad
Reaper only really becomes a problem when teams run two of them in KotH.
no one gives a fuck that you're able to outdamages most heros when you're 2 meters from them
there's literally no reason to pick reaper over mcree or soldier if you don't need to shred tanks
or if you like to flank shitters in quickplay
Reaper is a little strong but hes not op
Yes he has 250 hp which is the same as mei but it is because he's a close range char, so he needs the extra health to survive the melee/tank onslaught
His guns do a little bit too much damage from medium range and a little bit too low damage from point blank. Maybe buff his close-range damage but nerf his medium-long range damage fall-off.
His abilities are allright
no, he only effective at extremely close range and his ult is very easy to be nullified.
Every hero except a Tracer and Genji, both of whom he can 1-2 shot, and a sprinting 76 or a Amped Lucio, move at the same speed.
Yeah, and that's making him too strong, which is why he's everywhere now. No other character can run in and do 480 DPS, then ghost away into a bunch of healing orbs and medkits.
18 meters isn't that short of range.
Wrong. He's the strongest close and mid-range character in the game right now. He can also flank, rewards bad positioning, poor aim, and has an ult, which when used with half a brain, guarantees he will go even.
>there's literally no reason to pick reaper over mcree or soldier if you don't need to shred tanks
You always need to shred tanks. Comp teams are running Reapers currently for this reason.
1. Fuck off and die
2. Maybe
3. Are you fucking retarded?
>Yeah, and that's making him too strong, which is why he's everywhere now. No other character can run in and do 480 DPS, then ghost away into a bunch of healing orbs and medkits.
>who is mei
Am I the only one who thinks Reaper is cute!?
Reaper does need to have his health lowered, modify his invincibility bullshit to receive only 25% of the damage along with nerfing his speed boost and lower his damage by 15%.
>Countering anyone ever.
No, he's everywhere because he's the best tank killer class. He fulfills his role so perfectly that he becomes almost as necessary for a good team as having a healer or a tank.
with his self healing passive, I would agree with that hp nerf
Mei is alright vs Genji if he burns his Swift Strike
Nope, nope, and nope.
I'm so fucking glad shitters like you have no say on game balance
He's also one of the best, if not the best, flanker, and the best duelist.
So again, he counters:
>Anyone with All the tanks
Pharra and Soldier are the only characters that can reliably trade with him and not die, but he can pick his fights better than they can, so it doesn't matter.
He would be fucking useless. He wouldn't be able to deal any fucking damage before he had to phase away.
If you nerf his health, you'll have to buff his damage. Right now, he's fulfilling his role fucking perfectly.
tracer mainers should be lined up and shot.
Nerf health or make his bullet spread a bit worse because for an "in your asshole" character he can still work surprisingly well at medium range
I mean, he pisses me off sometimes. But I think hes pretty well balanced.
Oh come on
If you're getting murdered by reaper you're not aware of your surroundings
agreed. Tracer is the very definition of anti-fun
I half main Dva and he's only a problem thanks to my hitbox.
When i switch to pharah i dont even have to try to rocket predict.
The only change that I would make to Reaper is that he shouldn't be able to pick up regular health packs while in wraith form.
They are so fucking obnoxious, and for some reason, they always seem to have a personal vendetta against me. Luckily, I'm able to to outsmart them. I was playing Bastion on Illios and TWO of them appeared at my side and simultaneously used their ults. Overkill or what?
I got away from the explosion, though :^)
>nerf reaper
>Roadhog becomes a literal one man apocalypse
Pls don't
>be pharah
>be up in the air and a good 15-20 m away from reaper
>he still shotgun snipes me to low health
Need to roll back the range on those things.
*freezes you*
*shoots an ice spike through your nut*
while reaper can truly be annoying, i think he should be left as is. Hes the one true tank killer, without him a team consisting of two tanks including toadhog would be almost unstoppable
yes, yes, and yes.
those nerfs are reasonable. Blizzard is looking into nerfing him due to fan outrage at him. :^)
Remove the ability to pick up health kits in ghost mode
All you silly fucks saying reaper needs a nerf need to actually try playing him for longer than 10 seconds.
Once I started somewhat using him I immediately began noticing when and where reapers will appear from and can stop them fucking people without resistance
>his ranged is too strong
Again, play him and come say that, you can't kill anyone in mid-long range that isn't already low health
except I've killed people mid to long range all the time. His range needs nerfs as well as damage.
I feel if he had just 50 less health he'd piss me off a lot less. Always seems like he's got so much goddamned health and never dies.
>Invincibility removed on Wraith
Are you fucking stupid? What would be the point of wraith form then?
I'm over lvl 100 and I have played him. He can still be dangerous at long range. Not the sniper kind of long range but the long range that's too long for short barreled shotguns.
to receive less damage?
Awareness is his ultimate weakness.
He really doesn't need a hard counter. You just gotta keep on your toes and he's fucked.
you kill people 100% > 0% at long range regularily? without anyone helping on either end? I'm suspicious
He gets 5% move speed you sperg
source: one of top 10 reapers in US with 68% win rate rank 75 :-)
he gets countered easily by tracer. anyone paying attention can stop the ult. he needs 250hp otherwise he can duel literally no one when he is the close range dueling character.
entirely retarded
mei counters like 10 fucking characters youre fucking garbage, forum users even on Sup Forums are such joke players its unreal. i almost forgot.
>Blizzard is looking into nerfing him due to fan outrage at him
Source please?
Because as far as I can tell, nobody thought that before the Mcree nerf, including Blizzard. The only thing that happened is that Reaper's role as a tank killer became more apparent when people could no longer count on Mcree to kill EVERYTHING. If he's to recieve a nerf, it's going to be extremely minor
Do you have any idea how game balance works? Hitting Reaper too hard with the nerf bat will start a chain reaction of problems.
>1. Health lowered to 200.
Deal. IF you make him invincible while using his ult.
Just take away his ability to heal in wraith mode and only let him pick up souls from enemies he's killed
Kill yourself.
I'd accept that.
Kill yourself.
I really hope Blizz is smart enough to not listen to retards who overextend and overdramatize.
Tracer would be fine if she had a longer cooldown if she spams dashes too quickly
Its fucking obnoxious how easily she is able to get away from any sort of bad situation
Blizzard does seem to be aware about people exaggerating shit, so lets hope.
>only let him pick up souls from enemies he's killed
I agree with this part.
I don't agree with taking away his ability to go over health packs though. It encourages enemies to be fucking shit and unaware of their surroundings. If a reaper can get to a medpack before you can kill him, take the medpack, or trap him, he fucking deserves it.
He does however not deserve healthj from enemies he hasn't had part in killing himself though
He's the perfect anti-tank, without him Roadhog would then need a nerf and so on.
>tfw a sub 60 in your competitive game
Reaper needs no changes right now. He's just popular because we live in a dual tank meta, and he's the premier tank killer.
Precisely. He's popular because he fulfills his role perfectly, not because he's OP
If anything, other Tank killers should be buffed or reworked
I feel like half of the people who call for nerfs exaggerate, don't think about the consequences and think a character needs a nerf because of anecdotal evidence. (i.e getting stomped by a competent player).
The problem is they nerfed two of his counters, three on console. He's not an issue on his own, his counters just suck.
This, instead of making him suck, why not make other characters good?
balance is relative.
that will lead to power creep.
Invincibility removed? What? What does the ability do then, you suck user
They've been balancing entirely around competitive and high-end play so far. Ironically this is where Reaper is becoming ubiquitous and overused.
It won't if you can balance a game properly and account for that.
reducing the power of one character is less likely throw off balance than buffing a bunch.
>mei counters like 10 fucking characters youre fucking garbage
This is what a wood tier player would believe literally git gud
I think he's fine. I would like to see his ultimate changed to something more skill-reliant though.
Outside of wombo combos his ulti is countered by awareness
>Reaper is portrayed as edgelord to the point of parody
>All the actual edgelords play Genji, Roadhog and Hanzo is cute
Well Reaper's the hard counter to Roadhog and roadhog doesnt really take skill to use him so basically if you remove his only hard counter he becomes op
>play competitive yesterday
>somehow get matched up two competitive games in a row with the same person on my team
>they constantly complain that Reaper needs nerfs and blaming the enemy team for having one even when the enemy team are being generally good sports
spare me from the hell of second hand embarrassment
But if you don't balance properly, reducing the power of a character can render them useless.
i'm ok with this
streetpig is only strong on first point dorado
How is Roadhog edgy?
>Not playing Reaper with the Mariachi skin
I'd definitely support shortening the range of his murdercannons.
>>there's literally no reason to pick reaper over mcree
Is this opposite day
more falloff on guns, they can still do okay damage at med long range
or no healthpacks while in wraith, soul orbs ok
Reaper's not the one who needs e nerf, that would be Junkrat.
His grenades should detonate at the end of their timer, not on contact.
One game. There wasn't one single fucking game since I bought overwatch where hanzo was insta picked by a low level shitter who does shit until the end of match
Why? Do all the 12 years old pick him or what?
>Junkrat should be punished for making a direct hit on a hard-to-aim projectile
Reaper is a mistake and should be remade completely. He has no depth.
This isn't some "LOL YOU SUCK AT REAPER" or "YOU MAD?" kinda thing. He's just boring. His playstyle is entirely just "get in their face and shotgun them down." Bonus points if you flank them and then you just Shift out if shit gets too dangerous.
His gameplay design wants to be a hybrid of the TF2 Scout and Spy and I wish they would emphasize this better. Make him faster (give him speed aura-Lucio speed by default), make his teleport faster, shotguns deal more damage, but cut his life health down to balance it out. That would actually be FUN! Because of how slow this game is, his current design is fucking lame. There's no skillful outplaying. You just face-tank people as you shotgun them. There's nothing to it.