Two weeks left.
Windows 10
for what
just switch to linux
To "upgrade". Why would I do that? I like windows. Not sure if I want to switch to 10 tho.
thank you jesus
at least it will stop pestering me to upgrade
Give me ONE (1) reason why I should upgrade.
It's like future-proof or something.
A deal is a deal user
To play those Xbone exclusives you don't really care
Just did a clean windows 10 install. I hate the shit out of it but I need DirectX 12 for gamedev.
>just switch to linux
Special snowflake OS without support for most games
$190 bucks... or Microsoft whipping boy. Hard choice. I've got 8, I've broken it into place to run how I want, why would I let Microsoft bend it back even better to their liking because they offer it for free? It'll cost be 200 bucks when I NEED to update. The TSA agent that was wrist deep would have cost less to bribe.
Heres the secret folks
XP - DX9 - Upgrade
Vista - DX10 - skip
Win7 - DX11 - upgrade
Win8 - DX11.1? - skip, Win 7 supports
Win10 - DX12 - skip, nobody supports but amd lol
DX10 - skip, nobody supports but nvidia lol
Sticking to 7
I'll change to Linux or something when 7 becomes so archaic it can't run worthwhile software
I just installed it today
holy shit I want to go back already, I'm going to revert back to 7 in a few minutes.
absolutely nothing works, it's a complete shambles, """""apps""""" are crashing all over the place, practically every time I open firefox all my saved settings on websites are erased, like themes and settings on Sup Forums.
Just don't bother installing this shit, my god I never thought Microsoft could be this bad. I installed this shit so I could play Killer Instinct and maybe some other games in the future, but there is no defending this pile of shit
If you upgrade to 10 now you'll be locked in with a valid 10 registration and can still go back to 7 or 8.1
AMD sucks.
Why wouldn't you want to get monitored 24/7?
because 10 is way easier to break into running correctly.
Seriously it's way fuckin easier. Instead of hiding all the Desktop options like 8 did, they're more readily available through the new Start Menu search.
Don't let the shills fool you, Cortana is useless and her underlying technology is what drives the new Start Menu search, which is robust enough to be considered a rival to the Spotlight Search on macOS
As far as i know, new version doesn't have any features that actually have impact on anything. Feels like cheap attempt to convince people to upgrade. Most of them have no idea what the fuck is this thing. They just think "new means better".
Because my government already monitors me 24/7, doesn't matter if some american company does it too.
I'm labouring under a prebuilt that is likely an illegal preinstall considering they gave me none of the needed or legally required documents for such a system. I'm not in China, but it feels like it sometimes.
I upgraded then downgraded when I realized I couldn't play like half of my games anymore.
>Upgrade so you dont have to pay
>Downgrade or download O&OShutup 10
Wow so hard
>. Instead of hiding all the Desktop options like 8 did, they're more readily available through the new Start Menu search.
Or I just have my one option which I used a single start command for because win 8 has dev commands for everything, they're just command lines instead of glaring "click me and fuck things up" buttons.
But what do I do if my shitty laptop only supports up to directx 10?
>put Win10 on its own disc
>Boot into it when you want to play Win10 games
>look at anime porn on regular OS
wow so hard
let me tell you WHY you should not fucking change to win 10 from a guy who just had to fucking buy win 7 AGAIN.
Win 10 has a fucking memory leak Issue that STILL has not been fixed, and i mean a bad one as in 2 hours and you are using 90% of your CPU idling.
Well you can switch back you say
So you're lying on the internet, neato.
There is no reason to """""upgrade""""" to Win10 when Win7 works perfectly fine. """"""""""""Upgrading"""""""""" will make half of my vidya games not even work either, so fuck off Microshills.
what has made you think that half of your games will stop working on win10? are you literally only playing games released before 2000 or something? even then, i can't help but imagine you'd still have to go through some hoops to get them working on win7.
Exactly this. It's literally nothing.
Which reminds me of how eagerly the usual tech sites praised 10 when it came out and started condemning 8 all of a sudden, despite having praised that one when it was released.
>8 is here, and it's awesome! Because it's new!
(years later)
>10 is here. And we all know how much 8 sucked, right? Well, 10 is new and not 8, so you should get it!
It's all a bit shameless, really.
>Stupid consumer, why doesn't he exclusively play new games?
i didn't say that, i was genuinely asking what led him to believe that it would be an issue. i don't know what he's playing.
You'll be fine you just won't see the effects of dx12
Why go to Win10 and jump through hoops to play my games when I can stick to Win7 and not worry about them?
Fuck off.
Nope. The first two games I tried to play were Max Payne 1 and 2. I kept getting error messages when they worked fine on 8.1
Well, fuck it. I tried Fallout NV, SS2, Ghostbusters, GTA 4, Unturned, and DayZ. None worked. So I downgraded.
I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Ever since, Windows 10 frequently has to "load" the contents of my external hard drive, meaning a period of anywhere from 5-15 seconds of folder-interface freeze while it accesses the device. Windows 7 never did this ever. Windows 10 also only lets you pin a small number of shortcuts to the pin shortcut sidebar.
>He'll recomend a NSA approved Linux Distro
>He won't install Gentoo
You do realize all the features in Windows 10 you don't like aren't going away? It's not a matter of "skipping" Windows 10. Once Windows 7 loses support that's it.
So which one is best?
Is it possible to disable all updates on the Professional edition?
Some sources say yes you can, some say you can only defer them until it forces you a few months later. I don't want to fork money for Enterprise.
Go into power options and switch the hard drives to never power down. Unless you run your system on 24/7, and use a very long idle timer, it's bad for the drives.
You have to regedit Windows Update to "notify you of updates". While you're in there, you can disable a bunch of other stuff.
Linux gaming is trash but it's good to have a backup I guess. Ubuntu Unity if you like Mac, Mint if you like Windows. Or try an Ubuntu spinoff if you want. Those are the best for newbies or people who just want to play games. Debian is what SteamOS uses, but it can tricky for some people to set up. Only use Arch if you want to spend 2-3 days installing it. I mean I like it but I wouldn't recommend it to people who have never used Linux before.
windows 7 with updates disabled
Actually, Linux is not an operating system at all, but rather a mere component.
>2 weeks roll around
>"We decided to keep the upgrade opportunity open for another 6 months"
It seems like a lot of people have problems are people who upgraded. I built a new PC this year and used a retail version of 10 and it works fine. Maybe a clean install simply works better than the upgrade for some reason.
t. Stallman
you will try them all, and you will eventually wind up with gentoo. it is inevitable.
Sat on 10 for nearly a year. Decided enough is enough I'm sick of this garbage OS not letting me control my own PC. I plug in a USB stick and go searching for the 7 Ultimate SP1 ISO from Microsoft's site, just like I always did. Only one problem, those fuckers removed English from the required language selection menu.
I do don't googling and sure enough I'm not alone. It's been like this since summer last year. Microsoft explicitly is trying to shut down any attempts to fall back to anything before 10. People found a way to hack around it though. Modify the HTML code with chrome inspect element and set say Arabic to English. Sure enough it works, meaning the database entry is there for English, but they physically hid it.
Fuck Microsoft. I'm done with their bullshit.
Switched all my pcs to 10 a year ago. No issues.
>you're being spied on
Didn't scroll past their data collection questions like a retard
>you're still, SECRETLY being spied on
So just like everything else then
>it's ugly and nothing works
everything works off the bat, including ANY pirated software I care to try, the start menu is better, it looks like w7 but a little darker themed and you can adjust that, same old file structure underneath
>if you love it so much why don't you marry it then
the microsoft account thing sucks and is confusing
All my machines also have either w7 or ubuntu installed but I generally don't need it.
How does that work exactly?
Is there any downside to upgrading, then immediately downgrading just so I can potentially upgrade for free in the future?
Just on the off chance something happens that makes Windows 10 actually worthwhile.
windows 8 here
can windows 10 be any worse?
When you upgrade to Windows 10 there's literally a big "THIS SUCKS PLEASE GO BACK" button in the control panel that disappears after a month.
When I clicked it, the computer restarted for about 10 minutes and then it was like Windows 10 never happened, but if I install Windows 10 again on that motherboard (maybe it won't be such a shitpile in 2020), it'll instantly be validated as legitimate.
And yes I said motherboard, that's what the OS is registered to. You can change CPUs, GPUs, hard drives, etc. and it's still considered the same computer by Microsoft. Change mobos, you're fucked.
I've had an issue running 1 game out of hundreds, it was Bioshock 1. Found the solution pretty easily. The game was shit, and found a solution to that pretty easily too.
Whenever anyone here says a game won't run on w10, they're most likely lying. Most recently I've seen it said about civ 5 during the summer sale. It's almost always bullshit or a computer illiterate.
>Everyone is lying, just fucking upgrade!!!
Will I have any problems playing my chinese visual novels that need japanese locale?
Uninstall update KB3035583 and never worry about this shit OS infecting your system.
Seems like you fucked something up
I can play all of those games on Win 10 barring GTA 4 but that was broken on 8.1 for me.
You only get 30 days to go back
Do I have to install over the top of an old Windows, or can I just use my old key on a new 10 install?
No one is spying on you. Microsoft just gathering information so they can sell it to ad companies for huge ass pile of money.
What if I installed but didnt register win10, then changed motherboards?
it's going to stay free. windows wants all its users on 10. you wont ever need to pay for it
cap this
any way to store the OS on a hard drive or something to install at a later date?
that sounds exactly like spying on me
Not in theory, i know a couple of people that did this. Directx12 is the only thing win10 has
Not sure how its done tho
I upgraded and it all seems okay. Holy shit though. The sheer amount of privacy settings I had to go through. Fucking hell, fuck big data.
Not really, you just need to do the regular patch. Currently playing through Rewrite, works fine.
You can't play GTA 4 because GFWL doesn't work on windows 10 at all. You need to use xliveless or some shit.
>Dx12 is a scam
>w10 exclusive games are either rubbish or literally unplayable
>cant play old games
>slower downloads and internet speeds because botnet
>poor software support
>worse hardware support
>forced updates
Its officially worse than Vista
Got FPS drops in games and R6:Siege errored so bad in Win10 that not even reinstalling it fixed it.
Use the media upgrade tool, it'll walk you through it all
>Download skybot anti-beacon
>No more botnet
Alright you cucks, Steam won't install the games I just got from the Humble Bundle for some reason.
Only thing I can think of is that I'm running out of disc space, but I still have 40gb left.
Is there a cutoff where Steam will no longer install games, and is that my problem, or is it something else?
Windows 10 legitimately isn't that bad. I upgraded from 7 after all these years since I don't have an Xbone and I really want to play Scalebound, and it isn't much worse. The UI looks nicer, and you can easily install classic shell for the start menu to get rid of the tile shit that's been around since 8. There's also a program you can download that easily let's you disable most if not all of the boogyman telemetry shit.
7 is still my favorite overall since it's fast and not bloated at all with unnecessary shit that you have to disable, but 10 is fine. Definitely better than 8 and 8.1 though, you should upgrade.
And if you REALLY dislike it, you have 30 days to revert to your previous installation.
Spying is when someone actually care about you in some way. They don't.
Enjoy your meme housefire cards fagut
Ignore this retard
You can download an iso from Microsoft site.
Need advice - I upgraded to win10 a while back but installed the wrong version (pro instead of home) so I can't use my win7 key to activate it. So far its been ~6 months and nothing has happened, even the watermark in the bottom right went away. Am I fine or am i gonna be sol in two weeks?
Did you try Muv Luv Alternative? I remember trying to use Windows Locale on it without success, in the end I had to change my locale through control panel. But at least something works I see.
>Why wouldn't you want to get monitored 24/7?
I gotta ask you idiots who prolong the inevitable.
Serious question here; when there are hackers free to roam the lands that are Win7, when there is no longer support for Win7, When newer games are Dx12 and above, WHEN WIN7 REACHES VISTA STATUS(CURRENTLY CANCER HACKER CITY)..... what will you guys do?
>Switch to linux
Hearing this coming from some Sup Forums fag is hilariously false.
Win11 or w/e the future brings will have the same NSA/FBI shit. Know why? Because Microsoft has FORCE this software down everyone's throat and no one beside a few nerds are smart enough to figure out this software is tracking them.
Do you know the age and tech awareness of the average Win users? Yeah, that's right. WE CAN'T WIN.
But the real question is.... what the fuck do you have to hide, you're all just some Sup Forums basement dwellers. You aren't out here building nukes to cause mass destruction or anything. No, you're probably not even knowledgeable on the whole "they're watching us" subject. You just read it someone and it put fear inside you just like the government will do the same thing.
I'm not saying go get windows 10, I'm saying you're a fucking nobody and microsoft doesn't give a flying fuck about your furry/anime/gay porn folder.
Microsoft will release w11. W10 wasnt successful enough for them to achieve their plan.
>they don't care about you
>but they're harvesting you for your information so they can advertise and sell off your information to other advertisers.
oh so my information doesn't matter unless they care? it sounds like they care enough to farm me for information
>Serious question here; when there are hackers free to roam the lands that are Win7, when there is no longer support for Win7
i'm on 8.1
>430 gb
The problem is that its not 2008 anymore. Get some more fucking space.
Then they shouldnt spy if they dont care
Doesn't matter to me. There are plenty of alternatives and W10 has pissed off enough people for companies to start getting more interested in making competing OS.
will they take away my hentai torrents?
There was a Windows 8 user who put CP into his OneDrive folder and got arrested for it.
Even then
>Putting illegal files in a "cloud" folder
>its always the same 1 faggot making these threads
Get a life holy shit
He's pretty stupid for doing that.
Should've just kept it in some special HDD to make sure no one finds out.
>But the real question is.... what the fuck do you have to hide, you're all just some Sup Forums basement dwellers. You aren't out here building nukes to cause mass destruction or anything. No, you're probably not even knowledgeable on the whole "they're watching us" subject. You just read it someone and it put fear inside you just like the government will do the same thing.
Your post is correct, but this part...WHY spy on us if we're so harmless?
There have been a few instances where Windows 10 has uninstalled certain programs from people's computers because Microsoft added it to some list to remove. Particularly with one version of CPUZ ID where there was a rare bug that would cause a BSOD so they had it removed regardless if you had the issue or not
help I installed openSUSE what's the best DE for it
i tried out GNOME but it made me want to vomit and die
i'm using cinnamon right now and i'm not sure if i fucked something up or if it's supposed to be buggy as hell with openSUSE