>hey bro, pass the controller
Hey bro, pass the controller
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thanks onii-chan, just what I needed
>pass the controller
I'm trying
thanks doc
If you have to go this far to win and still lose.. what do you do next?
>I'm trying
is this for disabled people? Someone explain please.
Add some sick grips and chrome your D-pad
I think it's so you can press face buttons while using dual analog simultaneously
basically right-side claw for pleb
It's a mod for CoD games. Basically those handles make it easier for you to perform shit like knifing, reloading and whatnot.
>Ocean Marketing Debacle
What does all that shit do?
it lets you push the face buttons without taking your right thumb off the stick
>a mod for CoD games
>CoD games
Nigger it's a called a fps. What next? You're call RPG's Final Fantasy games?
here u go bro
Get on my level
Buzz Lightyear !
Thanks doc
I wish we could go back to the days of strapping on mods to consoles
i dont
shit was expensive and dumb. if you wish for it back youve never experienced it.
>he wouldn't make his own shitty DIY mods
>5 seconds of battery time
That's somehow worse than the tower of genesis.
Fucking KEK. Good memories.
>this was 10 years ago
i remember rigging a tape/pen/lever thing as a crappy way to get a turbo function on the nes controller.
You got me. Hardest I've laughed today.
More precisely, it lets you press face buttons without having to take your thumbs off the analog sticks.
Man, how did we ever play handhelds before they had backlights? I feel like everyone had some kind of accessory for a light.
>here ya go
worm light mother fucker
And said a million times
That one is actually great for handicapped people
I don't get it
vintage electric fingerbox
Why not claw?
It's a boomerang dipshit
Keep thinking user, maybe it COMES TO YOU.
The controller is shaped like a boomerang. When thrown, boomerangs have a tendency to return to the person who threw it.
The real question is, why would you throw a controller at someone? They're expensive. Unless you're just talking about that controller, which looks like a cheap piece of shit.
I had one of these for the GBA and it was the goddamned shit.
I admit, I have one of those. Not for xbone, for 360, and it was cheap. It was nice to be able to not claw in Dark Souls to run and control the camera but yeah, kinda weird and fiddly to set up for relatively little effort since only a couple of modern games ask you to claw, and I've been doing it so long it's basically second nature.
>Here you go bro
Boomerangs don't actually come back when thrown though that's an urban legend.
t. someone too retarded to throw a boomerang
why are xbox controller analogue sticks in different positions
video games have taught me that throwing it right in front of makes it comes back 100% of the time, even if it hits something
I am only allowed to watch one seasonal anime.
Should I watch this?
I liked this one.
Who remembers the rotatotroller?
>Hold on let me stretch rq
>I am Pee-esforus of Borg. Resistance is futile.
from the thumbnail I thought someone just drew random red lines in paint
never would I have imagined it was actually... something?
That's ok, I'm sure they handle returns all the time.
That's actually a really cool gimmick
Imagine a plane flying game with the rotation controlling the roll
That seems completely useless in any real situation. I cannot think of a single use of this.
What's the point of boomerangs again? Besides admittedly being really neat.
That can not possibly be a real person?
First I'll post this
Abos used to hunt with them.
Thor it hard as fuck at something, and it knocks it unconscious, or at least slow enough for someone else to catch. If it misses, it comes back a few seconds later, and you can chuck it again. Older ones used to be much heavier.
Literally the only achievement of the Aboriginal people.
And then post this
Deepest lore
Probably just a child's toy
The best weapon use I can imagine is tossing it into a flock of birds and being more likely to hit one than if you threw a ball
And then I'll place one monster faced down in defense mode.
We all know how this ends
>serrated handles
We need a controller made of knives and pins
This isn't bad. Full sized keyboard plus controller
I dont get it, what is all this extra shit.
>Full sized
about that
>Full sized keyboard plus controller
Time to face-up the monster.
Being this shit at controlling that you have to add a gimmick to compensate for your incompetence.
>the games plays itself for you.
Everytime I see this, I'm reminded of those neck rest pillow things.
Come on son, you can't just not post source.
>keyboard on a gamecube
For what purpose tho
this a boomerang thread now?
superior elven crapsmanship
standard issue for all thalmor
Use saucenao you faggola, it's not cropped
Phantasy Star Online.
welp, should have googled it
I don't give a flying fuck about jrpgs, so forgive how new I look
>Buying gimmick for a single game that's is long long dead
Why bother?
This controller was basically designed for Air Combat.
I heard that it still has private servers actually.
Is it possible to setup private servers on GameCube without haxxing?