The continued fallout of Breeding Season closing.
Let's be honest, everyone with a brain knew the game was dead long ago. But it's still interesting to hear the reason why.
Though the story is debatable, it sounds legit to me.
The continued fallout of Breeding Season closing.
Let's be honest, everyone with a brain knew the game was dead long ago. But it's still interesting to hear the reason why.
Though the story is debatable, it sounds legit to me.
Serves these degenerate fucks right
Didn't grab the assets from last thread like an idiot. Would a kind user repost?
Where are more games where I can get fucked by monsters?
Do you really mean that? Or are you just fishing for (you)s?
I think.
Looks like Cloud Meadow or whatever, Shwigs new game is 404'd on Patreon.
Has anyone broken into his dropbox yet?
Would be curious to see if he gets sued for that bit at the end their if people get ahold of that shit.
I hope H-Bomb or Mittsies takes Doxy up on his offer
Preferably without H-Bomb fucking it up again
I can still see it. He has 21 patrons, making 67 dollars.
Their patreon is private. Is there more to the story?
Asking for a Decryption Key
Doxy is pretty fucking prolific, and professional. I imagine he'll get the job done with fine quality. I'm still worried about the management of the project though. How much of the game is actually constructed? Could they really make the game, even with all the assets?
I do mean that, there's already loads of this hentai garbage out there, if you're scummy enough to risk your own money to make even more, you had this coming.
Go back to their patreon page and look harder.
No idea, then, bro.
Try this one.
>give up a patreon that's making several hundred thousands of dollars a year for a patreon that makes less money than Dobson.
Smh desu senpai
Right. You're in it for the (you)s. Read you loud and clear.
I've looked through the files.
At least 50% of the animation assets are not done so I'm thinking this game will never see the light of day.
it was $4 yesterday
he'll be making plenty of money by the end of the month
I can't see that page.
Can't see Team Nimbus at all.
I only just launched. He would probably get thousands of dollars on the new project too. If the shitty reputation doesn't hold him back.
>Tfw they actually started making more animations per month
Were you blocked? It's literally the patreon url and then "cloudmeadow".
If it was a pony game you would be posting the same thing, I bet.
Literally all they had to do was sit back and let the patreon money from idiots roll in.
As long as he releases a playable version like TiTs he will be fine, furfag will throw money for him
feels bad knowing that the stroke of genius that brought Underalterbach will probably never be rivaled
Vanilly is fucking cute
i want to protect her smile
If you want a real h-game.
>pic related
If it's well drawn, animated and has decent gameplay it's probably there.
>mfw the farm breeding shit was a chore and I'd rather have an RPG with combat anyway
best case scenario 2bh
I'm not well versed in h-game lore.
So the plan is that the 16 patreons just leak the games right?
I don't know if I trust this guy. I think there is something else going on behind the scenes.
If the artists contract really was a good as he said then the only reason you would leave is if you had some reason to believe that the project was going to be coming to an end.
Who was in charge of the project anyways? What do the other people working on the project have to say about this?
Where can I read the full of it?
>the only reason you would leave is if you had some reason to believe that the project was going to be coming to an end
there's always autism
Don't underestimate how fucking illogical people can and do behave, at times.
I can't believe the download also fucking includes SAI
Where can I read the rest of that image?
What do you mean by name? Every name is listed there besides Succubus Fist.
>Doxy buying and reposting H-Bomb's side of the story
Ayyyyy Shwig is fucked for LIFE lmao
Personally I think what happened was they were ALL sick of working on it and had made enough money but were looking for a way out. Schwig agreed to go under the bus and take one for the team to create fake "drama" and they were able to pull the plug on the game suddenly.
If I had bilked retards out of hundreds of thousands of dollars for 3 years and I was getting sick of the idea, that's what I would do.
yeah that's strange
even stranger is why anyone would use SAI
>YFW this entire ordeal
>furfag will throw money for him
Maybe... Even furfags might not support him because of his rep now.
never mind, i didn't think ROBF was the name of the game
Parasite in City not on the list?
Who still uses SAI? I thought most people moved on to software that wasn't gimped as shit.
>muh other side of the story
schwigstein could have left any time he wanted and sold his assets to the dev
but he was getting $9000 a month to do nothing
then he decided it wasnt enough and made his own game and screwed over everyone, so all the patrons would come to his new game
what folder is it in?
So this shit is official canned? lmao
it's probably a symptom of autism
Remember to read the comment
because it's the best drawing program
As someone who knows Shwig let me tell you, you're a fucking idiot if you think he would actually "take one for the team" - especially if there was this much money and credibility on the line.
Art assets
Those are fair questions. But at the same time, I think the more pressing question, is if S had enough gumption to begin his own project, then why didn't he put that energy into fixing the already running one?
>mfw the entire thing
in the same way a clay tablet and a stick is the best writing implement i guess
The whole thing was a hoax, hundreds of thousands of dollars paid and no progress in years. The only person who seemed to actually work on it was the artist so I'm not surprised he decided to cut off the parasitical "developers" and leave.
>Recommending reading the comments
You're the worst kind.
fuck off newfag
Both of these guys seem like assholes.
Thank you based user
>if S had enough gumption to begin his own project, then why didn't he put that energy into fixing the already running one?
My guess is the other members of the team weren't working at all and he didn't have the authority to kick them out.
Why the fuck would anyone jeopardize their future crowdfunding "career" for a hundred grand or two?
That would be even more retarded than if the story was actually true.
It's fucking Patreon. If you want to run with the money, you fucking do it. Shit's legal.
If they'd simply disappeared off the face of the earth for a year and resurfaced with some bullshit cover story there would have been much less backlash.
>mfw I'm opening a Patreon soon for a comic.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to not thoroughly fuck it up? Anyone one, single golden rule to follow?
>ROBF translation never
this is what happens when you pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into incompetence
Vanilly and Hbomb's own (later) statements more or less verify the art team (including Schwig up until this month) was just pumping out art for no purpose, because Hbomb wasn't doing anything.
Vanilly's statement is more damning of Hbomb than Schwig, and the way Hbomb reacted to Schwig wanting to keep the art reflects badly on his character.
The most likely scenario is Schwig told Hbomb to not bother with hiring a project manager because Schwig felt Hbomb was just looking for excuses to not work.
Weekly content updates.
That's it, that's your one job.
Art reminds me of something you'd draw in paint.
>all those sweet butte animations
>all those hot cowmoms
>Ill never fuck the carpenter
>its all fucken over vaporware garbage
What's the comic about, famailia?
t. retard who has no idea what he's talking about
>What are you going to do, sue me?
>Said man who got sued.
Shit, maybe I should finally learn how to draw.
>then sue me
I'd love to see the look on that judges face when he has to review a case about one guy trying to get his dickgirl cow porn back.
Porn makes money
Futa porn makes more money
Furry futa porn makes a lot of money
As long as your art is not shit of course
>Art reminds me of something you'd draw in paint.
you would be correct in that assumption
Is it a solo endeavor?
If so, stay true to your schedule and be honest to people.
If it's a team effort, just make sure you actually know who you're dealing with and be prepared to bust some ass.
Either commit to continual updates or start the campaign well after you've got the project established.
I ggogle first but it lead to clsed page. I assumed everything had been removed already.
Thank you.
Serves him right for writing such a shit contract
How does Hartista come off like an asshole there? schwig pulled some insane shit, essentially stealing 200k from Patrons and then is refusing to sell the assets, effectively making the project kill.
No shit he's pissed and is saying sell them to me or I'll sue you. It's 3 years of work down the shitter.
Do your job on time.
Do not sign contracts. Do not work with people. Only do commissions and personal projects. If you want to make an porn game but you can't program, LEARN IT. Don't hire someone. become a one man army and never rely on anyone.
There was never "3 years of work" to begin with
He is not an asshole, just retarded.
>I assumed everything had been removed already.
The link was in your face.
are you just trolling or are you going to give one (just one) reason not to use GIMP as a freeware option over SAI
>essentially stealing 200k from Patrons
The whole project has been nothing but stealing from patrons. They have made no progress and showed no signs of even trying to finish it.
Fuck off Mike. You're never going to get above 50$
I'm pretty sure that an actually competent programmer could hammer the current "game" out in about a month, tops.
The art is where the work hours are.
I don't get it, even assuming S-purple sells those assets to HBomb is it possible for BS team to make new contents with the same art direction as S-purple? If not then why would he want it? 2 different art styles likely would break the game in half if he's not careful
Its working for me, you clearly lack internets.
SAI is designed as a drawing program, GIMP is designed as a photo editing program.