What games depict sword fighting and fencing at least partially ralistic and fun?
What games depict sword fighting and fencing at least partially ralistic and fun?
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Mount and Blade warband
Never tried age of chivalry but I heard its good too.
Reign of kings was an awesome early acess but community is ded now.
Dunno any others, but deliverance is on the horizon as well as Bannerlord
Skyrim, because if competitive medieval combat reenactment events like Battle Of The Nations have taught me anything, is that people usually just swing their weapons and hit each other over their fucking heads with as much force as they're able to without literally any finesse or technique involved. The only thing Skyrim lacks for complete historical authenticity are some shitty wrestling moves.
This is what medieval battles used to look like, you fucking autists.
Nobody masturbated over how aesthetically pleasing or technically flawless their moves looked, they just bashed each other over their fucking heads with halberds, axes and shitty swords.
Chivalry is pretty decent.
Battle of the Nations has effective techniques and/or weapons banned, though, resulting in no one getting very seriously hurt. In real battle, people die.
There are things you can learn from historical re-enactment and fights devolving into a clusterfuck probably is a rather accurate observation (at least depending on what kind of weapons are used: shield wall or pike formations for example probably would involve people fighting with some degree of discipline because going solo gets you stabbed to death and people don't want to die, but re-enactment might offer a good idea about what battles between less uniform armies looked like) but it's not real combat by a long shot.
>chivalry is pretty decent.
The game that has coding so go awful shitters refuse toactually play it and instaed autistically practice one specific action that allows them to glitch-exploit the coding and stab players as if they have no armour or shield at all.
Yeah. No. Its an okay game totally full of cunts who refuse to do anything But unplay the game.
And the maybe 15% that do actually play it without using the exploit
>archers who shoot into melee killing their own team
>greatweapon users who only use their weapons whilst staninding inside the anus of an enemy so their 'attack' might. Just. Perturb the enemy. Whilst hacking teammates apart for the enemy team.
>using re-enactments for proof of anything
If they're not actively trying to murder each other it doesn't show shit
It's fun for the first 15 levels when you're playing against other noobs but after that you have to play with level 69 tryhards and people who exploit the game
the most retarded thing in that game is backwards overhead poke, fucking idiotic.
and the most "SKILLFUL" think is abusing the broken physics of the game, when a stationary sword does as much damage as a full blown swing.
fucking trash. and people defend it cause its "skillful"
For Honor, I guess. It's not out yet but the combat looked pretty interesting.
>I don't know how to aim my crosshair at the point of someones weapon when they're doing their spin bullshit to block it
If you'd played the game for more then an hour you'd realize it's actually incredibly easy to block that shit. Git gud faggots.
Bushido Blade?
>I'm so leet. I abused the shitty modelling to ignore your helmet shield and parry and stabb'd you inna face.
>I'm the best ever. I can half kill one enemy with my huge weapon and dismember five teammates simultaneously!
game is shit.
Shitter get good
lmao random joe l2p
they're not exploits you're just GARBAGE PLAYER
Trash game with no real time swings lmao ntnt
pic related will blow all other melee titles out of the water
You know, I've never seen a game provoke as much rage from shitters as Chivalry does. The phrase 'git gud' has never been more appropriate.
Matrixing and that silly double hit are basically wavedashing/SHFFLing. If you don't know how to do it you get wrecked.
best thing about it all, they consider using parry an unfair, noob, bad manner thing.
>and fun
You're a big fat fucking retard if you think those two word can ever be used together in video games.
Go fencing for real you shit.
wrong again, been top 5 every game
tis shit.
When I read fencing Nidhogg immeadiately came to my mind
nah you're a retard if you can't see the difference between wanting to play a medieval game where blunt does better vs armor + feints without wrestling on the ground for 30 mins in full plate dumby lol
>wrong again, been top 5 every game
Lol. The top Chivalry players are all pretty well known in the community and you sure as shit aren't one of them.
>flightsims arent fun
>arma\ro\pr arent fun
get out of here consolebaby
Overgrowth was pretty good. Blood trickling was very well-made too.
game shit, dead, and im happy.
No. It isnt. Since the game's coding shits itself trying to resolve everything happening, gives up and removes the defenders everything from the resolution calculation.
There isn't anything you CAN do about it. It comes from using an engine from an fps' to do a melee game.
If YOU actually played Chivalry. At all. You'd know just how full of diagonal-downwards-attack-mid-jump attack spammimg asshats the playerbase is full of.
You can attempt to mitigate the attack. But most of the time the game will just give up trying to figure out how shit interacts and just delete a whole bunch of shit from its calculations.
Hence the endless spam of armour and or shield and or parry ignoring attacks. It's an unresolveable glitch the playerbase continually exploits. Forever.
None, medievalfags will never be satisfied because they manage to be more autistic than military nerds and /k/fags.
literally only game ever close to medieval is chivalry, and its shit
morthau is going to be better, but still same shit.
you need a physics based game.
You fucking retarded mouth-breathing cocksucker, you request "realism" but you're the first to cry bitch tears when realism turns out not to be fun.
>hey! You're not allowed to bounce my spastic 0 stamina completelt wild swing with your heater shield and then lunge in and gut me!
You have no clue what you're talking about, reverse overheads are easy to parry once you know when to expect them.
>But most of the time the game will just give up trying to figure out how shit interacts and just delete a whole bunch of shit from its calculations.
What the fuck are you talking about? The system is relatively simple. A weapon draws a tracer. If the active part of that tracer intersects with your model, you get hit. A parry causes a small parry 'shield' to appear momentarily which allows you to block.
There's nothing complicated about it. Everything can be reacted to and parried.
>but you're the first to cry bitch tears when realism turns out not to be fun.
No I'm not you dumb fucking cuckold I have 2k hours in chiv lmfao dumb stupid idiot man u better suck my weiner now ahhahahHAHAHHAHAHAHHhHHHAHAH
>game has permanent glitch due to coding and engine that is continually exploited.
"Just git gud."
fuckoff. The playerbase is full of these cunts.
What glitch?
it's called mordhau dude
What glitch bro? You mean Advanced Shield MechanicsTM? That's the only glitch I can think of...
surely you're not referring to the real time swing system because that would make you a retard lmfao
Except when they are used diagonally in a jump and the game removes your parry and or armour from the hit /damage calculation and then decides you got stabbed in an unarmoured head. With no parry or block at all.
nope. same shit. they fixed a couple of bugs, but its the same core mechanics and same tracing bullshit.
Exanima is wacky fun.
I fucking hate how so many games with melee combat ROOTS YOU TO THE FUCKING GROUND WHEN YOU ATTACK OR FORCE YOUR MOVEMENT ALONG A SHITTY PATH. That's not how fucking melee combat works in actual battle.
>Except when they are used diagonally in a jump and the game removes your parry and or armour from the hit /damage calculation and then decides you got stabbed in an unarmoured head.
This doesn't happen. If they are waterfalling, you have to move backwards and parry lower than usual because they are dragging the tracers out and around your parry.
Simply parrying doesn't make you impervious to damage from the front. You actually have to parry the tip of their weapon.
what games do this
only ones that come to mind are the souls series
The Devil May Cry series
So, to answer OP's question, Mount and Blade Bannerlord, Kingdom Come, and For Honor then?
it's generally better to list games that are out
i'd say warband, nidhogg, and apotheon
to answer ops question: there are none. go make some.
Loads of newfags who never heard of Bushido Blade here.
No, Chivalry is the best out right now, Mordhau will be 10x better when it releases in 2017
>Bushido Blade
it's garbage
It's the most realistic and fun of the games in this thread, so go fuck yourself.
>It's the most realistic
The game doesn't even exist how can it be realistic lmao
Just play Med II Total War. That always helps me get my medieval kick.
A shit ton of games does this, Devil May Cry does this, Kingdom Hearts does this, Ninja Gaiden does this, God Hand does this