Can cockblock the other team with Ice Walls

>Can cockblock the other team with Ice Walls
>Will kill any hero sub 250hp 1v1 guaranteed
>Can heal for 150hp while remaining completely invulnerable
>Has the most broken ult in the game

Oh and the CD on all theae abilities is fucking short. I'm sorry, but Mei OP as fuck.

Mei is one of the worst heroes in the game. Who seriously thinks she is op?

>Most broken ult
>Two guys have automatic aim-bots that do head-shot-levels of damage by pressing a button

I do! I've been playing her recently and I'm completely destroying literally everyone I 1v1, even fucking tanks like Reinhardt. Granted, she's not great in every role, but on point defensive and KotH she's nuts.

I don't even mind, she's fun as hell to play.


I kill her 90% of the time with reaper bitch is easy to kill

Maybe for console babbies. She's trash on pc where people can actually aim.

Are most people on here consoles or PC?

I remember when Mei was on top of the world
Now it's D.Va this Pharah that and now the flavor of the month Ana is coming out.

Do I have to Meike a wish on a shooting star to make her relevant again?

Dat outfit. 2cute4me :3

Reaper is her hard counter.

Are you seriously implying S76 has an OP ult? Its not terrible by any means, but it's far from one of the best.

>Can snipe with icicles

She OP's my dick

>Sniping a Widow
>Literally doing the snipers job better than the fucking sniper

>but T H I C C tho

i need sauce on every image in this

No, you're just bad. Reaper only hard counters shit like Mercy and Winston.

>playing an overpriced blizzard knockoff of a superior game


No you don't, because she has been among the 3 least picked champions every single day she has existed, and she's never been good against anyone but pubs that can't coordinate.

TF2 has been shit for years though.

>its an overshit thread
>with overbabies whining about a character they're too stupid to counter

Ever. Fucking. Time.

i don't suppose anyone could make a zarya version?

Zarya is a hard counter and a far more useful hero, Mei is garbage

>people seriously believe mei is OP
I can wreck her shit with pretty much every character 1v1. Even as mercy I've killed her a bunch.

>Can cockblock the other team with Turrets
>Will kill any hero sub 250hp 1v1 guaranteed
>Can heal for 100hp while running away
>Has the most broken ult in the game

Oh and the CD on all theae abilities is fucking short. I'm sorry, but Pooinloo is OP as fuck.

Are you kidding? Zarya has no porn

>People think Zarya is useful

She's only good if the rest of your team isn't complete shit. That's all well and good if you can coordinate, but unless you're playing with friends that never fucking happens.

Mei is destroyed by Reinhart.

I haven't played it. And probably never will.

Yeah, she can fuck over her own team with those ice walls too though. I can't count the amount of times I've been gunning someone down as 76 and some cunt Mei on my team raises a wall right in front of me before I can finish the job. Or, less frequently, she might cut me off from the rest of our team and leave me on the other side of a wall surrounded by enemies.

I honestly hate playing against her too. I get triggered every time an enemy Mei catches me alone and freezes me. And you can see her standing there, calming aiming her gun at your head to finish the job. Reeee.

>Can cockblock her own team with Ice Walls
>Will kill any hero sub 250hp 1v1 guaranteed

this desu my senpaitachi

I love that comic

>Reaper only hard counters shit like Mercy and Winston.
I mean, I guess, in so far as any dps counters Mercy if they can hit her. Reaper's not particularly good at it though.

>Mei is destroyed by Reinhardt

That's bullshit and you know it. As mush as I like Rein, he attracts the dumbest chucklefucks in the game. I rarely see a good Reinhardt.

I too remember the first few days of open beta and then the first few days of post-release before people learned to play the game.

>a 76 and Reaper keep trying to flank using the low stairs on Hanamura
>freeze them every goddamn fucking time and execute them
>they keep trying the fucking stairs
>keep freezing them and executing them
>they never switch, or try a different route

Those are the players that call Mei OP

Mei is basically just another bastion where the character becomes laughable once you realize how many ways you can counter her.

no you're just a retard who only plays offense heroes


>can do no consistent damage
>gets fucked by any hero with hitscan guns
>has to be up close to do shit in a game with ranged guns
Mei sucks.

Requesting the edginess chart pic with reaper

>tactical visor activated


junkrat counters everyone

except his riptire is to easily destroyed.

After the recent patch, Mei is basically the weakest character in the game.

Junkrat is only used by brain dead idiots. The amount of times I've seen one on my team just standing there completely stationary firing off his little bombs into one area is more than I can count.


>6 thicc 3 me

>ice walls blocks your team from killing soldier before he can get going with his ult
>soldier runs around ice wall with sprint
>still has 90% of his ult
>kills you and entire team


You're joking.
She's entry level thick.

I was pointing out mei fucking a teammate over.
>Tactical visor activated
and not
>I've got you in my sights

The reticle tells you when you hit something. Junkrat is tough to get any mileage out of at top level play, still better than most of the defensive heroes, but at intermediate levels he'll frequently get the most damage done on his team by just peppering the enemies at chokepoints. Those Junkrats who stand there probably do that because they ARE getting hits.

Man... even her pussy is fat.

>Junkrat is only used by brain dead idiots
lol you're playing with shitters haha

once I understood how great he is I use him a lot more. getting 10+ kill streaks, and holding a point till everyone else spawns back. riptire needs a larger radius though.

Dunno man, I don't like a big chick.
The more petite the better.

>"Guy with a grenade launcher is for brain dead idiots"
Gee, wonder where I've heard that argument before...

>Those Junkrats who stand there probably do that because they ARE getting hits.
this is true.
I just remembered that I do sometimes stand there lobbying grenades off of a wall to get some safe kills.

I don't play this game but it has tried to ruin what defines thicc, these girls are not thicc, these girls are fat, not chubby, but fucking fat

so stop calling it thicc, or else.

webm is what thicc looks like

>most broken ult
>enemies have like 30 seconds to run out of the way from it

I'm pretty sure most of the people that complain about Mei's walls fucking them up are either playing with really bad Meis or they're the type of people that don't stick with the objective at all and play every mode like it's deathmatch.

damn straight


I want to jiggle that gut.

or trolls.

played with a mei once and they kept ice walling everyone at respawn.

It's more like 5 seconds, and it slows you to a snails pace once it activates, until eventually freezing you solid for a further 5 seconds. It's the hardest CC in the game.

Looks like angie varona

Good cushioning

That's cool man. Post an example.

>or else.
Holy shit. Do you play as Reaper?

Demo's skillcap is so much higher than junkrat that they're almost incomparable.

She's not thicc, she's top heavy

learn your fucking terms you fucking PORNOGRAPHY PLEBEIAN

is there more to the video or is it just that?

I haven't seen angie in years

>main zarya
>mei can't do shit against me
>tries to beam me and bubble and kill her
>ults me
>bubble me and a teammate and kill her

>normal girls are now regarded as "thicc"
>thick girls are now fat

woah woah woah. This shit is out of hand. the girl in that webm has a completely normal figure, albeit with big tits. She is in no way "thick."

Victoria's Secret models do not have "normal" physiques.

I'm explaining what happens when I use it.

>t. American

>Victoria's Secret models do not have "normal" physiques.

of course they do, for their body type. they just aren't fat slobs like the rest of the countries girls.

that girl in the webm isn't thick thick but she isn't skinny either or fat.

I wish more girls looked "normal" like that. she's fit with nice big pushed up tits.

Having a THICC gf is amazing.

I couldn't find anything even in my porn stash, dunno I don't keep photos of women because I'm secretly gay or something.
But really the woman I love doesn't exist and I accepted it long ago.
>I don't love animo chick tho
Have an obese retard

Hello sub rank40 shitter.

>literally can't ever kill mei 1v1
>somehow this is worth bragging about

>Literally do all the time
>thinking mei is ever good enough to kill a zarya
Fucking Kek

The most you can do is stall her. And I don't see how you kill them unless they are dumb enough to super charge you. You don't deal enough damage.

Anyone else notice that her and Bastion are public enemies and you'll get teams of 3 players trying to hunt you down and teabag just because they got stomped by one when they were low level

How do you have a picture like that handy but none of someone you actually really like the look of?

You just have to bait them into charging you. Agreed zarya is useless unless she has at least 50% charge. But it's so easy to bait people into attacking you and charging you especially dumb greedy meis.

mei cosplay is so fucking lazy jesus christ

>Blue spaghetti strap and sweatpants

Why have thic when you can have fit

Cosplay is retarded in the first place. Might as well put a giant sign on you saying you're a mentally ill attention seeking retard.

>>Will kill any hero sub 250hp 1v1 guaranteed

>play Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Tracer, Junkrat, Widowmaker, D.Va, Roadhog, Winston, or Zarya with any kind of competence
>Mei might as well not exist on the enemy team as an individual killing force
>the best she can do is stall for the rest of her team to catch up, which is actually what's valuable about her skills

Mei can only freeze one person at a time and still can't deal with half the roster having ways to avoid it or kill her. Her only chance is getting headshots with icicles and if a Mei player gets those consistently without dying then it's not the character getting points, it's the player.

It's what she wears in the art though. What else is needed?

>>has to be up close to do shit in a game with ranged guns
>He's never taken a 10 headshot from mei.

the guys that can aim that shit are fucking deadly, my god.

>broken ultimate

if by broken you mean sometimes throwing it into ramps or stairs causes it to fall through the map or spawn on the other side then yes it is broken


mei's rmb has more falloff than most hitscan weapons in addition to being projectile, it sucks, if everyone can aim well she'll always be massively outdamaged

>any time an item is tossed, or a character is moved by something, it's always a gamble as to if it will work the way it should.

The strangest thing that's ever happened is when I hooked a genji and he got pulled behind me, and fell into the pit in Ilios.

this guy is fucking amazing.



This chick's slim with big tits. What the fuck are you talking about user?

>Mei wasn't adjusted to compensate for self healing change
feels good

Emailing blizzard now

95% of the Overwatch cosplay has been lazy as fuck, though. I saw about a half dozen "Pharahs" that were just Indian/middle eastern girls doing the eye makeup and that's it.