Welcome to Sup Forums - Video Games.
How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
Welcome to Sup Forums - Video Games.
How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
I've played Gone Home once every month.
I think Super Mario 64 is a mediocre game and Sunshine is far better.
I think FEAR 2 is better than FEAR 1 no joke
Undertale is GOAT.
I played Bloodborne once.
And liked it.
I called you out on your shit taste but your favorite game happened to be popular so now I'm fucked and also gaining cravings to wear scarfs and big rimmed glasses.
Nier, Planescape Torment, and KotoR 2 are some of the best games of all time.
I acknowledge that they all have major flaws, but I do think this.
I think Smash isn't a fighting game
All popular games ARE shit
I play video games
and I like them
I think Zelda is too mainstream
Let him in, boys
I bought old original copies of Fallout and Fallout 2 from ebay and played them unironically in Win95 compatability mode.
I liked berserk for 20 years before it was cool. The new game is going to piss me off to no end because if the new series is indicative of anything, it wont hit the mark and people will be having false fun and I'll try to correct them and say shit like "The mangas better" ect.
I think Dragon Age: Inquisition is the best of all the DA series. I've boughten it on 3 different platforms since release (PS3, PS4, PC)
I like Skyrim.
Without any mods.
First (and very small) layer of being a hipster contrarian: classic Fire Emblem was better
Second layer: out of the classic games, Genealogy of the Holy War is shit and Thracia 776 is near perfect
You're in
i eat cereals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
people call me the "cereal killer"
Oblivion is wayyyyy better than that shit show.
I think modern Halo is better than the first ones
i exclusively play handhelds but i have an opinion about consoles
I like videogames unironically and enjoy most of the ones I've played, even those which aren't that good.
I don't spend money on games I don't want to play despite how many "regular gamers" on Sup Forums call me names for not purchasing their consumer trash
I stopped breathing because redditors do it too.
Mother 3 is overrated trash
Mother 2 was perfect
I've never bought a video game in my life but I still shitpost constantly about how piracy is killing the industry.
I still have not downloaded or played Pokemon Go. I look down upon people who play that game.
And speaking of that, I plan on buying a flip phone soon because I'm sick of smart phones.
I believe that Warcraft III has been an overall step down from Warcraft II lore and story-wise
I kiss my sister every day
I prefer New Vegas to the Bethesda Fallouts, so much so that I believe them to be irredeemable trash.
Not pretentious or contrarian enough
i'm the guy who actually likes FFXIII.
make of that what you will.
What the fuck dude
My favorite CoD is 3
Skyward Sword is objectively better than OoT in almost every aspect. Specially the overworld
>How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
I thought the older Spongebob episodes were terrible and unfunny.
I emualted Cheetahmen 2 on OSX with a CRT shader.
That doesn't make you a pretentious contrarian though, just a hypocrite
So you think the new ones are good?
I pretend I only play pure ludo arcade games at my local barcade.
I think you are the winner of this thread.
I dislike NES games because I didn't grow up with them
I play every game on easiest difficulty possible because I want to enjoy myself, not frustrate myself.
I own and collect games from 4th to 8th generation simply because I want them physical.
I despise digital gaming and always will. and will never be caught dead with something like steam.
I love indies, but only on PC or console, not through clients.
I think indies are some of the coolest games we've had in years and I vastly prefer 2D to 3D because of game mechanics and the fact I enjoy pixel art as a medium and a profession.
Please ask me about my PS2 collection. Please. No one else will.
I pretend online to be a guy that frequently goes to a local barcade claiming to play pure ludo arcade games.
well the Souls games are boring trash and pikmin Go is probably the most creative game of the decade
You're pretty cool except for those first two sentences.
Are you the guy with 3 bookcases of PS2 and tons of collectors editions on top? If not nobody cares.
Do you have Warship Gunner II?
This is very relevant.
All modern FPS are shit because theyre not Quake.
>Zelda hasn't been good since it went to 3D
>Xenogears is fucking horrible. The combat is bad and braindead, the text scrolls at a pace that would make retards groan, and is overall not fun.
>Undertale is even worse than Mother 3.
>Metroid Prime Federation Force looks good.
>All of Skyrim/ Fallout games have been terrible
>Star Ocean 3 is the best one
>The Wii U is easily the best console of this last generation
>Musou games are very fun and a nice way to spend time
>Resident Evil 4 ruined horror games and is the worst of all the Resi games, up to that point.
>MGS 2 is the best one, right after 4.
>Dark Souls 2 is the best one
>Chrono Cross is better than Chrono Trigger
>Luigi is superior to Mario
>Monster Hunter is for autists and has an awful combat system
>Star Fox Zero was fun and the controls work perfectly
>Persona is better than the mainline SMT games
>Worst DBZ era was Cell
>I play videogames
NOW we're getting somewhere!
What do you mean faggot?
Do you just automatically assume you're talking to just guys here?
like you would even understand my gender
I just spent $80 to import Okami HD from japan so I could have Okami HD in physical.
And I bought pic related
This is razor sharp edge
You are not a hipster.
You are a faggot.
I post shill in every blizzard game thread!
this is just the opinion that any one who isn't nostalgia blind would have.
Witcher 3 is a shit game
Sometimes when I'm alone I pretend i'm an angry vibrating kirby.
I put Gourmet race on full blast and sit on my bed angrilly vibrating in place until i get all of my agressions and stress out, then I post on Sup Forums.
You have some things here that I agree with and I feel no one else would, like Star Fox and Wii-U, but the rest of your shit is all fucked up.
>All Skyrim/Fallout games have been terrible
>Skyrim games(?)
>Worst DBZ era was Cell when Buu exists
>Implying Mother 3 was somehow bad
>MGS2 being anything other than pretentious dogshit to play
>Dark Souls 2 the best one when the first game exists
>Giving 3D Zelda absolutely no leniency
Come on, guy.
I think Silent Hill 4 is the best in the series
I haven't played a AAA game in 2 years.
I was gonna root for you if you have bought the asian Okami HD just to get the song with lyrics in the credits.
Shame on you.
>people who don't like Resident Evil 6 are casuals
>Metal Gear Solid 2 is by far the best MGS
>USF4 is better than 3S in every aspect except the lack of quick rise
>64 is the only good smash game
>Gen 2 is the only Gen worth a shit
>Bayo1 better than 2
there's a lot more but I'm such a contrarian faggot I should really just kill myself at this point.
I learned Japanese to play muh untainted weeb games, because everyone in the west is a cuck, and souther California should be nuked.
Kanako is my favorite Touhou character.
Mega man 7 is the best Mega man
Aria of sorrow is best Castlevania
Sonic 2 is the best classic sanic
Sonic rush is the best modern sanic
Super star Saga is best Mario RPG. The non-RPGS are bland and boring
Gen V is the best Pokemon Generation.
I hate Undertale.
>and souther California should be nuked.
SoCal here. Fuck you. Nuke Los Angeles and Hollywood, leave us common folk alone.
You're just looking like more of a /v fag
>leave us common folk alone.
Then fix the rest of that shit liberal hellhole.
I don't even play video games.
Metal Gear > Metal Gear Solid
I was planned a fighter in DnD without a splat book
>Sometimes when I'm alone I pretend i'm an angry vibrating kirby.
>I put Gourmet race on full blast and sit on my bed angrilly vibrating in place until i get all of my agressions and stress out, then I post on Sup Forums.
first off, all that liberal political stuff happens in NoCal
Second, Los angeles is already a hellhole, hence why I don't live in it.
How good is RE6 as a standalone game anyways?
I enjoyed RE5 because it has tight shooting mechanics and fun enemies to fight against, but every single REfag shits on those two titles for being "dudebro" games.
I hate Undertale AND Lisa.
You mean as series, or as the first titles of the series?
I kind of agree though, MG2 is god-tier.
I think Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time is the best M&L game while Bowser's Inside Story is weak as hell.
I hate BoTW simply because its not OoT2
Fellow RE5 fan here, RE6 is shit. Story is even more laughable, enemies are bullet sponges for no reason, game has enough pointless explosions to be a Michael Bay film, the gun selection sucks absolute dick and so does the upgrade mechanic. The guns and upgrades in particular are probably the biggest step down from 5, and not even the shooting is fun.
Inventory system is a mess and the game encourages you to slide around and kick everything in the face anyway, which is fun for like an hour before you realize just how lame the experience is. It's hard to even make it through the game with a friend, because the shit you can make fun of with pals just becomes sad after a while.
I posted TF2 hate threads pretty regularly here for years and constantly expressed my disappointment about it. Once Overwatch exploded on here I've shifted to posting about how Sup Forums has always loved TF2 and it is an amazing game to this day.
Sonic 06 is a fundamentally more fun game then Boom.
yer in
>I hate every single Souls game besides Bloodborne for some reason
>I like every Resident Evil game ever made excepting for 6 and gun survivor
>I like, play, and bought AssCreed Unity and Watch_Doges
>first off, all that liberal political stuff happens in NoCal
You're right. SoCal is a bastion of well adjusted people with a low crime rate and a cohesive set of values.
I like SOMA and amnesia and am playing the witcher 3 but it sucks as much as skyrim.
Do i win?
The plots in SMT games are embarrassingly shallow and heavyhanded, and people pretend they're actually deep and morally grey. It's telling that you have to become an obnoxious roleplayer to even justify Law and Chaos, and that the most heavyhanded game in the series, Strange Journey, is heralded as the most mature and thoughtful purely because it has an adult cast. It's more childish than thinking Evangelion or Final Fantasy VII are mindblowing and incredibly deep as a teen.
Stop generalizing. The only shit places in SoCal are the heavily populated areas and downtown tourist attractions.
I've lived my whole life out on the farmlands and we haven't had a single crime.
>The only shit places in SoCal are the heavily populated areas
So all of the important ones that dictate the political climate of the greater area?
If you care about that kind of stuff sure.
The narrative of the Lightning Trilogy (Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns for you plebs) told a story of metamorphosis and family bonds that the common Sup Forums user simply cannot fathom. It is the magnum opus of the series and there isn't any way another game could top the triumph of the best protagonist to come out of Japan since Drakengard 2.
i love battleborn and toby is my favorite toon
>Undertale seems so overrated for me
>I think the new mini NES is kinda cool, but still could have used a more variated library of games.
>I'm not into animu, but animu-styled games are fine for me.
>If I like a videogame series I root for it, but that doesn't mean I buy the newest games immediately after they come out.
>I believe piracy should be a means of testing a game before you buy it; specially if it's a pricey one.