Replaying the games again so lets have a thread.
Anyone know where I can get Sword L or * in Battle Network 2?
Replaying the games again so lets have a thread.
Anyone know where I can get Sword L or * in Battle Network 2?
I dunno, try S-ranking Swordies.
If you're okay with save-state scumming you can do that just before killing them to get the drops you want
Swordies drop Longsword in all/most games m8.
Only played the series up to 3. Is 4 really that bad? What about 5?
2 and 3 are fantastic. 4 has a totally different look and structure from the rest of the series. 5 onwards keep 4's looks, but have structures that go back to being a little closer to 1-3's.
If nothing else, play BN6.
I liked 2 the most, 3 is good, but I disliked all the backtracking when you had to climb ranks at some point in the game. I might try 4 just to see what the fuss is about.
4 was repetitive with a lack of dungeons and lots of boring filler.
5 is love or hate, depending on your opinion of liberation missions.
6 is really good, but the post game sucks.
Keep in mind that 5 also takes everything bad about 4's battle gameplay, but nothing good.
I never understood the hate for 4. But I only played 3 and 4, so maybe there's something I'm missing. I lied that they actually updated the world sprites.
My african-american. Owned BN1 back in the day, replayed it, surprised myself I actually understood how to do Program Advances this time round, and wound up doing the deep areas of the net/Bass's spawn area before the Undernet somehow. Can't be fucked getting every chip so I can't fight him anyway.
Moved onto BN2 which i've never played too far. Liking the Center and how the net seems comfier/more organised. No more autoheals on every battle doesn't feel too bad cus subchips, either. Planning to play as much of the series as I can tolerate at least. I used to dig BN but it was cashcowed so fast I never had time to catch up. Seeing as we live in these post-Mighty No 9 times it's a good time to. At least it's Megaman.
You need to get the translated version that restores post-game content.
The post-game was largely Boktai based, and the international version sadly removed most of the Boktai related content.
Story-wise, it was about an entirely new idea of dark chips, which has nothing to do with the existing story and makes even less sense than anything that happened in older games. The story itself was also barely there, it was all about tedious side scenarios where you do some dumb chore before fighting a boss in a tournament.
If you've been playing BN games with other people, BN4 also noticeably shifted towards offense, with defense play from 3 completely removed.
Post em
>STD Complete
Did they really not think this through?
>but nothing good.
Chaos unison?
I think they abbreviate standard as STD in a lot of games.
Really? out of all the typos, translation errors and flat out text glitches, -that- is what they didn't think through?
It's kind of a hit and miss. An incredibly broken charge shot in a game that already nerfed the power of chip combos and PAs, and you can only get it as a light megaman, and that's when the dark version also got nerfed compared to BN4.
But it was great to get a second shot at the soul you want, especially if one turn is all you need.
The problem was there were some chaos unison souls that just seemed very underwhelming compared to its original counterpart. For instance colonel chaos' buster seemed like complete garbage if you aren't netbattling anyone.
What were chaos unisons again?
Unite with a dark chip that shares the element of one of your souls in order to get that chip as your buster
You use a dark chip to enter soul unison, which lets you reuse that dark chip over and over without receiving the glitch that comes with it and also benefiting from the soul's normal effects.
It's when you activate a Unison with a dark chip, it allows you to use the respective dark chip for free (ie. you don't enter dark karma nor lose HP).
The catch is it's used via the soul's charge attack, and it gets increasingly harder to time correctly, and if you mistime it, you summon dark megaman on your opponent's side of the field. It also lasts a single turn, so you don't get any inherent benefits of the Unison (such as search shuffle)
You do get those benefits. Dark Search is the single best way to MAX-rank shit.