
Will Legion save WoW?

>4m subs and dropping

But it's okay cos they're moving on from WoW anyway.

WoW f2p when?


>tfw you stopped giving a shit overall and you only pay a monthly sub so you can rp

Server? US or EU?

Same brother, except I ERP on MoonGuard. Where the night elves at?

To what?



After WoD my trust in Blizz dropped a little but based on the recent Q&As it seems Blizz really learned their lesson.

Also everything I've seen so far looks pretty badass. I'm still wary but I feel like I can put a little bit of faith in the idea of Legion returning WoW to its former glory.


I kinda lost faith in WoW after Mysts, Panda's were literally the worst idea they ever had.

If the specs aren't all just three main buttons anymore, yes

I went back to my Blood DK after WoD came out and 4 of his abilities were gone, it's fucking stupid

Literally false.


>tfw tempted to buy legion for a 100 boost
>and demonhunters

TBC, Cata, and WoD exist

I kind of like the concept about Mythic raids and if there were a decent game around those I'd probably play the game a lot more than I currently do (which is play a bunch when a new expansion launches, raid for a bit and then drop it after I get tired of raiding).

The thing is that I don't see the social features coming back big time. They are kind of pushing for it, but despite being a huge step up from WoD the whole world quest system is still kind of tailored to be mostly solo content, even if it's more group friendly.

I think you fail as an MMORPG if you do not force people to cooperate on anything but the very basic things or making soloing viable by being exceptionally skilled or geared rather than making it the norm.

I also really, really dislike how Blizzard continues to make you the supreme hero of everything rather than make you a shitty peasant that gets some recognition through the thing he achieves in the game either through collecting awesome gear or just being a cool person that people know on your server.

You mean like FfXIV where there are like 30 people going around a map clearing all the events together for levelling? Even then people mostly keep to themselves and it's not really that social.

Kek, MoP was meant to be the last hurrah for WoW according to Blizzard insiders, before being replaced by Titan and left to rot. Titan failed to launch so it was rebooted as Overwatch, but the plan never changed.

WoW has been cast aside by Blizzard for easier money. It's a real shame because the game still had huge potential coming out of MoP, even in spite of the overwhelming amount of casual shit tacked on from each expansion which I feel crossed the line with Garrisons. There's no going back, it's over. Just load up Kronos or some shit and enjoy the shit show.

Do you think WoW could run on 8th gen consoles?

More like early Everquest where you need to group up to get to certain areas of the map, leveling isn't trivialized and you have to rely on others to get anything done.
The events in FFXIV are more like "go there, participate with the minimum amount of effort, collect XP" but not real, challenging group quest content.

No, only MoP 2 can. Sadly the production budget not longer supports.

Going at other people's pace can be annoying as hell though. Personally I enjoy being able to level up at my own pace. Every time I have quested with other people it has always felt like a burden having to check if they're at the same place etc etc. I think group questing is something that sounds fun from the outset but being forced to rely on others to do fundamental things like level up I could see being tedious in the modern MMO world.

Wrath was by far the best, Panda's are fucking trash, most un creative boring fucking idea. I would pay$100 for a version of the game without it.

>The expansion that casualized the game is the best
user please

I like how each time they try to make the game more generic grimdark fantasy to please you shallow skyrim enthusiasts, it hits a new progressive low every time.

It's one of those rare moments where you see the cancer being strangled by its own food source, and it's glorious to watch from the sidelines.

It must be terribly painful if you still play that garbage.

The panda's are cringe tier man.

I stopped playing after Before Just before Cataclysm, then tried to get back into it for a bit after When Mysts had come out but it was just I just hated everything about the new expansion, haven't played since.

But WoW raiding is still pretty fun.

>but muh class complexity!!!
>muh action bar is not full to the brim with pressable buttons!!!!

>after Before Just before

Before Just before cata so like the middle of WotlK.

No. WoW is done; they can never capture lightning in a bottle again. No matter what they do, they'll have to placate the existing subscribers, make it easier to integrate for new players, and live up to everyone else's nostalgia.

You'll never get your mount for the first time. You'll never take down your first raid boss again. The world isn't as big and opened as it once seemed: you've seen and done everything and each new zone is a fraction of either original continent. You can't try shitty experimental builds - everything is built around min/maxing and Blizzard's interpretations of what your class is.

That's their problem: they obsess so much over what you see and do that they "fix" things that were never broken. They want you to play the game their way. Take these quests, live this story, play this way.

Their best bet is to let one of their nobodies make a new MMO and let them go to town. I don't know if it's Activision or just Blizzard internally, but everytime they make an effort to develop a game, it's garbage. It seems like their only hits are when management writes it off and lets it grow on it's own terms.

tl;dr jews will be jews and ruin everything

That's an inherent problem with putting too much weight in vertical progression over horizontal progression. Optimally there should be room for you to play with a big variety of players if you don't spread out the vertical leveling power curve too much. Imagine if there was little or no leveling up at all and all you would do is collect gear, advance your faction/guild, craft items and improve your character more in power through utility rather than raw power, e.g. you need water arrows to destroy powerful fire enemies that guard a certain area people would want to go to, but before destroying generic fire demons you would have to gather water shards and wood. You could funnel basic tasks like that and tune them in a way that you can collect wood alone, water shards with two people in areas where you'll likely meet other groups of two doing the same and then group up with them to form a group of four to take out the fire monsters where you reach an outpost that you could now travel to and back from and maybe open up the world from there or go back to more basic and easier content or socializing with the people you meet along the way, if you don't feel like going on an adventure.

This is a really basic example, but for me online multiplayer RPGs were kind of always "what if this could emulate D&D on a bigger scale with a lot of people playing different adventures in a vast world" rather than playing a single player RPG, which kind of was the initial intention of MUDs and early MMORPGs but after that they kind of dropped the ball.

They should include more Pandaren

MoP was unironically one of the best expansions in the game.

Content added.
>+WoW pokemon
>+Challenge modes
>+Flex mode
>+Brawler's Guild
>+Personal loot
>+Account-wide titles, mounts, pets, and achievements
>+Proving grounds and endless 30+
>+Isle of Thunder treasure run instead of garrison missions

World content.
>Reputations still actually mattered and actual good factions like the Klaxxi.
>Dailies were a thing. They were a bit much at first but Isle of Thunder was probably the best mid-expansion content patch ever added in my opinion.
>Isle of Giants and bones for people that wanted a legitimate grind
>Rare spawn zandalari mounts.

>MSV, HoF, and ToES were okay. 6.5-7/10 at best.
>Throne of Thunder was a 9/10. Lei Shen is, hands down, my favorite boss of all time.
>Siege of Orgrimmar was an 7.5-8/10. It just lasted far too long. But when it was current content it was very good. Blackfuse can go fuck himself though.

TBC>Vanilla>Cata launch>Wotlk=MoP>>>>>Rest of Cata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WoD

Panda's were already integrated into the old Warcraft games. It wasn't some "new idea".

Besides that, PvP and raiding was actually decent in MoP, unlike WoD.

>any part of cata
>better than anything else, Shitlords of Shitnor included
I agree with your assessment of MoP, but come the fuck on, user.

IIRC, they have two teams working on WoW so they can meet their release schedule of every two years. If that's true, then Legion will be made by the Mists team, which I believe made Wrath as well.

Either way, the expansions seem to go an every other sort of way.

MoP might've been good but the setting put me off so god damn much I couldn't even get a character to max. I just can't stand the chinese everything ching chong ding dong shit.

I saw a woman in the grocery store the other night who had a female panda-like body.
I have never been so aroused by anything in my life.

No, I did not attempt to talk to her.

this isn't even close to being true
the team is completely different now, they hire new people all the time
multiple main programmers have come and gone, the newest one is some SJW-looking dude(?) with pink hair

>the newest one is some SJW-looking dude(?) with pink hair
Think that's the lead quest designer

>I did not attempt to talk to her.
Why the fuck not?

Live your life man, the worst thing that can happen is that you flop and never see her again.

Dude you clearly didn't play release Cata. Release cata had the best dungeon and rep grinds and one of the best early game tiers in the game.

The team that made MoP is completely different now. You can tell because of all the Diablo shit they're stuffing down our throats now.

Legion looks decent from what little I've seen, at least from a content perspective. Note I don't have beta but have seen a fair bit of streams. You'll have shit to do out in the world every single damn day. Maxing your artifact will take a while and then you'll have alts/offspecs to max.

The main issue is a lack of customization. Gemming, enchanting, and reforging are fun to me. It's what makes WoW a RPG. They've been removing that since MoP. There's only 4 stats in Legion outside of primaries now. No more spirit. No more bonus armor. No more hit. No more expertise. No more multistrike. No more anything besides boring ass Vengeance, Crit, Haste, and Mastery. Then you have the massive ability prune and the consolidation of abilities. Some specs are literally 4 buttons without any real utility to them. Frost/Unholy DKs are 3-5 buttons, 2 offensive CDs, ZERO UTILITY, ZERO MOBILITY, and AMS. That's it.

Then we have no information on content being added during the expansion. For all we know, there's no more artifact shit after we finish them. I'm worried we might have another WoD when it comes to added content.

Literally the ONLY time the obnoxious chinese setting that was bad was Jade forest and the shrines. Apart from those, there wasn't THAT heavy of a "chinese" setting.

Because even setting aside the interest of letting mind their own business in public and not bothering a woman when she is just trying to buy groceries, I am one hundred percent certain I have nothing to offer and would be wasting her time.

Thank you for reading my blog.

And to make the social situation even better, you get muted for 24 hours x number of offenses if you hurt someone's feelings now

>or just being a cool person that people know on your server.
Some high pop servers still have this.

Emerald Dream while not high pop anymore has a lot of players and guilds that get a lot of recognition. Sometimes my guild goes player hunting in groups of two and we see someone like Jameson and we are like "Oh shit its Jameson! Cheese it!"

Wish they would introduce a non edgy Hot Topic-tier hero class...

Pandaria is terrible and pandas themselves are an awful idea for a PC race. It's like having playable murlocs or something.

>The main issue is a lack of customization. Gemming, enchanting, and reforging are fun to me. It's what makes WoW a RPG. They've been removing that since MoP. There's only 4 stats in Legion outside of primaries now. No more spirit. No more bonus armor. No more hit. No more expertise. No more multistrike. No more anything besides boring ass Vengeance, Crit, Haste, and Mastery. Then you have the massive ability prune and the consolidation of abilities. Some specs are literally 4 buttons without any real utility to them. Frost/Unholy DKs are 3-5 buttons, 2 offensive CDs, ZERO UTILITY, ZERO MOBILITY, and AMS. That's it.
That's pretty much how I feel. WOW isn't an RPG anymore, it's an action game.

Pandas make more sense than Draenei

>Dude you clearly didn't play release Cata. Release cata had the best dungeon and rep grinds and one of the best early game tiers in the game.
Can you name me a single leveling zone that was actually enjoyable? Vash'jir was probably the most interesting of the lot and it was fucking garbage compared to every WotlK and MoP zone.

>finally get to see Hyjal after years of anticipation
>generic quest after generic quest of "omg fire is bad 4 plants"
>had the potential to be an incredible zone with a ton of inspiration from Ancient Egypt
>ended up being a 6 hour Indiana Jones simulator because some dev must have some autistic obsession
>literally the worst zone in the history of WoW
>Twilight Highlands
>no thematic unity at all and somehow more boring than Hyjal, despite being less offensive than Uldum and Deepholm
>having to spend an entire zone fucking underwater
>manages to be a relative highlight with a variety of quests and scenery, but compared to the rest of WoW, it's fucking tedious

And the dungeons? Are you fucking serious?
>Vortex Pinnacle
>Throne of the Tides

Complete torture. In fact, I just realized that all they did was allow Blizzard to fuck up three out of the four elemental planes.

I've played the beginning of every expansion. WoD was better than fucking Cata.

Leveling was terrible linear shit with phasing out the ass but pre nerf heroics were great

THe problem wasn't the pandas itself but more they gave them the personality of fucking Kung Fu Panda.

>Mogu and Bison men raping and pilaging your cities.
>Horde and Alliance destroy the jade statue and are starting a war in your lands.
>Thunderking coming back.
>Mantid fucking everything up.
>Sha corrupting everything that has feelings.

>What? Fight for my land, family and life? But there is food to be eaten!
>Now come eat with me while I tell you a long winded story about why land, family and life is important!

The few times they aren't acting like a dream works film they are pretty fucking bad ass. However instead of giving us badass kung few masters that have a cocky flair to them we get Super Duper Sumos instead.

Post your UI's,
le'me see your cluttered mess


female pandas are cuddly

is that a moose with braids

It somehow worked.

Noone forced you to play panda.

yeah, it's the Grove Warden which you can get from killing Archimonde on Heroic mode. It's pretty cool, considering it can also fly.

>cata > wrath
Kill yourself.

why don't they offer rewards like that for all the raid tiers then space them out a bit more so everyone will be wanting to get mythic meese

*raises paw*

They existed since WC3. And Mists was the second best xpack since WOTLK

>implying start of cata wasn't pretty fucking rad

I've been bored with WoW and haven't played for a while but I still got into the beta.
It's not really good enough to get me back playing. It just feels like they're drawing out what little content is in the game to try to make it feel like there's more to do.
Dungeons and heroics are incredibly boring, they're back to the WotLK design ideal where you can just gather up a few packs and then everyone aoes them down. I guess they want people to do Mythics now because the gear you get from heroics is pretty crap.

Blizzard also fucked up the economy now on the beta servers. Just about everything on the AH is being sold for 999,999,999g so if you want to try out professions you're pretty screwed.


"""They didn't have the resouces at the time""". But such rewards shouldn't be availabe on LFR, never. Maybe cosmetic gear for LFR, but not more than that.
Also, after Legion drops on Live, the Moose will no longer be available, since the related questitem will no longer drop from Archi

Did you get permabanned from /vg/ or something?

ah right difficulties are a thing. i mean like, highmaul gets a moose, blackrock foundry gets a moose, etc.

I've never been there

The Moose is special because it was originally a store mount, but exactly because wod had fuck all people loudly bitched and it got moved to Heroic and Mythic Archimonde first kills. That's why the Moose looks so nice. Just compare it to the Moose mounts in Legion that doesn't have any extra stuff on them.

>subs dropping before an xpac

well no duh, everyone is waiting for the new content to play. Still higher than anything else out there.

Then you should fuck off there and stay there

Social problem is a personal problem. Anyone with half a brain will try to find a guild they like. Anyone with half a brain will seek out others with like minds to pvp or run dungeons or whatnot with.

It's a personal problem. (YOU) need to speak up, to be social. Don't expect everyone else in grab your hand and drag you through everything.

Learn to make friends in game. It's not that fucking difficult.


> i mean like, highmaul gets a moose, blackrock foundry gets a moose, etc.

I don't see a problem in that, but i guess that's something blizz just won't do. Maybe it'll happen in Legion, but I just can't imagine Blizz doing so.
pic unrelated

>implying wow is not broken beyond repair

So tanks, are you ready to lose your ability to do good damage?

If pre-patch ain't next week I'm gonna be fuckin mad

How can you all still be excited? This shit happens with every expansion. It's hyped up every time and ends up failing miserably.

>mfw you still buy legion

>has shit taste

>has shit taste

What's with all the Pandaren threads the last couple of weeks?


How is that a horsefucker? That's not even a horse...

kys mlp faggot.

Shit mods

>talking about taste

WTF are you talking about? That's clearly some anime character, not a my little pony character, it's not a horse, it's not even an animal!

people still play this old shit? 12 years OLD.

Yeah... Oh hey, wasn't that the same age you were when your dad took your anal virginity?

Got anything better?

someone post the thicc guy ripping his hair out image plz

Yep, better things to do. I'm going to play my 12 years old game which I'm still having fun playing!

Pretty much. I was disappointed there wasn't a Pandaren Emperor, but I guess they gotta make that Yuan somehow.

In high school I remember one seeing one of my teachers using an old apple 2 playing fucking solitaire on it. Out of curiosity I once looked and saw he's been playing the same fucking game for over 10 years. Pure autismo.

Just like you user.