Gender segregated classes. Girls do cooking while Boys do computers

>Gender segregated classes. Girls do cooking while Boys do computers

Why is this ok?

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Because that's how things in a efficient society work

>he didn't pick Info Tech Studies AND Home Ec with his electives

What are you on about? It says right there they're doing science.

>Mage class must be female

That's why I don't play MMOs

Because you're insecure about your sexuality?

Because boys and girls are biologically different

Cuck detected, please go back to your containment board:

Because cooking is easy. It's following directions that men figured out and wrote down (men also invented writing and structures and schools and utensils and clothes) so when the creators of life as you know it say you have to cook, you have to cook.

Gym class was gender segregated in our school. Is that unusual? I live in Germany.

First programmers were women during war times, greatest chefs are often men. This is nothing to do with biology, just silly antiquated social constructs that the woman is the family carer and the man the provider.

No, because it's totally unrealistic. You really think dumb bimbos are smart enough and have enough dedication to learn something like magic? Bullshit. Even for fantasy, that's stretching it.

I don't even know shit about coding and it still pisses me off.

That's because you're an idiot looking for things to get mad about.

>learn something like magic
But in most fictional settings magic can't be learned. On the contrary, it's a gift only some people are born with and its usage comes naturally to them.

People found the things to get mad about and took a screenshot and posted it here for others to get mad at about

>not commenting your code


And now you're getting mad about it without even understanding why. That's just pathetic.

Sorry, "overwhelming majority". Is that better?

You literally couldn't be more wrong if you tried

It's funny that you think you have any idea what you're talking about when you have none whatsoever

still 100% wrong but nice try

Fie is so cute. I want to marry her!

Well, actually I'd rather be in a polygamous relationship with Fie, Emma and Sara.

Is this just a stock put down?

Great rebuttal. Only forgot a reaction pic.

It's in the school motto:
>"Arise, O youth, and become the foundation of the world."

Girls cook, men codeshitpost. That's how you make Erebonia great again.

>posting this joke image again
cmon user you can do better than ruining your argument with some crap like that

Fuck off retards that's why I can't get a fucking gf because everyone is telling those hot and smart girls that do better on tests than me to do something more girly instead of going into engineering or IT stuff. Fucking fags from economic university have it way too fucking easy.

Actually you are wrong.

Man invented the computer sure, but programming was seen as "woman's" work for some time. Nowadays we just throw those jobs to India and quality has greatly suffered

Go ahead and name all the fantasy settings where magic cannot be learned and is only an innate talent. I'll wait.

A fucking fag invented computer.

I play female archer and monk but for once for a while I want a male mage, handsome/smug bastard who throws elements like nothing, not kawaii uguu girl or female dominatrix.

That's because it was literally considered bitch work. Back in the day, you had human computers that worked for NASA and other places. The majority of them were women, because it was not viewed as high level work, whereas your engineers were all male

>Is this just a stock put down?
No it's not, I'm just telling you that the differences between males and females are biological.
>Actually you are wrong.
No I'm not

Yes some women can program (although can I just point out that original programming was completely different from today's programming) and men can become chefs (again I would like to point out, being a professional chef is actually quite a masculine thing, and is completely different to being a household cook for your family)

But by and large, men have a certain set of qualities, and women have another set. This is because men produce 20 TIMES as much testosterone as women (as mature adults), which affects physiology AND psychology. And this happens in the womb, even before you're born. Men and women are different and this is why e.g. men are on the whole much more interested in systems than women, and also why women make better child-carers / domestic workers than men.

Hahahaha git gud mufugga

This. "Programming" back in the day was not the complex logical task that it is now. It was just punching numbers onto a card, that's it. Bitch work.

when did Sup Forums turn into tumblr?

this is horseshit, its been proven western women are shit at both

Not true, men were seen as optimal for sticking bayonets into one another on the battlefield so it was desired work for women as a result.

LOTR, Harry Potter, ASOIAF, WOW, etc., basically all the most popular fictional universes. And most video games have strictly divided class systems, in which magic cannot be learned by characters who aren't spellcasters from the start.

because if a guy was making the food , everytime girls ask "whats are we gonna eat today?"
well. you know what they would say

>tfw you'll never *whisk furiously* with Fie

>Hahahaha git gud mufugga
You git gud you fucking faggot they have the same or more qualifications that me yet they are told to do something else since it's not very womanly to go where the guy of the same qualifications does.

Some of the pioneering programmers were women (for example, most of ENIAC programming was done by women and while at this point we're far from "first programmer" territory, Apollo mission computers were primarily programmed by Margaret Hamilton) but it wasn't a "woman's job" and Ada Lovace you pictured most likely didn't do much of anything (

after gg and all those faggots who made gg left and let this shit board in its current state.

>guy making food
>girl ask what are they going to eat
>you are going to eat my dick bitch
there you have why, now go be a annoying piece of shit back to tumblr

gtfo to plebbit you fat feminazi fuck,no one cares about your stupid butthurt feelings here

It's not my fault you're a pathetic faggot who can't get girls user

Go hang yourself

No user, it was bitch work. Just like being a phone operator or a secretary. That's why they did it

Why are these threads ok?

Agreed, I found this part uncomfortable. I'm ok with the segregation as part of the school structure but I thought it was lacking and disappointing in the writing that none of the girls questioned it. Particularly Laura who is a very driven and successful young woman.

>tfw german
>tfw my sons class is only segregated for christian female and male
>muslims can still do sport with the girls
just cuck my shit up

You are a pathetic faggot who thinks getting some cum and dump whore is better than intelligent and loving woman who doesn't even study where I do now.

>very driven and successful young woman.

And there she is, standing arms crossed while letting the jaeger tot do all the whisking.

good job, you named a whopping 5
that's definitely the majority of the hundreds or even thousands of fantasy settings that have been created and you're definitely not a massive retard

I'd say usually that it's a case of mods being told to let at least one /r9k/-esque thread slide just so they don't spill out everywhere else, since we all know how everything went sour after moot thought nuking /r9k/ would work, but there's a few threads like this up right now, so I'm just assuming there's no mods around.

No I'm just telling you that the differences between men and women are biological

Not my fault if you can't accept that

Sorry, I don't have the time to list every single pulp fiction fantasy setting nobody ever heard of.
I'm glad you've recognized your folly and agree with me in the end.

this is completely wrong
>human computers
the two things have nothing to do with each other
human computers were people paid to calculate things, programming is telling a (mechanical/electrical/whatever, a machine) computer what to do...which is really hard actually

what about non christcuck whites? shouldnt kraut gov be secular?

Yeah, there are obvious biological differences between men and woman which make either more apt at certain things.
>programming back in the day was easy
it's certainly changed but programming was never easy user

>No I'm just telling you that the differences between men and women are biological
yes but that doesn't mean woman never should do x, there are plenty of women good at math for example. It's probably less than men but that doesn't mean no woman should do math.

I remember this thread from a few months ago.

Fuck off.

You're right it doesn't. But it does mean that the reason more girls don't go into maths is not because "everyone is telling those hot and smart girls that do better on tests than me to do something more girly"

Girls choose to do girly things because they prefer them, it's as simple as that. These fields should accept women (which they do, there have been intelligent female scientists for generations), but they shouldn't try and socially engineer them so they're 50% women. That's just insanity because you're then discriminating against the many men that would be good enough to work in the field but can't get in just because they have a dick.

Did Marie Curie need a fucking diversity program to become a scientist? No, she just fucking did it.

stop projecting, this has nothing to do with the post you're replying to


It does, sorry you're a moronic liberal who can't accept biological facts

I think you need to take a step back and calm yourself

"Biological Facts"
Ha, yes, of course, somewhere written DEEP IN THEM THERE CHROMOSOMEZ is a line of genetic text that reads, "girls can't into computers", what a brilliant man you are

But that's not what he said.
Who knows, maybe he's right, because you certainly can't into computers and you're a total fucking faggot.

Adults are speaking, user

Shit, you might actually be a woman, only a woman would use such a lame comeback.



So we've confirmed your argument stems from a misogynistic sense of male superiority. I'm glad we could reach a resolution that so utterly discredits you!

Where did I make an argument? I just called you a stupid faggot/woman (same thing really).

Men produce many times the amount of testosterone that women do, and testosterone makes a person much more interested in systems, and much less interested in people, slower to develop skills like empathy, spoken language, social skills, et cetera.

And yes this is written in chromosomes, since chromosomes are what determine how much testosterone is produced - see this picture here: As I said, some women CAN into computers. Some women produce more testosterone than normal. Some men produce less. But by and large, disciplines that require logical thinking and don't involve emotional intelligence are things that men are generally better at, and more interested in.

>Goobergators will defend this

Alright boys, time to end this gender bullshit and let's talk about VIDEO GAMES instead.

Cold Steel II, it's coming this fall. Are you excited?

>emotional intelligence

Better luck next time keeping the mask from slipping

I simply used that as another example of bitch work, you little bitch

Why does everyone latch on to Ada Lovelace when she didn't really actually have that much to do with the analytical engine, not even the "programming"

Babbage did all the actual work.

i agree with you that 50% women is silly(equality doesn't exist and trying to force it is terrible) but it IS harder for a woman of equal skill to get into most technical fields.
That Men are on average better at computers programming is due to testosterone levels sounds plausible. But saying that the woman which are good at computers are good because they have more testosterone than average for a woman isn't necessarily true.

I'm a neurobiologist and I really want to know were you got those information. Testosterone affects certain parts of the brain, but not really the parts that dictate scientific interests.

First post best post

Women have a lower average IQ.

It's why Muslims are outbreeding whites.
On the plus side, when whites go extinct, our ancestors will no longer have to deal with the cancer that is feminism.

Because in real life, girls do cooking classes and boys do computers, because believe it or not, men and women are different.

Hope this helped.

The same reason people latch on to that We Can Do It Rosie The Riveter bullshit.

>We should be more like the muslims, they know whats up

In regards to popping out babies, yes, they do.
I'm not white, don't lump me in with you faggots and your worthless "discount-men" women.

It's always funny to see someone that is proud to be the color of shit

>Give them the choice
>Computers is 100% boys while cooking is 99% girls and one faggot

Is he cute?

>If you're not white you're black
Guess I should be glad though, you whites normally aren't too perceptive when it comes to this kind of thing.
Here's hoping no other rqxe is retarded enough to think feminism is a good idea.

I'll never understand how cooking is a girl thing.
Doesn't everyone have to cook? Literally how do you eat without cooking?

Same deal with driving being a guy thing. Unless you live in the big city I'm pretty sure it is only in your interest to know how to drive.


>how is cooking a girl thing

Think about it. A guy is out working in the fields all day, do you think he has time to cook? Of course not, but his wife who is at home taking care of the kids does. Although this dynamic has obviously been changing for quite some time now

to be fair, you're either white or you're not
but you're right about us (white guy here) fucking ourselves over; that collective white guilt thing that started in the aftermath of WW2 really stuck

it's not even a girl thing anymore
I know tons of girls that don't know the first thing about cooking, or are even proud to tell everyone they meet that "I don't cook"
I like cooking, making food that tastes good (even if it's not to a professional level) is great

Who the hell has a stay at home wife during their early 20's?

It's not. Boys need to learn how to cook too, or else they'll end up eating nothing but Hot Pockets for the rest of their lives, and girls need to learn about computers so that whenever their computers break, they don't have to ask every tech-expert (re: Google user) in the vicinity to fix it every five minutes.