Sup Sup Forums. There's a pokestop in the yard of an African-American gentleman a few blocks from my home...

Sup Sup Forums. There's a pokestop in the yard of an African-American gentleman a few blocks from my home. We tried going there and he constantly threatened us to get off his property or he will resort to violence.

Is this legal? Can't we walk on someone's yard in good faith?

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Castle law is going to fuck some people up.

How about you stay the fuck off his property

Castle law says you have no duty to retreat from attackers in your home.

Some spergs walking in your yard looking for Pokemon aren't a threat.

>be American
>play Pokemon Go
>get shot

Can't make this stuff up

>Knock on door
>Show pokemon
>When he tells you to get the fuck out, you get out


Just stop being an annoying faggot and look for another pokestop, even a nigger doesnt deserve a load of autistic kids invading his property over a shitty game.

Castle law varies based on state. Most states have castle law extend to property line.

stop playing a shit mobile game for autistic children. There, problem solved.

If youre standing on the road then its perfectly legal if you step into their property then no

You mean Stand Your Ground? That's the law that allow citizen to pursue suspicious people.

>be French
>play Pokemon Go
>get trucked


And here come the Sup Forumstards

no, you can't fucking just go in someones yard in "good faith" i wouldnt want a bunch of little faggots running around waving their phones around like robots in my yard either. hes all talk anyway.

You are aware of which board we are on, right?

I don't believe you. Pokestops are on art or churches or old public buildings. Unless this nigger lives in the Louvre there's no way it's in his property. Post proof

>be Nintenretard
>play Pokemon doesn't have to be GO
>get cucked

Deal with it

You faggots are so fucking annoying

Like no seriously this new Pokemon shit is like a plague. When I drive around I see people with their noses in their phones, stumbling around like a fucking zombie. It's pathetic.

>see group of young fags obviously playing
>they're all aimlessly wandering around a parking lot yelling to each other while looking at their phones

You look so fucking stupid and you look even more stupid thinking you have the right to walk onto somebody's property for your stupid ass collectathon of the month. I'd shoot your fat virgin ass too


shut up you little pussy, nigger has been a staple of this website for longer than you've been in school.

Literally "stay out of my lawn"

> be British
> play Pokemon Go
> get tea and biscuits

He probably slings rock in front of what happens to be a pokestop.

Are you for real nigger? Get the fuck out of here with your Sup Forums boogeyman faggatronics

Chill out bro

t. Your frustrated elderly neighbor

Take your meds grandpa

Again, depends on the state. If he's in, say, Massachusetts then he can shoot after warning the intruder upon passing the property line. If he's in New York then he would have to have an unbroken six foot high fence around the property for the law to extend to the property line.

not him but i agree. Its like beanie babies but even more autistic and annoying

>be British
>play pokemon go
>have to sell phone a week later because country is poverty tier now after leaving EU

t. triggered amerifat

>no interest in casual iPhone games
>apparently there's a Pokémon spawn point in my garden
>children and neckbeards now swarm my house searching for imaginary animals
Will they go away if I tip buckets of water on them?

>pokefags start getting shot
Is there a downside?

You are in violation of global rule 3. Now stop.

We haven't let yet you knob. Going to take 2+ years

> get tea and biscuits
> Not beheaded because Pokemon Go is Haram

Yes. Not /vp/.

> be British
> play pokemon go
> get beheaded by muslims because police only take weapons from whites so they aren't seen as racist

shoot them or call the police

#nice truck

>N word

Fuck you

>be American
>get shot
>get out of hospital
>go to school
>get shot
>go to the us embassy aka McDonald's
>get shot

Remain cuck detected

Leave a spider on your porch

I know it's your first week here, but let me tell you something son. The mods don't care at all.


how about you start charging them a dollar to get their pokeymen?

>tip buckets
Just shoot them

Or at least set up traps and film it

You could sell your house to a paedophile for a lot more than it is worth

Time to buy a water gun and say "i's just to make it more fun for them" to the police

ugh this

>People are still defending the vote to leave
Great to see you have no concept of economics. Most of the world agrees that it was a horrible idea to leave. UK has no way of surviving outside the EU.

But that actually happened you dumb frog


>Can't we go on someone's property in good faith?


tell them you're a registered sex offender


get a load of this nigger

I don't blame him.

If I find some autist roaming around my yard at night I'd be pissed. Just stick to the local park; that is your containment zone.

You might as well just say nigger, because that's the first word that comes to mind whenever I see it. Quit being a limp wristed faggot and give up this elementary playground bullshit of "s-words" and "a-words". You fucking nigger.

Enjoy your increased refugees cuck

>Tumblr image.
I think it's time for you to go back.

You cant just shoot some retards because they are in your lawn. Thats not how it works, its never how it worked

amen, fellow feminist, someone has to get this shithole back into order

We just got a new PM. She said she wants all those mussie shits out by end of the week.

Absolute mad woman is even building a wall.

learn to spot irony faggot

>UK was once the most powerful country in the world
>now has no way of surviving outside an alliance

What happened?

Yea see your using nigger the right way it's like another word for stupid that user is literally using it in the same old black people are niggers sort of way that's overdone and annoying as shit only now that I've spoonfed you all stop using the word wrongly

If by most you mean almost no one, then yeah. But the GBP is already recovered the banks have physical and liquid assets in an emergency, frnace, germany, sweeden, canada, usa, russia have all said they will keep trade.

The only down side is we have to listen to little shits like you who probably live in a london no go zone bitching about being deported.

lets refrain from the homophobic slurs, alright?

>being this retarded
please end your self.


And the UK will survive, just the economy's going to take a hit.

After they actually leave of course, which could take 2+ years assuming they actually have the balls (or lack of in May's case) to invoke article 50.

>be French
>go to concert
>get shot
>eat at diner
>get blown up
>run away
>get trucked
>go home
>watch wife suck refugee cock

>niggers will shoot kids passing by playing a video game
And why are we supposed to get mad when our based law enforcement shoots them dead again?

Here's a pro tip for all you psycho motherfuckers. You can't physically harm someone just for walking in your yard. You can call the police or yell at them, that's it. No court in the world will side with you that some kids on their phones were a threat enough on your property to use force to remove them. Not that any of you keyboard warriors would stand up to anyone in real life.

I prefer the term 'remarks' , more rage inducing.

Please stop using homophobic remarks, faggot.

I don't think you live in Massachusetts, because the rules for shooting somebody in your home are far more complicated than that to the point where it's retarded. There's a certain amount of lights that have to be on in the house as well, but this is exploitable because you could just flip the switches after it happens. I'm sure they have some stupid rule to combat this though

>"m-muh video game is more important then property right!"

so this is that entitlement i keep hearing about



Had me for a second and it looks like you got plenty of others. Solid bait, I must admit.

If you're a psycho motherfucker, you most certainly can, and quite likely will, whether the courts will side with you or not.

That's what go fags need to get into their heads. It's not about what's legal. It's about what can happen regardless.

>Make crying cartoon
>Get blown up
>Start virtue signalling hashtag campaign
>Get shot

You know, I don't really give a shit if someone is passing through my backyard, whatever, it's just grass. But I still have enough sense to respect other people's property and personal space. But I guess you stupid mongoloids are all for doing shit that people tell you not to and crying on the internet pretending to be some victim after getting your shit slapped don't you?

>2km egg
>have to wait for my free one to hatch because i dont want to waste a charge on it

Not wanting to invoke Article 50 isn't about having balls or not, it's a fucking trap designed to fool people into thinking they have the option. It basically puts the rest of the EU in full control of the leaving country's arrangements, up to and including the fact that the leaving country is excluded from the final vote on whether or not the terms of the leave agreement that they have to fucking live with are acceptable.

>People on your lawn
>Threaten to shoot them

I've never seen any sort of castle law or stand your ground law apply to your yard. those are generally saved for the explicit situations where you are IN YOUR HOME and you have NO other options available to you to fend off a potential threat. There's a reason people jokingly say "If you shoot a man who broke into your house, make sure you kill him," because even if you're within the scope of the law you will probably get your ass blasted in at least civil court

Look at it this way, user.

Thanks to the power of the truck, those people are now reincarnated into medieval fantasy worlds where they can start their lives over and pick up beastgirl slaves along the way.

I'll take my chances. If the psycho is that good of a shot to kill me and all my friends then he deserves the points, otherwise I'll enjoy my lawsuit sum or his death by cop. Chances are nothing is going to happen besides some faggot getting butthurt on the internet.

why would you even need to walk in someone's yard to catch a pokemon?
just being a little close to it is fine


Key word in the OP's picture. If it's night time then the rules change. At least they do in some places. You aren't obligated to put yourself at risk to a potential prowler in the dark. A defense of shooting first and asking later becomes viable in course in such a case. One day someone's going to be shot in the dead of night cause they climbed someone's fence to get a fucking pokemon, and nothing will be done about it.

So, you know, maybe people are entitled to the sanctity of their PRIVATE property. This isn't the same as some jerks being so entitled they can't stand having new people in 'their' park.

Nice projecting you got going on their bro, I actually walk up to the peoples houses and knock and ask because I'm a social guy but you can tell people are just being hostile just be hostile getting that upset and threatening for some kids having fun. I'd rather them walk through my yard and leave than egg my house or knock down mailboxes like kids used to do to pass the time.

>It's not even so much the whole, "MUH PRIVATE PROPERTY" as much as it is just respecting people's boundaries and not just strolling into their yard when they are out relaxing or with friends. I'm not going to go into your fucking house in middle of the day just to "pass through".

>Is this legal?
Yes, it's legal you fucking gypsy. Stop venturing into other people's properties.

>Nice projecting you got going on their bro, I actually walk up to the peoples houses and knock and ask because I'm a social guy

I never said I was against this, this is something you should actually fucking do, if they say "no" you should respect that, instead crying about, "B-BUT MUH LAW, MUH ENTITLEMENTS" Like some people in this thread have been doing.

He doesn't have to shoot you. There are a million things in a person's home and in their garage that they can beat you half to death with too.

If they have an ill-behaved, vicious dog, that dog can be set loose on you faster than chopper sic balls.

If a fuss starts up, you don't know neccesarily know what the neighbors are like, or if they'll take your side or his. You may find a whole gang of assholes stomping you and your hole-buddies into the curb, and pikachu won't save you.

All these things and many more can happen quite easily, and by the time the cops get there to help you, that lawsuit is going to be cold comfort when you're missing half your teeth and your leg's broken in five places.

If some manchild nu-male faggot was walking on my yard catching some stupid-ass pokemons I'd probably shoot him even though I'm white

That kind of basic thought process and consideration for others is beyond some people though. They think they are entitled to go where ever they want but would complain if someone stomped in to their house looking for pokemon without an invite.

So you have to reduce it to basic fact for those types. Their dumb ass would get shot if they were skulking in someone's private property in the dead of night and no court would convict the shooter. It's probably because of sociopaths wandering Sup Forums, but that's how you have to argue.