What does the future look like for Nintendo?

They've been outsold for years and have shit for third-party development. Breath of the Wild is about the only thing going for the company right now.

Then you've got the upcoming NX - is it going to be another gimmicky meme console or something more traditional? Because clearly gimmicky meme consoles have put them ahead of the competition.

Though as much as I'd love to see them succeed I can't help but blame them for their own decline.

Other urls found in this thread:


NX won't be a traditional console. The last traditional console was the gamecube and it sold like shit. You can be sure that it will be another gimmick console.

Breath of the wild is their biggest game yet but it won't sell amazing. Rehashed pokemon games will be able to easily outsell it.

Their sales have been declining since the NES, so expect a full move to mobile with the success of pokemon Go.

This post took the words right out of my mouth.

Basically, if you're looking for a Nintendo Playstation 4 that plays Mario, Smash, and Zelda like most of Sup Forums is, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

I hate to say it but I can see that happening. Although I don't think they'll find anywhere near the same success as pokemon go with any other franchises on mobile.

I get it but.. why? Why do they insist on consistently churning out underpowered consoles? It doesn't have to have the same features as an Xbone or a PS4 but christ at least they could put some horsepower in the things and stop assuming everyone wants to dance around in their living room to play games.

>I get it but.. why?
I know Sup Forums doesn't understand basic business, but in short it's more profitable to use underpowered hardware in the long run. Yes, even with flops like the Wii U.

>Source: My ass

You mean to tell me that Pokemon X and Y was outsold by Urban Champion on the NES?

>gimmicky meme console


>failed console
>basic business

Go ahead and elaborate.

Just make a fucking Nintendo phone, my god.

A bunch of nerdbait snes titles, some exclusive portable titles and some gimmicky thing like two screens.





uh, yeah dude, nintendo is, like, doomed

>Pokemon Go makes Nintendo's stock jump 50 fucking percent
>"Nintendo is finished"


>previous discussion of Nintendo's future just getting started
>this thread has been pruned or deleted
mods confirmed for nintenbabbies

when are they gonna ditch the 3ds and fully utilise the n3ds?


What is Splatoon and Pokemon Go

>shit third party development

Oh but you seem to care when Bayo 2 happened :^)

Nintendo has been in a slowdown because all their best stuff was already released in 2013-2014, but at the same time they still had big releases like Splatoon and Mario Maker, as well as other games still being decent

NX is no doubt going to have a gimmick, but this time Nintendo has an advantage because they are jumping early while Sony and Microsoft decided to only jump half a gen with Neo and Scorpio

The 'losses' that Nintendo had this gen? Those were made because of all that investing in new businesses. Wii U itself actually made them money.

>i am so close minded that only "real" games can make money for companies, not shit like pokemon GO, hehe

go outside

>it won't sell amazing

Says you fucker

Also need I remind you that Splatoon managed to outsell PS4's biggest game last year that was released 2 months earlier?

>They've been outsold for years
The Wii, GBA, DS, and 3DS disagree. And their games always sell.

Nintendo shill


Your in denial of you think Nintendo still isn't in control

The PS4 Neo and Scorpio literally responses to Nintendo making a new console this early

>5 years since the 3DS came out
>it still gets plenty of games
>People keep saying Nintendo is doomed