If you expect to play pokemon go out in public without being approached or having any social interactions then you are...

>If you expect to play pokemon go out in public without being approached or having any social interactions then you are 100% full blown pants-on-head retarded

Why? The game doesn't go out of its way to make you socialize. I've never seen people talking to strangers about Candy Crush or Angry Birds. Is it because it's pokemon therefore it's okay to expect that the other person is also a sperg?

Pokemon go is not a social app. It's supposed to be a solitary experience. Fucking creepy that an ugly person with social problems approaches you, it doesnt matter what he or she wants, I dont want to be near them. You're creepy as fuck, do something about it and stop trying to make the world change itself because you're too lazy to put effort into not looking like an awkward fat neckbeard.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I've begged my boyfriend to sign up but he won't
>I hate all the people trying to talk to me about Pokemon Go

God damn what a terrible person. Even her face is ugly.

This is why people shoot you in your schools. Get over it, if you cant fake a few words like Sorry, I don't have time right now or I don't play that game, then why don't you just stay inside?

>greasy neckbeard starts talking to girl
>she gives short, curt answers and walks away
>greasy neckbeard starts following her, continuing the one sided conversation as upbeat and cheerfully as possible
This shit is fucking creepy as hell to girls, and if you dont understand that youre probably a fucking autist yourself. Dont you think hot girls get sick of being hit on all the time? they want to be left alone or with the boyfriend they chose, not being constantly harassed by fat autists jesus christ Sup Forums

>last thread was autistic people flingin shit at each other
> gets deletet
>OH BOY! better post it again

Posting in a bait thread

Pokemon don't disappear if someone catches it before you like that first paragraph implies.
What trash.

ten buckaroos says she would bend over for Chad.

That said, no one is forcing her to interact with anyone. Pokemon is social game by nature and just like magic the gathering has a strange fanbase, either you deal with it or learn to be blunt.

men should be castrated tbqh familiamma

My fiance plays this game without getting bothered and she's more attractive than this two-faced bitch. I guess she's just ugly enough for guys to feel like she's approachable.

But yeah fuck this bitch, and fuck OP. POGO is a social app by design just like Ingress was, and you're delusional if you think otherwise. If you aren't making friends playing this game you're a turbo autist of the highest caliber.

Yeah but when you get all self righteous about it and act like you're anything more than a piece of shit like anyone else, thats when you're discredited. No one gives a shit how angry you are that some manchild came up and asked you about a game. Would you rather be over in sand nigger land where you play pokemon go duck missiles and throw grenades at infidel vehicles?

I am looking at the way this is written and its probably a "that never happend" story

>girls tell creeps to go away
>girls like the attention from attractive men


>The whole bus applauded

Another amazing video games threads.

THIS shit again.

She has the right to want to be left alone. She has the right to not be court to wannabe stalkers. Women are under no obligation to follow up idle conversation with anyone.

If you think this doesn't happen you probably don't get out much because this shit happens all the time.

I posted it again mum.

>writing for the 'tech' section
>for the fucking newspaper in current year
>about pokermen

act like a nerd, talk like a nerd
b-but im not a nerd


Why are you so angry and bitter? Stop making us look like your typical angry virgins

Haha ew, dont hit on me silly boys :^)

>Pokemon go is not a social app.

it literally is.

its not a dating or hook-up app (regardless of how people use it) but it is most certainly developed and intended as a social app.

social =! creepy spergs hitting on you though. these things, while not mutually exclusive, are not the same.

Me 10 years ago: Would neg a bitch whose after pokamon and finish the deal
Me now: Going my own way harnessing incel power


I was actually pretty neutral in that statement, just expressing my opinions in a clear and concise manner.

Also, saying that makes me look like a virgin is pretty weird unless you think I'm a mormon.

Autistic people flinging shit at each other is why i come to Sup Forums

I know these are the far out examples but white women/western women are seriously screwed up these days

I get the girl in the article. It happens all the time. I want to go on a relaxing walk with my game but there's always some fat fuck in cargo shorts rushing over with his "ayyyyy hullo man did ya get thu zoobat thaws mah first i wasted sooo fukken many porkeybawls hehe" and I'm not even female. I'm sure I'd be even more uncomfortable if I were female and thus aware that the greaselord/turbochad is trying to get into my pants through a Pokémon mobile game.

I don't want to talk to him. I feel awkward and annoyed with these autismos spying on my phone screen and initiating conversation just because I happen to have a silly jogging app open while I'm enjoying my alone time.

Right, and I've turned down girls trying to chat me up as well. I don't want to fuck or even talk about Pokemon with Miss Hair Extension Gamer Grrl or a fat pink-haired tumblrina. I just want to enjoy my walk.

I have to keep on sneaking around and slipping my phone into my pocket upon encounters and even then they keep on glancing at me, wondering if I'm playing Pokemon too. God fucking dammit. I don't want to talk to you. Pokemon mobile gaming isn't a hobby I want to share with strangers.

If women aren't obligated to talk to any of us then how in fuck's name am I supposed to get a Girlfriend? Or have female friends?
Or anything whatsoever at all?
How am I supposed to have friends if no one will talk to me?

But it feels so good


>If you think this doesn't happen you probably don't get out much because this shit happens all the time
Maybe they should be the one staying inside then

When a girl walks away, that means she's been seriously turned off. It's not rocket science. You've managed to turn a girl off so hard if this happens to you. Next time, avoid doing what you did that made her walk away in the first place.

I've seen this shit happen before. I managed to befriend the girl very easily by

1. having just took a shower that same morning
2. looking like I gave a mild fuck about my clothing and hair. 2 minutes in the bathroom guys.
3. Keeping that beard trimmed down to a dashing clean cut configuration.
4. Using deodorant
5. being comfortable in my own skin.
6. Not needing that bitch. Make HER fucking want my attention. you just have to have that vibe about you.
7. Be actually gay and wait till the last fucking second of stringing her along just to see the hope fade from her face.
8. laugh at neckbeards like you who would kill to have that kind of attention from such a girl.

Is this pasta? It sounds autistic enough to be pasta.

You picked a shitty game to play then. By your own free will. By choice. Out of any game in the world.


>Pokémon GO Away

I like here

Or maybe you neckbeards should stop harrassing women with unwanted attention. Ever think of that?

she's 27 she only has a years left


>implying i go out

It's not a social app you fucking autists

No one needs to socialize with you while playing Pokemon Go, because the game isn't inherently social--guess what? Maybe some antisocial people want to fucking play Pokemon Go! It's not up to you to decide when, where, and how people should play a fucking game or make conversation, just because YOU want to practice talking to them.

And that's all you're doing, you're probably looking around shifty-eyed on the streets just hoping you spot someone flicking their phone with their finger, sidle up to them with your autist shuffle, and mumble, "H-hey, you l-like pokemon too? N-nice to meet you!" and expect that they should want--nay, you demand--that they take time out to socialize and help you out, without regard or consideration to how they might be feeling.

You absolute fucking donuts. You're never going to amount to anything, you'll never gain any semblance of social function. You're going to post on Sup Forums until it closes or you die, because this is as much social interaction as you're capable of handling. And even that, you're doing poorly.

it may be superficial, but I'd be okay with how retarded she is if she wasn't so ugly. This article from such an ugly gal strikes as unwarranted self-importance.


ITT: numales

The vast majority of pokemon go players I've met are massive normies so idk what this bitch is talking about

Why? Because I want to play Pokemon go on my phone without being approached and harrassed by strangers?

If someone trying to strike up a friendly conversation over a common interest is so fucking uncomfortable for her then maybe she's the one with the aut and should be staying indoors.

> hot

>female strangers are obligated to engage in conversation with me even if they know I just want to get in their pants

Sup Forums - beta male


I'll take things that never happened for 500.

you dont need to socialize to use facebook
you dont need to socialize to use twitter
you dont need to socialize at all to use literally any form of social media

you're the autist here. it is a social app, regardless of how little you want to talk to people. and again, you dont have to. but thats not any different than literally any other social app.

of course, i'm just playing devils advocate. i dont talk to people on the streets, i don't approach people playing GO, i dont care that much. i play it, my friends play it, thats it.

but the fact still remains that it is, in fact, a social app.

why are you so triggered

ITT: Betas who couldnt even dream of cold approaching a woman if their lives depended on it.

Its the most popular game in the world now, friend. You're fucked.

>No one NEEDS to socialize
You're missing the point. Its a social app. You can google 'reasons to play Pokemon GO' and you'll find "make friends" on every list. You can ignore people in everyday life if you want, but most people don't do that because it doesn't make sense.

>you'll never gain any semblance of social function
By talking to people and socializing?

Sorry I couldn't read your entire pasta, it was just really cringy. No one uses so much punctuation in regular posts.

"Sorry, don't play that game".
Wow, it was SO HARD to be a decent human being!
Please refrain bothering importsnt CEOs and Leaders of State in the cafeteria.
Oh, wait, probably she thinks her column on a paper is worthwhile. Not that she actually talks about things of public interest.

>"oh my god, those autistic nerds are talking to me, make it stop"
>can't even say a simple "fuck off" to a stranger

I'm having a ball with the game as a female. All I do is use the autistic guys to my advantage. The number of Pokemon that have been given up to me by chubby moonfaces is overwhelming! And on the flipside, I hooked up with a really hot guy yesterday who I met while playing.

So it really all comes down to how you look at it. The woman in the article is a total bitch and I will at least pretend to be friendly and try to cut off before they start genuinely thinking they have a chance.

Correct. You can play from inside your home by GPS spoofing if you're an anti-social faggot. You have no reasonable right to expect no one to talk to you in the public space, you're just not used to it because no one had a reason to talk to you before.

You cannot trade pokemen
Bait better

>The number of Pokemon that have been given up to me

Not a thing. Kill yourself.

>Is it because it's pokemon therefore it's okay to expect that the other person is also a sperg?
Yes, because for the last 15 years Pokemon has been exclusively for spergs. The casual normies playing Go haven't touched a Pokemon game since Red/Blue when they were 6 years old or whatever.

Go is dragging the true Pokemon fans (i.e. autistic sperglords) out of their basements for the first time in a decade and these people have no understanding of etiquette or social grace. It's embarrassing for everyone involved.

Where did I say they were obligated to respond you dipshit?

What's so hard about saying you don't want to talk to them? Yes, they're shit at getting social cues, some retarded article and bitching about it won't change that.

It actually went to 600 posts and was archived.

>socially maladjusted manchild who plays pokeymans when over the age of 12
>see normalfags playing pokeymans
>see opportunity for social interaction
>crucified in print by gaping wound who would've moistened up if you'd been a 10/10

>le me playing Pokemon Go on campus
>Go to a starbucks to train my bitchin' Charizard like a boss
>Meet some cute girls wearing the Love Pink clothing brand all huddled together
>They're playing Pokemon Go
>Me Gusta
>Have a Socially Awesome penguin moment as I approach them and bring up how cool Pokemon is
>"OMG yaaassss I feel like I'm 10 years old again"
>[Wanz voice] This is fucking awesome!
>We beat the Gym battle and bae catches Onyx
>She names the Onyx after me
>Before saying goodbye we trade numbers and 3DS friendcodes (fuck yes, she's a gamer too!)

Gentlemen I require maximum brofist because this was a triumph, im making a note here HUGE SUCCESS

oooooooooooo he mad

You're not obligated to other peoples time or attention.

That nigga hyper-mad.


You're not obligated to being left alone ;^)

>Scan post
>See "my bitchin' Charizard
Post discarded

>comparing pokemon to facebook and twitter
Pokemon go doens't have friends list or a chat function, it doesn't even have trading yet. The game is more comparable to Angry Birds and Clash of clans than facebook and twitter. And people never talked to each other just because they saw you playing Candy Crush.

Pokemon go is not about socializing you autists, there is no reward for socializing at all. This is not an MMO where teaming up makes you progress faster or anything. It's about catching pokemon outside.

>it's an "omg my life is so hard because this inconsequential thing happened to me and I don't have the skills to handle it like everyone else does" episode
Wow, what a victim.

Yes she is. Otherwise it's harrassment.

And what's the point of catching Pokemon outside? Ask any Ingress player how socialization factors into the game.

You can deny it all you want dude, Pokemon GO is a social game. The existence of lures is all the proof you need by itself.

Pay him no mind user.

How are you this triggered by women Sup Forums? You keep saying that people are being "douchebags," "assholes" that don't act like "proper human beings," but you haven't actually answered the question of WHAT makes you feel that they are treating you that way.

Is it just the simple act of not wanting to talk to you? I get the feeling that it is, and it just displays how little you really understand about social interaction, and how entitled you feel that people should indulge you trying to talk to them. You're not special, people don't need to have a conversation with you over some bullshit smartphone game with fictitious monsters.

They're not being assholes. The problem is you. And if you don't wise up, no amount of trying to foist yourself into conversations with people is going to help you improve being social, because you lack a fundamental piece of understanding conversation: to converse, multiple parties must WANT to engage.

Afterwards, did you save the burning orphanage and take out the terrorists nearby single handedly with a ladder while holding the baby from said orphanage that belongs to the old Chinese lady across the street whose blind and about to cross it?

>And what's the point of catching Pokemon outside?

Some people would say exercising.

>Hi, you do thing?
>k, cunt
If a few words from a stranger have always been harassment then I've been harassed my whole life.

Pokemon GO killed Sup Forums for good.


Then don't complain that they don't understand you don't want to talk. Or don't go out. Or don't play the game. You're like some child bitching that A has consequence B but you want consequence B to go away without doing anything for that to happen.

Showering and using deodorant before going out and talking to people makes you an action hero all of a sudden.

You're all autistic

Being talked to is not harassment.

Just tell them to fuck off.

Yeah, because the hygiene part of that was the meme arrow worthy response. Sure.

Unwanted attention is harrassment. You people are just as bad as fucking sjws. Are you really defending creepy neckbeards literally following women around hitting on them?
>itd be different if he were hot
Maybe. But itd also be different if the guys who played pokemon go by themselves werent a bunch of greasy autistic creeps thinking that playing the same video game means she'll want to fuck them. Obviously the article she wrote was necessary if you people dont have enough social aptitude to know to leave a chick alone after she starts walking away. What a bunch of degenerate losers.
>inb4 not acting like an autistic rapist makes me a white knight cuck


First post you replied to here, how does calling out a stupid person on her bullshit equate to being triggered by women?

You that same girl from the last thread? Pls go out with me I'm in London.

Good. Now we can go play games.

>Unwanted attention is harrassment.
I've got just the place for you.


stop harassing me

I agree, I've always hated being approached by greasy fatties trying to talk me up, I hate it and this should end.

>I posted it again!

>actually using "doesn't do shit scented liquid"
Jesus fucking christ nigger, get with the times already.

It's not that she doesn't walk to talk to some guy while playing a stupid game, it's that she doesn't deal with it, complaining about it instead in a fucking newspaper article.

Just tell the guy you're in a hurry, or better yet, simply walk away. How difficult is it to refuse someone? Hell, from what I read in this thread women do it all the goddamned time, they're probably experts at this point.


It's only ok for them to chat her up if it's a 8+/10 chad

Yeah like this thread.