What is the scariest video game moment?

What is the scariest video game moment?

Signs is a shitty movie, the only good m night movie is the sixth sense


>inb4 muh unbreakable

also trash


nigger. that movie is gud. Better than sixth sense.

F.E.A.R. ladder.

found the Redditor Fedoras!

All of his movies are trash except for the Happening, which is entertaining trash and if viewed from the bottom of a bottle is clearly a post-modern antimovie that completely reverses the disaster movie structure and is an intricate telling of depression.

P.T.'s (turn around)

lol worst fucking movie

Uh oh der kommissar's in town uh oh

tomb raider's butler

Fable's demon door.

I like the happening in the same way i like the room or birdemic


when your savegame crashes

>any game

dentist in bioshock 1

Spider queen doll in Okami.
After a whole came of comfy fun fuck that horrifying ghost ship.

Half-Life 2, going into the house where you meet a poison headcrab host for the first time

Scary, not startle-y.

The first 2/3 of Signs is great. They never should have actually shown the aliens, it all went downhill from there.

In hindsight or after repeat viewings this bit isn't scary. But I remember jumping out of my fucking seat when I first saw it in the cinema.


>What is the scariest video game moment?
For me it's any time I try playing some SJW western shit and then realize I spent money on it.

Shit taste, Signs and The Village are his best

When the zombie falls out of the closet in Timesplitters 3

Every time this guy showed up

Devil was fun

This scared the shit out of me i'm brazilian

>Ctrl+F Ocean House
>0 results

The opening scene in the first Deadspace when you dont even know how to play yet and the Necros just start dropping from the ceiling.

JonTron ruined that character for me

When you see the one on the table first and know the fucker is going to get up at some point. Had me properly spooked

alien isolation

it did a good job of building up relateable fear and then the space demon shows up. made even worse by the fact that if I squint my eyes hard enough it's somewhat plausible that at some point in the coming millenia it will probably happen to someone.

i'd imagine it's a similar fear to being locked inside of a mansion with a bengal tiger.