You have exactly 5 seconds to explain why you aren't using an ENB in New Vegas

You have exactly 5 seconds to explain why you aren't using an ENB in New Vegas

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I'm not a graphics whore.
gameplay mods > graphics mods

You can use both, no logic, you're a retard.

>implying you can't have both

looks like shit
ENB is dogshit for 13 year olds

because i'd rather not have my screen shat on with vaseline and awful lens flare chromabs and wubdub effects this generation brought

this looks worse than vanilla



GeForce GT 730
AMD A6-6400K

amount of lag using ENB increases from Oblivion to Fallout 4

i hate to say this, but i put on some ENB and they always lure you will 4,000 fomod installer options, so i choose some random shit like Blue Sands.
now my game looks poopy. game gives me friggin anxiety anyway. way too much shit going on.

I don't like the way they look.

Looks like ass, use this instead:


retarded. you use it with ENB

I don't give a shit about graphics senpai and I can't have both because of performance issues. I simply don't like how they look.

Looks fine on its own.

>I can't have graphics but I didn't want them anyways!
lol what a faggot

Yeah, nice reading comprehension there you fucking retard.

I've never found one that looks good enough to be worth dealing with the weird visual glitches

I prefer have high fps I also don't care as much about graphics as you
Also it messes with the steam overlay

You have performance issues so you can't have them, while at the same time you pretend like you don't want them anyway. I have perfect reading comprehension and you're a pathetic cunt.

ENBs look like trash and run like shit even on good PCs.

1)I'm on a toaster
2)most enbs look like literal instagram-tier vomit
3)I don't mind the vanilla look, I think it's comfy

goddamn what enb is that?



I bet you see a lot at night ;)



Cause new vegas is boring

Could someone recommend an ENB that is isn't very resource intensive but still makes everything look a little bit better

what's going on with her right shoulder lol


>tried ENB
>fps goes from 60 to 30
>i'm okay with this
>game now looks like a shinny turd with high contrast
I tried it, I didn't like it and I don't want it. Simple logic.
>muh photorealistic vidyagames

Dreary enb

>gameplay mods affect performance
nah you're just a poorfag


A lot of your mum :^)

They differ from the artists intended look, the game wasn't made with a mess of post processing effects in mind, unable to use real (non post processing) anti aliasing with enb unless it's forced through inspector (which has problems). Also that performance detraction and the minor input lag that comes from post processing injectors is too much for an actual member of the master race. this just looks so wrong, not a clean image like a pc should have. Back to console with you

>wasting money building a le gaming pc just to install graphics and sex mods
The true power of PC gaming.

>Dreary enb
Thanks! I am currently using Nevada ENB but something about it is not quite right, can't really say waht though

fix your black levels, learn to calibrate user

>muh vanilla graphics

fuck off

Every time I install an ENB in a bethesda game, either I fuck something up and the ENB looks like shit, or in reality the ENB just looks like shit and the screenshots were misleading.

Explain to my that beautiful skybox is blured and why do your eyes have an aperture of 2.8, your eyes aren't a shitty DLSR with a "woah so vintage" grade slapped on top

Way superior than your dark and shitty ENB

>They differ from the artists intended look

>some shitty vidya "artist", constrained by engine and console limitations, "intended" it to look like this, better stick to it for some retarded reason

Sorry kid, you are the consolefags.

Yeah, instead it's just yellow and shitty.

>They differ from the artists intended look
>implying Obsidian wasn't just limited by using assets from F3 with limited dev time


You realise that all of these messy post processing techniques come from consoles... they are a trend that give the impression of higher fidelity. Which only works for console fags or people under the age of 21. Fucking morons

I own a toaster that can't handle jack shit. I've only ever managed to find one ENB that didn't completely decimate my framerate to the point of unplayability and that was at 15 FPS. Pretty sure it was one of those performance ENBs too.

NV isn't exactly a game championed for its art direction

Yeah all these new assets and entirely new filter to the game are just an engine limitation, there is absolutely no way Obsidian could have possibly chosen to make it this way, it would be insane to think Obsidian had any say in what they themselves created.

>still spouting this meme

Why would you give a shit about what mods other people install?

Unless it's Willow, fuck you if you support that shit.

Uhh no, they all come from PC, you're fucking retarded. The most graphically revolutionary game of all time was a PC exclusive called Crysis and it had the most advanced post processing effects to date. Kill yourself dipshit.

>we should stick with 2006 level graphics because I'm a poorfag

ITT toaster pc's

Anyone who says vanilla is better than using an ENB probably has a shitty pc, or is too much of a retard to set it up

I have a bad computer. It's an AMD APU and a GTX 750 ti, but it runs the base game fairly well.

>randomly screaming "poorfag" because I have a point

I'm not still playing FNV

Crysis didn't even utilise a lot of it's post processing effects when it was maxed out, google.

The quality of the assets and the visuals in general are engine and console limitations, how stupid are you, you computer illiterate mongoloid.

I do. I use a pretty minimalist ENB, just some improved shaders and lighting mainly.

Vanilla is less comfy 2bh.

I just wish most enb presets wouldn't make my game pitch black.

The most revolutionary effects it used were effects like SSAO, god rays and bloom. Consoles tried imitating them, poorly, and now you think it's a console thing. Fucking stupid.

the game's an unstable piece of shit, ofcourse you can't have both

You didn't address what I said.this is so sharpened you've got fringing

I'm running it on an incredibly shit computer and I still managed to have gameplay and graphical mods working together without my game shitting the bed, I imagine you can do much more with an actually decent PC.

What you said was wrong, idiot, Crysis DOES utilize SSAO/godrays/bloom when maxed out.

>The quality of the assets and the visuals-
Moving the goalpost

Because I haven'g to NV installed, I might download it since that Dreary one looks pretty good.

I use vanilla out of necessity since my PC is shit but holy fuck it look so bad. Granted, a lot of ENBs are shit but I wish I could run some of the good ones.

>playing nv instead of fo4 in 2016

>tried one enb preset in a sea of thousands
>they're all bad
Absolute retard.

Well said, dudebro! Only competition that masterpiece of an RPG has for GOTY this year is Skyrim's incredible remastering.

>he thinks this is pitch black

this, you can notice it's a filter when in motion. it's almost sickening
in engine lighting mods forever

ENB isn't just a filter dumbass, it can change engine properties.

>over 200 mods installed + ENB
>can't have both

ok retard

any ENB presets that dont add a bunch of post effects and just add shadows/AO/increase in engine lighting quality?

fill me in user

ENB is slavshit trash.

The most popular ENB does this


Yes, aliasing is a thing, especially at 1600x900

Look, just say, 'it would be nice but I cannot have both, so I go with gameplay mods versus graphical mods.'

You just sound like a faggot who cannot admit he is too poor to have a machine that can handle both. It is okay, most people here are poor it appears and have to make choices like this often. Don't try to mask the truth. There is no reason too here.

thats serious sam 3 levels of shitty lighting

not to this degree if you use real AA, which ENBs don't allow
I'm on 1920x1080 and it's not that bad

I dislike ENB mods. They make for good screenshots, but the excessive post processing effects looks bad in motion IMO.

If I want a color filter and touchup there is SweetFX/Reshade.

The game is shit.


Even if true, almost every screenshot posted here looks better than fucking vanilla.

>not playing the superior fallout 4 including all DLCs

You realize its allready full of Post FX, they're just lower quality ones made for consoles.

Best ENBs are mundane ones tuned for certain weather mods that just replace low quality effects with good ones.

Also I usually hate FXAA but considering how bad the LODs are in Bethesda games, selective blurryness isn't necessarily a bad thing

I quite agree! Fallout (TM) 4 might be an excellent RPG with deep storytelling and excellent gunplay, but The Skyrim (TM) Remaster is one of the best games I have ever, er, that has ever been, made!

SS3 had good lighting you fucking pleb

no it doesn't faggot


people play for the game, no for making screenshots