Why does Sup Forums hate indie games so much? They're pretty much the last refuge of artistic integrity between the broken, focus group tested AAA blockbusters shat out annually by UbEActivision and the sea of mobile skinnerbox shovelware with no more depth than a slot machine. Sure the twin stick shooters and walking simulators get old after awhile, but that's the surface pondscum of indie. Today's indie game is yesterday's groundbreaking console or PC game. There's no room for innovation in today's multi-decamillion AAA space.
Why does Sup Forums hate indie games so much...
I personally like indies and have a lot of admiration for them but I think that people here are critical of:
a) indies' glaring lack of professionalism, e.g. failing to meet deadlines; not apologizing for anything/making excuses (bugs/glitches, high prices, etc); not disclosing personal relationships which may lead to a perceived corrupt favoritism among investors, journalists, etc
b) obnoxiously pretentious, holier-than-thou attitude, re: social issues, obscure art/film/history knowledge, work ethic ("making a game is hard work I do this 90 hours a week by myself")
c) blatent contempt for their audience, see above but also gamers are entitled, gamers are immature, piracy is wrong, etc
d) constant moneygrubbing (kickstarter, indiegogo, patreon, paypal donations, etc) with relatively high revenue for a perceived lack of value being produced (3.3 million...)
d) most importantly, the quality of games produced by indies is often subpar when compared with the mainstream, or even with games released decades ago.
The fact that indie developers are such douchebags really ruins any respect I would have. It seems like all of them have art school degrees and would look down on someone like Toby Fox.
dont generalize
some indie game are good
lots are incompetent trash
indie clique from andfran is a circlejerk of talentless sjws with their own journos and award shows and even real indie devs like mcMillen despise them
What about indie devs who don't really charge you for the games? (Although some of them still ask for donations)
there are only like 3-4 indie games with decent gameplay and all of them are roguelikes. I dont give a shit about being artistic, progressive and "better" than AAA. I WANT GAMEPLAY. AAA delivers more often than not, indie games don't.
what if I told you the vast majority of any major game studio's workers are assholes? they just have a PR team and indies don't.
I enjoy Indies quite a lot but people like Phil Fish and Johnathon Blow are just cunts.
Indie games are basically the same as AAA games:
80% of them are bad.
Unfortunately, the fact that indie games are less well-known means that the 20% that are good are less well-known, so it's easier for people to focus on the bad games.
At least that's my theory.
I guess there's also the fact that people outside of Sup Forums (and it seems even a portion of Sup Forums) are pleb ass taste in games, and would rather play something that looks "new" than something with good gameplay. Obviously, the lower budgets of indies means their graphics are generally minimal. Plebs are often turned of by even really well-done pixel art.
Pretty simple, really.
Most virgins keep coming up with game concepts for their idealized experiences and gameplay but are far too lazy/incompetent to actually do anything about it.(most ideas are impossible or suck).
When indies came along a bunch of people thought: "wow some people will renew the game market and maybe my ideal game will be made playable".
While some new and interesting things did come out, games are still made for profit and people will go where money is.
Indie games became flooded with samey shit and knock-offs and the gaming press suddenly became relevant again.
Cliques formed, content became even more derivative and artsy shit started getting pushed towards people, pretty much neutering the idea of most grassroots development.
Through all this the lazy virgins never bothered to try and make their ideal games and now blame indies for ruining their dreams.
That guy who made Maldita Castle seems like a cool dude.
It's probably the same ratio of assholes to good people wherever you work.
I don't. I actually blame my lazy ass for not making any progress in a game I was thinking on.
Anyways, why do some devs treat their rooting fans (not the cancerous, fanboy-ish type) like burning shit? I mean, sometimes the ideas might not be the best for you, but that doesn't give you rights to be an asshole to whomever gave them to you.
Yes, indie games are often of poor quality, but let's not forget some "AAA" gems that were released as glitchy, buggy mess (arkham knight for pc, assassin's creed unity, ac syndicate etc.)
Sup Forums used to not give a shit who made a game, just cared about whether the game was good or not.
The contempt for Indie devs stems from those dev's attitudes either during or after development.
Playing indie games can feel more personal because the person who made the game is often directly who you get the game from, and that leads to it's own whole can of worms.
pretty much
For every Serious Sam, Talos Principle, Zeno Clash or Grimrock you get hundreds of Dominique Pamplemousses, Massive Cleavages, Slaughtering Grounds, Watching Paint Dry Simulator 2016s or Guise of the Wolfs.
What indie devs are y'all even talking about who are trying to be progressive, or are douchebags?
I can only think of Phil Fish and that guy from Vlambeer.
When I think of indie devs, I think of Nigoro, Pixel, rdein, Yacht Club, Wayforward, CDPR, Croteam, Dennaton.
Have y'all only played Fez or is there something I'm missing?
Human nature.
Fame, power, arrogance.
Why do the "intellectual elites" treat the "unwashed masses" with so much contempt? They are the ones keeping the whole system, which these elites need to live as they do, running.
Don't take any comments personally, you don't blame the devs, how many others do?
I'm generalizing for everyone trying to answer why Sup Forums has a hate-boner for indies.
ace team isnt indie. they belong to atlus.
Can't think of any indie games I don't hate except White Day, Hotline Miami, Yume Nikki (and fangames), and Cave Story.
It's the same with them as it is with Croteam and Devolver.
They only publish their games, they don't fund them.
>p-please don't generalize! not all indie games are made by cunts or are walking simulators!
>not like AAA games, they are all the same bullshit!
holy hypocrisy batman
>tripfag actually has mostly good taste for once
It's a christmas miracle.
Kero Blaster > Cave Story
Plague of Shadows> Shovel Knight
Technically Platinum Games is indie, "indie" is too broad a term. If you are wondering why I don't usually play games made by one guy in his basement it is because >one guy. Most good games are made with teams of people.
Don't see why they shouldn't be considered indie. Their stuff is on GoG which is their sister company or whatever.
Of course that gets into the whole discussion of "What is indie" and how it barely matters anymore if an indie dev ends up with the funds to make a big budget game, but whatever.
Swap CS and Kero and I agree.
Somehow it disappoints me that most of the society is shit nowadays.
It's not like I can't deal with it, though...
Anyways, I think one of the many reasons some people hate on Indie is because anyone can make a game using an engine, then sell it for a high price.
It's not like it doesn't take any effort or skills.
Kero Blaster ?=¿ Cave Story.
>Don't see why they shouldn't be considered indie.
How about the fact that they are a multi-national, publicly traded media conglomerate that does more than just video games and is now producing $50 million AAA games complete with half the budget going to marketing?
"Indie" may be a fairly fluid term but a fucking multi-million dollar corporation that answers to their shareholders is definitely not indie.
I don't think you know what that word means.
"I'm a beloved Indie DARLING and how fucking dare you even begin to criticize my games. I am the FUCKING savior of this medium and everything I put out is a thousand percent more creative and fun to play than the sludge you sheeple pay $60 for. I will fucking SUE your ass if you even begin to talk negatively about my game. That is defamation and it is ILLEGAL. Eat shit and die."
Maybe because indie devs are fucking insane? Kind of like Phil Fish.
They're basically like modern art: shit and pretentious.
>video games are art
When will this meme finally die?
>please help it's my first day posting on Sup Forums
Yeah you listed all the good ones pretty much. Even then you do realize 2 are japanese, 1 Brazilian, 1 Polish and only 2 american? The American indie scene is filled with insuferable fags.
when every single indie dev is gassed
CDPR involves various entities and subsidiaries engaged in separate activities with a parent overseeing it all. That is a conglomerate.
Obviously not all of them are douchebags. Unfortunately only the shitty ones get the spotlight.Like OP's picture
Why does Sup Forums pretend to like "hidden gems that normies don't play" but only talks about playing latest popular stuff.
Because .jpg compression is a meme.
>artistic integrity
Every single developer in the known universe would sell out if they had made it to the level where a publisher/company made an offer.
Every man has his price and you'd be amazed at just how low it really is.
What other ones act like douchebags and make "progressive" games though?
There could very well be some, I just can't think of any more.
Wait Brianna Wu lmao shit
Wasn't Jonathan Blow also quite the prick?
Holy shit there's so many I'd say most of them.
Jonathan Blow
Tales of Tales
Carpe Fulgur
Just to name some.
Normies love indie games what are you talking about?
Carpe Fulgur doesn't make games, they just do """translation"""
Anyway maybe you have a point.
I might have just spoiled myself by picking the good indies.