D.Va is bad

>D.Va is bad

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nerf this!

her ult fucking sucks but anyone who says she's bad is dumb

>lmao look at me stomping literal shitters
Too bad it shows your career average.

I usually play as a healer, so my k/d is garbage

>I usually play as a healer
>Career AVG: 0


>reaper is bad

>overwatch is good

I don't think anyone says this



73 > 42

>skill rating 46

holy shit how does it feel to be BELOW average

did you kill someone and then kill their corpse some more?

>crops out everything else because he played a match with bots

59 now :^)

>here's one cherry picked example
Here, have your (you)

>I'm good at beating shitters so se isn't bad
You'd have twice that score with any other hero that isn't Zenyatta

>career avg: 3888

How can you have that low an average?

>he didn't get 60+ from his placements

>people aren't bored of this game yet

>he got lucky so he thinks he's skilled


If you played hours after ranked first launched it was incredibly rare to be placed 60+.

71 now :^)

boosted :^)

that's his avarage healing as D.va, not every hero


the jokes on you I have no friends

Those stats pertain to D.Va, not everyone.

>Career average elims is 11 tickles.
LMAOing at you're life.

i can tell

it's just banter, hope that didn't burn too bad user

those are dva specific stats friend

Career Average is specifically for that character. D.va should have a zero. Do you guys even play this game?

I know, but I didn't point that out because I knew you'd be wrong either way.

I noticed it, but OP said that was counting him playing a healer, so one might say I was only pretending to be retarded

>6500 damge
>25 Elims

Just how bad are you dude?

You literally can't get and maintain 70+ without friends and a constant team. Any solo queuer that gets there should probably play the lottery based on how lucky they are to pop on teams they do.

>every high level player is bad

Ok, dude.
You know it all

w-when you play lots of skill based fps and arena shooters you can carry the game quite easily most of the time

Yeah I never said anything like that user

you say that as if it's impressive that you can't play D.Va

>I had one particularly good match in a mode that I will not reveal, therefore everything else is no longer relevant.

I'm global in CS and quite good at quake but i'm 55 lmao

You need a team. Can't carry solo in this game.

he's not alone
>i-it's luck!
9/10 on placements without playing a DM hero isn't luck my dudes

In this game, no you can't. You actually seriously can't. This game doesn't reward individual skill in any way. I'm not even saying you're bad or I doubt your skill, but you won't get 70+ queuing by yourself even if you're Jesus Christ on the keyboard.

Did they fix D.VAs rifles in the PTR? I feel like I can kill people farther than I expect.

Also a lot of people are already complaining about her in the official forums. Because they keep dying with her new 3 second ult. Fucking retards.

>This game doesn't reward individual skill in any way.
Holy shit the wrong

>people actually die to D.vas ult now instead of having a year to escape


>Wins: 9
How about you keep playing the game dipshit? You clearly aren't confident about keeping that rank.

you need to play solo carry heroes i.e. road hog, tracer, zarya etc.

by definition you can't carry the game solo, but you can rape the enemy team so hard that the rest of your team has to do nothing but get the odd kill and heal you.

Carrying your team still isn't always enough though. I almost carried my entire first qual match until I died once and my entire team decided to wait for me to get back and do all the work and lost.

In competition?

It doesn't. You'll get fun gold metals, but one great player will not win the best-out-of-3 setup every time in competition. Maybe you can shit on quick play all day, but you by yourself won't do much if you get on a shit team.

Being 70+ as a solo queuer is much more a display of luck than skill.

D.Va is great, but nobody fucking knows how to play her properly.

They are complaining on how they can't escape it anymore. The fuck? It's 3 fucking seconds.

Also lots of complaints of how she's unkillable because of her new Defense Matrix.

It's like the Bastion anger all over again.

Yeah often it's not enough, you will always get "un-winnables".

Also make sure to swap heroes if you need to counter or you get countered.

It's all fine imo.
D.va literally isn't a threat at all right now on live. Well, unless your name is Winston.
She beats Winston stacking so that's good.

They're not used to her actually being a threat so they whine now.

This guy is pretty shit but he managed to get high 70's in solo queue


His aim is pretty shit but he knows how to play an aggressive tracer and creates an easy situation for his team

shitters will always cry on forums when they start getting killed by a specific hero. it will always be like this and i hope it doesnt cause blizzard to overreact and go on a roller coaster of nerf/buffs to heroes like they loved to do in WoW to many of the classes.

I took this picture after placements you mongoloid

Wish I was that good at this game.

how retarded are you?

DVa's guns are tag machines. It's super easy to get laughably high eliminations as her. OP basically did nothing except help cap point.

>i hope it doesnt cause blizzard to overreact and go on a roller coaster of nerf/buffs

This is actually my concern. She feels actually kinda fine now. Not even great. She's usuable now. Then a whole lot of people are complaining. If Blizzard reverts the changes before live I might flip my shit over this.

DVA is amazing on the PTR
New Ult and Matrix are legit as fuck

This. I'm a Tracer main and some fag on Sup Forums wanted her to get nerfed.

this, I probably do better out of the mech than in it



I like how D.Va is right now. She's just fine as a disruptor and it's a fun playstyle. I've always played her as someone to disrupt bottlenecks and pushes, use the shield to stay mobile along with the boost, and the guns to tag and annoy. Her push works great on retreats and campers.

I'm not sure why she needs anything else. She's great at her role.

>That damage
You're proving yourself wrong you know.

>switch heroes hurr hurr


D.Va isn't bad but she sure is ugly

How dare you


pure cancer, might be the quickest ive given a youtube vid a thumbs down

I'm not normie slayer tho
is that why everyone has been giving that a thumbs down?

>She's great at her role.
She's actually not. I'd take a Reaper or Winston over her any day. But after trying her at PTR, she's actually somewhat on par now.

its a shit vid on top of that, straight out of some baby mmr game

Not him but Rank 43 here. I never really played FPS games seriously growing up aside from DOOM and some Halo casually.
I'm totally fine with my rank. Not everyone can be good at FPS games. I'm bad but really enjoy Overwatch. Also, people in lower ranks make funny plays that a high rank would never make, which makes the game easier for me.


It's pretty unanimous on the pro scene that dva is just a shitty Winston that can really only effectively be used to stall for time.
>anyone who says she's bad is dumb
>All pros are dumb
Don't worry your soft little head though baby boy, she's getting a really good buff next patch which I'm actually looking forward to because she's a shit ton of fun to play

It's not like these buffs even do anything. Dva is still bad and zenyatta is just as bad.

>pro video game players said she's bad, so anyone who actually does well with her is just a baby!

learn to think for yourself. This is why I stopped playing overwatch, everyone takes it so god damn seriously they can't just take a risk or learn to do something properly.

so when did you realize you suck at Overwatch?

t. rank 45

I'd say I'm leagues above you if you think what I said isn't true. How can you even be this bad at a casual kid shooter?

>again with the "I'm bad so if you're good you're bad" """argument"""
stop it user

t. still rank 45 lmao

Good. Let them enjoy it while you enjoy your other games.

You... DO play video games, right user?

I actually can't believe someone that is capable of using the internet can be this bad at a children's toy.

I got bored of it a month ago. 12 maps and the same game every time gets boring when you don't have a job or classes to break up play time.

ooo now im a gnry

>don't listen to the people who's job it is to understand the best way to play
>think for yourself and try something that has already been proven to not be as viable
Lol it's not about just taking a pro's word for it, it's about understanding the current meta. Dva just isn't viable in most cases and different heroes out-perform her in the scenarios where she actually is useful

>being lower than 80
>posting in this thread at ALL
you're all shitters.

I'm glad they addressed her.

I have around 24 hours use on her and I actually stopped using her a long while ago because she's so easy to shutdown with her not being even able to do anything. When I used her in the PTR, I was actually finally able to get in close and do some love taps with Defense Matrix while actually surviving being in the mech and actually damaging people by myself unlike before.

It also has been a while since I've actually killed someone with her ulti. I guess people still are suprised that it goes of a second faster than before.

I can tell
You don't shitpost passive aggressively unless you are.

>posting a score that is entirely relative to your teams performance and pretending it could ever mean anything.

Whatever you say user, I got bored of the game a month ago anyways so I won't be crowding up your lobbies.

take that back

It's hard to always listen to the pros who have excellent teamwork. Random people playing the game will have different circumstances that different heroes will make up for.

>You don't agree with the opinion of the minority
>you must be bad
Zen is now just a canon instead of a glass one
McCree can one shot people at mid-range
Dva can actually hit shit and absorb damage whenever she wants now
You really have no idea what you're talking about

Good, the game doesn't need another beautiful baby boi refusing to switch off a useless character

Rank is absolutely retarded in this game.

Want to play mainly Mei, D.Va, Zenyatta, Mccree, Torb, Bastion? Enjoy your