what games let me operate?
What games let me operate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Surgeon Simulator
>operator thread
>not sicario
Any hitman game
Insurgency is nice for tacticool operations.
Fuck, came here to post this.
>babys first operator movie/flavor of the month wombocombo
please kill yourself
>movie is a year old
>flavor of the month
nah fuck you faggot
>The Unit aka Army Wives with more action
>better than Sicario
Anyway, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, Insurgency, SWAT 4, Alpha Protocol, ARMA.
rainbow 6 is best current game by far
insurgency is fucking trash
god tier game previously was americas army 2.0 which was fucking amazing back int he day
Insurgency is shit
What game lets you handle a gun like you do in real life, with good difficulty handling mechanics on how you hold the gun, what grip you're using, reloading with different ammo placements you can customize, etc?
Rainbow Six Siege
Far Cry 4 hostage missions
Come on, man. Everyone knows Fuze is best girl.
escape from tarkovichinovosko
>all the plebbybabbies getting mad
top kek m8
Agree that Insurgency is overrated trash but Siege isn't much better than csgo.
Watched it because it was recommended here in a thread weeks ago. it turned out to be utter shit, Thanks Sup Forums
Is operate(r) is new buzzword started by these tacticool shooters? I swear i never heard that word being tossed around till a few years ago.
it's a word that american Delta force started using in the late 80s.
not him but I like siege way better currently mainly cause ive played the everliving fuck out of CS over the past 16? years now that its been out. R6 got a ton of new gameplay mechanics which are pretty unique. But if I hadnt played CS as much id probably like it just as much if not more.
yeah i get that, but im suddenly hearing it more, from people that play vidya of all people. So im putting 1 and 1 together.
>going to clear a tunnel
>don't use suppressors or hearing protection
it's like they all wanted to go deaf
Operator has been a /k/ meme since forever, along with tacticool. Operators operate operationally, but are never tacticool, otherwise they wouldn't be operators.
You are not wrong.
And just like kino or any other cool buzzword used to get cred, no one really knows what it means in the context of videogames.
Did you even watch the movie?
The man with no taste
Strike Back game WHEN
Lawyer going full lone wolf edgy AND homosexual operator because muh revenge
Doesn't have all of that, but Receiver probably has the best gun handling in a game ever
>homosexual operator
I'm referring to the raping scene
Well, they did btfo those cholos at the border checkpoint pretty hard, but I wouldn't call it a rape scene.
What a shit fuck of a game that is.
There's one tho, I find it so unsettling and out of context that it made doubt my interpretation but when I was right after googling it.
>The camera then focuses on a drain as grunting noises intensify. Rape is implied.
No era personal
I don't know which retard edited it, but anyone sensible will realize that they waterboarded him and the crotch to the face was an intimidation move to make him feel uncomfortable.
The Unit was underrated, but boy was the final season with the Operator Grill hamfisted in (don 't hit on me silly other new character) and the majority of the wives plot horrid.
How's that show compared to the Unit?
I still use a line from Snake doc now and then when playing multiplayer and somebody complains.
"you wanna play a game and control all the pieces? play chess".
That was a damn great show.
>So this is how people are thinking when a country tolerates and assimilates LGBT rights.
I'm 100% sure that those noises were moans of a man having his ass plowed to death.
>waterboarding with a that little water. Bottled water.
Also IMDB is not a wiki
Yeah you had to dodge like 90% of the wives shit and last season was weaker than the rest , but its the only army show i have ever been interested in.
Any good war shows or films like Generation Kill?
Oh look the flat redneck girl is doing a radioshow for episodes on end how interesting!
SWAT 3 and 4
Band of Brothers.
Fire Up Fire Up youtube.com
You'd know how a man having his ass plowed sounds like, wouldn't you? Why would you rape someone if you could just hurt him? This theory is retarded.
Also, people can edit IMDB.
Faggot detected.
Is that triple 9
10/10 games
Yes it is
why are they holding the gunssideways like a gangsta?
You gotta fight gangsta with gangsta
Hands down most proficient weapons handling on any movie/film ever made, unless you count John Wick.
No drama, no bullshit. Excellent two main leads, excellent buddy banter. First season has a different character and is overall different, seasons 2 to 5 are fucking god tier. S01 is still worth watching, just dont get put off immediately if you end up disliking it.
Unit had some severely underrated dialogue.
Well how bout that
MGS V can flow ridiculously well if you plan it right.
sade is so sexy
Is that a DP-28 ?
Why does he use this retarded shit design that was obsolete in 1939 ?
To aim properly while holding a shield, you need to tilt the gun 90 degrees in the direction of your eyes. This is the legit and tactical way to use a gun while carrying a shield.
>all these people saying insurgency is shit then go on to recommend Siege
I never played either of them, but c'mon, Rainbow Six is fucking pleb tier Cod kiddy pandering trash.
>Can see teammates through walls
>Can talk to teammates after death
>Shit hitboxes
There is LITERALLY nothing "tacticool" about this game.
>tfw you'll never operate her
Whats so wrong with it other than the performance?
>mfw this song
Cheers, will give it at least 2 seasons then
Show was great until they started expanding on the stupid shit the wives did.
Do it. S02E01 with the hotel room clearing will give you a harder boner than a harem of lolis. Guaranteed. Also the show has some very strong emphasis on slavshit (VZ58s etc).
>tfw want to rewatch entire 24 but there isn't a shitty fan cut that removes all the sideplots and shitty agency drama
I just want condensed jack operatings
Yeah yeah. You've already convinced me.
>has foregrip
>doesn't use it
But why
because thats the correct way of handling slavshit
It's too much simulator, not enough game.
For me, 24 without the crazy political drama and cougars isn't 24.
ARMA 3 and Squad. Pick your poison.
ARMA 3, next question.
Who is this dentist and where did he get a warfighter's uniform?
SGM Mike Vining
game about adelta when
A suppressor in a small tunnel would still be loud as fuck and wouldn't do shit to keep them from knowing you were coming.
It still sounds like a jackhammer going off, in a small tunnel it's still gonna be loud. As for hearing, nobody young and dumb and in the military really cares. There's a reason fucktons of veterans having hearing problems.
A lot of people in the military look like total dorks, user. Hell I knew at least 4 bronies in the Marine Corps.
Don't talk shit about Mike Vining, faggot
>tfw you will never oper8 as hard as Vining.
So why haven't you become an operator yet?
Nice trigger control. Where's his camo outfit?
I will never understand why do people apply for SEALs when they can go down the vastly superior and overall more badass Delta route.
I'm fucking old and married with kids. Also I was a little bitch in my late teens and literally didn't want to risk my life before I got me some pussy. Just never joined even after experiencing pussy
>two games with absolute shit performance
>one of them is early access
When someone says "rainbow six" I don't even think about siege.
Can you actually just apply to Delta? The Navy gets plenty of teenagers to join because they give out "SEAL contracts" that give you a shot at BUDs no matter how unqualified you are as long as you pass their basic PT test which is easy as fuck and can be done by an asthmatic little girl. That way they can rope in all kinds of retards and dump them into random MOSs no one actually wants.
I thought Delta was one of those ones that called you, not the other way around.
This is my riafu
Any modern games out there that are in-to operator?
This is mah bitch