It's a no one but you will play as the tank or support game

>it's a no one but you will play as the tank or support game

>Join game
>Genji, 2 Widowmakers and S76/Reapers on defense

>it's a the healer is shit and is more concerned with jerking himself off than keeping the team in good condition episode

>that feel yo are a better tank but two tank spots are already occupied

>shit at tanking
>shit at healing
>carries the team most of the tim

I main genji [/spoiler

I choose the carry anyway cause I cannot depend on random pubs to actually know how to play video games.

>It's a team mate autolocking into Genji or Hanzo on both attack and defense game
>Its a the only healer on the team is shit but won't switch off and people complain about not needing another healer episode

>It's an enemy team is doing an excellent job of assassinating you as healer episode.
>your team keeps getting shit on as a result.

>play as mercy
>team has only 1 tank, all offense retards
>enemy tracer keeps focusing me, retards got no awareness

I leave everytime this happens. I'm on a 5 streak leaving penalty because I don't want to play with people so retarded they can't chose an okay team comp. I don't even care if the team comp says we need X as long as we have a healer and tank I'm fine and will stay.

funny enough
I have almost an equal 14 hours on Mercy and Roadhog.

Good thing I like both.

This is the reason why I stopped playing Overwatch

>playing tank but we have no healer
>junkrat complains that we have no healer
>switch from Reinhardt to Mercy
>that same junkrat then complains we don't have a tank
>instead of just switching to a tank himself he just keeps complaining that someone should switch to a tank
>eventually leaves

Community licks balls

>Ryūjin no ken wo kūrae go fuck yourself mercy

This is why I don't touch support anymore. Enemies constantly just walk past my teammates to attack me.

>it's a turret destroys the attackers and the dwarf goes 30/0 episode

>no healer on our team
>ask if someone can switch
>"lol no, healers don't get kills"
>switch out of necessity, even though I'm bad
>tell them I'm bad and to not go to hard on me
>no response
>during the game "wow our healer sucks"
>you do better then faggot
>"we don't even need a healer if they're going to waste a slot"
>switch back to offense
>we get steamrolled
>"where the fuck is our healer?"

fuck this earth man

>jump over Junkrat's trap
>still get caught in it


>join game
>two Genjis and two Hanzos insta lock on my team
>on Offense capture
>leave game

Playing Reinhardt is simultaneously the most enjoyable and the most stressful experience in the entire game.
Especially when your team does not cooperate

To add to this

>during that same match nobody bothered protecting me
>whenever I tried healing someone they took no notice of me, ran straight towards the enemy and died
>usually let them die if they act this stupid, but every time I decide to catch up with them, the enemy team immediately targets me and my team mates do nothing about it
>quit the match because it's pretty obvious my team mates don't give a fuck about me, and that we're doomed no matter who I play as

It was at that moment after already putting up with so much bullshit when I decided the game wasn't worth playing anymore, and why I've just given up on team based shooters as a whole

The best part of all of this?

If you are being healed, you get large marker on your screen that shows mercy's HP and her current location to you.

Stop playing Mercy with pubs. Its just to frustrating since you cant do anything to turn the tide of the battle.

>Reihnhardt and Mercy are the tank and healer
>Reihnhardt stands still at a choke point expecting it to help
>Mercy just stands there healing Reihnhardt

It's usually Road hogs who see me and get a good snipe on me with the hook. And this is the case with all the healers. As Lucio I can't go fast to avoid easily, as my team needs healing. As Mercy, If I'm not attached to Pharah he can usually out predict my movements. And while Zenyatta can defend himself against most things that usually kill me, his health pool is too poor without a Torj providing armor until his buff rolls in. But the worst is when Junkrat blind-fires and weakens me and flankers swoop in to finish me off.

>attacking on hanamura
>first two players lock in mercy and junkrat
>go genji
>3 seconds left on hero select the last three go 2 76's and a reaper
>fuck sake
>switch to rein during setup
>play him like an ulting genji the entire round
>gold in damage done, objective time, and eliminations

Get fucked you autismal attack-class shitters

Playing with randoms will never be as coordinated as playing premade but I've seen players with a baffling lack of awareness and common sense in this game.

>top fragging as lucio while also healing the shit out of everyone
It's an 'im human uninstall this fucking game if me team doesn't pick up the goddamn pace' episode

>tfw I prefer to play tank and support.

I play nothing but tank

I have the most hours as lucio thanks to these fags
Thankfully because of the Ana update, I can play ratboy again

>5/6 picked
>Nobody picks tank or support
>I give up and pick Roadhog

The self-heal is godly and Roadhog on defense is probably the closest thing the game has to a hard carry. Dance in and out of cover harassing with M2 and keeping your health topped up, and hook+assassinate a low health hero every six seconds. If they enemy attempt a push, push them all the fuck back with your Q.


The sad thing is that I actually love playing as tanks, and I'll always play as the tankiest character in any game as long as they aren't garbage, but because people will rarely ever pick a support healer I feel like I'm inclined to do it since people won't stop complaining about the lack of a healer all game.

Same. I love playing tanks and OW has some good ones. Winston and Reinhardt and probably some of my favorite tanks of any game.

>have to play lucio/mercy every single game though i much prefer a tank role
>whenever i'm shoehorned into playing support no one will go tank
>whenever someone else picks support everyone goes tank

>play ranked with an online acquaintance
>pick Lucio
>entire rest of team picks offence characters and a widdow on defence on R66
>"Guys please, we need some defence and at least 1 tank"
>guy I was playing with "Boot I onli kno how to play snip and pharah!"
>"We'll be fine" "Fuck off" "I play who I want"
>team gets fucking destroyed despite my best efforts
>on the other hand I play a game I have not seen the like of before or since
>hold them at the 2nd point
>wall ridan
>flankan and killan
>while dropping the sick beats
>finish the game with 4 golds and a silver
>we actually win

90% of my playtime is Zarya and Lúcio

mostly because Zarya is the most fun tank and Lúcio is the most fun support

I play offense once every hundred thousand eons

Playing winston against Zenyatta.

Is there a comparable feeling? Just watching your gun melt his tiny HP pool.

Just play PTR

>join game
>5 Ana's
>no one switches
>fuck it I'll play D. Va
>nonstop healing
>I'm getting buffed by Ana ults every minute or so
>48 eliminations
>0 deaths

That was the best experience I've ever had playing this game.

Winston against Genji, watching him futilely try to jump around and avoid the tickle gun

I used to pick Mercy whenever I went support because cute girl, but after giving Lucio a go he's pretty much become my main. He's so much fun.

Because dsp classes are edgy.


Nigga that's how I first got into tanking and playing tank is glorious.
>you're the boss
>whenever you want to run, you find people because DPS are a dime a dozen
>if you're even halfway decent at tanking then healers line up to suck your cock
>someone is being an annoying faggot? Kick them and you'll find a replacement in a second
>you get to know all the top players from the top guilds
>if guild drama is getting too much you're always welcome in another guild
>if the game's badly balanced you can out-DPS the fucking DPS as a tank
t. prot pally in WoW back when it was still good

I'm never going back to DPS, that shit is for 'tards.

Hey isn't there another website that really likes this game, maybe you could talk about it there

>He Swift Strikes away
>Leap straight after him

Zenyatta, Mercy, Lucio, Genji, Hanzo, Window

They're all delicious little bananas ripe for the plucking

>Playing offense on Egypt
>Entire defense team is goes Symmetra
>Jump in, sweep all their turrets away then taze them all to death
>Match is over in under two minutes

Im getting there, i love playing Mercy but no one wants to make sure you are safe

>5 anas 1 reinhardt
>keep sniping enemies while keeping him alive
>nano boosts keep coming and the enemy cant do shit as reinhardt destroys everything
this is too much fun

Reaper comics are the best

are you me?

There's something very oddly satisfying about playing Winston against squishies in general. There's nothing like getting up in their face, and then watch them helplessly try to run away as you leap after them in their futile attempts to escape.

It's literally hot monkey dick

I hope not
I am only rank 51, you can do better

>>"where the fuck is our healer?"

I hate this

I can't heal everyone at the same time you fucks

Makes me not want to play support at all

Probably why they removed hero stacking honestly. Multiple Ana's is pretty busted with a good tank

>It's a team holds off attackers until Mercy dies game

I play Mercy and I look after myself. You don't need to keep your reticle on your heal target, which means your head should be constantly on a swivel looking for flankers. You should try to position yourself so you're less exposed and have an escape. If you see danger approaching then react to it, pull out your blaster and defend yourself.

Yes you'll get shut down from time to time by good Tracers or Genjis, it's their job. But people who whinge that their team doesn't protect them suck at playing Mercy. You're not there to be protected. You're there to support your team so they can get shit done. Defend yourself.

I honestly thought that it was just Xbox One that was full of shitters who were unwilling to switch.
If we're all willing to switch, why don't we play together?
Don't have a mic at the moment, but I should be getting one next week.Add brianc36
inb4 >playing fps on a console

>tfw Tank and Support are your favorite roles to play

It's a who the fuck cares game.

>it's a no matter what the fuck you play Q times are always TOO FUCKING LONG

>in a game as roadhog next a reinhardt with a shield and Mercy who is healing him
>im critical asking for healing
>Mercy ignores me

I hate how they made him Brazilian just to get a South American in the game, when he was clearly meant to be Canadian.

>Fighting Genji in close quarters
>Back him into a corner
>He hits the deflect.
>Stare him dead in the eyes while I hold down the trigger
>He dashes at the last second but it's too late and his corpse goes flying across the room

Winston's lighting gun goes through fucking everything. It even penetrates Rein shields.

Yes, you can and should defend yourself as Mercy. But your options are limited and the fact that your team do nothing to assist you despite being in range shows a huge lack of awareness and is just really annoying.

>it's a game where your team believes in the "Soldier 76 is the most generic character so he is decent in every situation" meme and suddenly you have 3 76s that just tickle the enemy while they're hiding behind shields and healing all the damage immediately

>mfw a lucio is keeping his healing aura up JUST for reinhardt when everyone else is topped off

we all know mercy is superior in terms of healing and usually the better choice in anything but KotH.

but what if the tank was a zarya or roadhog? someone who can regain at least half their health.

then is there any point to have a heavy healer like mercy or is lucio the better support option?

Why does fucking every grill who plays this game only play Mercy?

>Other day playing a variety of heros
>One guy only playing Reaper match after match
>He's talking a lot on chat but no one else is
>say"Reaper, bruh, you are breathing heavy as fuck. You okay homie" in grill voice
>Immediately leaves after the match ends

I hope it was satire

>carrying in a team based game
Try again user

I always use the "No, I dont want a Banana voice line"

>fucking heal me, you noob

>Is there a comparable feeling?
killing a discorded Winston from a safe distance as zen is a better feeling desu
especially when you tries to jump at you but, oh no, he's dead on impact

>he hasn't seen a good genji yet
>damage boosting 76 while hes full
>blames me for him dying because im not healing
>hes getting 1-shot

>Not "Did somebody say peanut butter?"

I use that, the PB spray and the PB taunt

this, Mercy has a shitty pistol
I can fly out of there if i can see a teammate and it's open and i can take cover, but defending myself is a last second option, when im next to my team they should know there is a tracer or gingi murdering me. Then again, i also play Reaper and love that no one ever spots me take out their support

>end of game card for most eliminations on my team
>as Mercy
>not even as combat Mercy

I can't tell if this is a bad feeling or a good feeling.

>not using "How embarrassing"
>not spraying the tea logo and tea bagging him after

Mercy Pistol is pretty good though. Its always funny burning a Roadhog down from 100% due headshots.

I always shoot the enemy when no one is in danger of dying soon.

>Levitate over Junkrat trap
>Get caught

>playing with a good genji
>he solo wipes 3 squishes with his sword including the lucio/mercy and a carry
>easily push past the rest of the team for free wins

I'm surprised genji isn't considered OP. I've seen genji solo games.

the best feeling is when you snipe down that fucking Pharah, or the ulting genji behing you.

i haven't played this game for a week now because it's just too frustrating.

I will pick whatever my team needs except for Genji. I hate playing Genji.

My biggest gripe is when a team gets wiped out or nearly wiped out, people just run out of the spawn point to go 1vs5 and get killed instantly. They all fucking do it. I'm always saying "hey guys let's wait a second and head out as a team". Nope. One by one they charge ahead and try to blame the tank or healer for their retarded decision to take on the whole team alone.

>Winston stacking
>We're all jumping around, chimping out in the spawn room
>One Winston says "Did someone say Peanut Butter?"
>Sprays the jar of peanut butter on the floor
>We all crowd around it and start meleeing it

Welcome to every group online game ever.

The tears dry up eventually, bro.

People don't call him OP because most people only see the garbage ones which are all over the place

It's more so the carry part. I've seen good genjis, but I don't see them ever being able to carry.

>It's a you're rank 76 but your teammates are all 58-63 and you lose the game because they are all pubbers who have no idea how to play comp

Real fun, I love being punished because my teammates are multiple skill brackets beneath me but still get put in my games.

It seems extra bad with this game though.

How come theres no TDM mode?

Its probably the easiest mode to implement.

That's because Genji got nerfed before release, and no matter how OP you actuatly still are (which Genji isnt) no one will say you're OP until a pro play picks the character in a tournament and stomps with him/her

And thus, they get nerfed again because devs are retarded and listen to sheep parroting ideas.

jesus dem torpedo tits. Fucking retarded

I feel you

>latejoin match
>go mercy
>our genji asks me to damage boost him
>everyone else has full HP and is pussyfooting around, why not
>this retard is going straight against their bastion
>oh wait that bastion is dead
>surely their mei and 76 will-
>nope, they're dead too
>this guy isn't even injured
>second 76 and their lucio get downed
>torbjorn's turret brings him down to 40 HP before it and its builder die

The enemy team wasn't the best, but sometimes you get that lovely inbetween of 'bad enemies' and 'good genji player' and see a work of art unfold before you.

>play him like an ulting genji
thats a terrible idea

Trying out Paladins and it makes support fun. I'm sure it's unbalanced still but I like it. Got a bit bored of overwatch.

>team gets wiped out
>first to respawn is Mercy
>Mercy charges out alone
>dead in seconds

>go to play some OW today
>first match
>on attack
>defense has two meis and a torbjorn

I'm not sure I'm gonna play a second round today.

If you play a hero with >201hp or has a stun, you're playing the game on easy mode and are a no skill baby who is bad at shooter games.

>Be rank 62 solo q
>Rank up to 68 playing most of the time "you get less exp because support lol"
>Matchmaking is going nuts and "BALANCING" teams rank putting me with 58 or lower while enemy gets more around same rank
Competitive is a joke, and Im not even going to play it anymore until they fix why supports get less shit and the matchmaking itself, I see 70+ duoing with 50 to exploit matchmaking.

"If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid."