>Sup Forums actually defending this game
How the fuck could Sup Forums sunk so low?
>Sup Forums actually defending this game
How the fuck could Sup Forums sunk so low?
Other urls found in this thread:
Becuase it's very fun. Especially with friends, so that might be the reason you don't like it.
You know how it is around here.
>It's "It' gets good when you have friends to play with" episode
because the generation z have taken over and neo /v was born.
The gimmick wore off so quickly
If nothing is added this month it'll end up a distant memory
This is coming from a board who defend physical DLC.
How are you not surprised Sup Forums defending this game?
It's fun, retard.
>game not officially supported
>install to try it out
>go out at the evening
>walk around for an hour collecting shit
>meet nobody
>don't feel like doing this pointless shit again
I guess I can say I've tried it.
Eating shit is fun. You should try it.
How is it fun?
yeah, if you're eleven.
Its okay when nintendo does it
>there are people who genuinely believe this
you can just emulate the main games on your phone or play the card game which is linked to your phone or pickup a flashed DS for less than your phone cost.
but hey, its nice to see nintendo finally degrade itself to jumping on the mobile money printer for a quick buck.
Hope Ever Oasis wont be shit.
To each his own, I'll just let you and the other retards in this thread stick to that
>Genwunner pandering
>Game itself is shit, and the only part which actually make it fun is socializing
>/B-but guys it really really good please stop bullying it ;_;
>game not officially out
>meets nobody
No shit.
>the point of the app is to meet people
kek, either you're an autist or shitposting
>people in this thread asking what 'fun' is
You guys are ridiculously autistic sometimes and really do just want to hate on whatever is most popular this week. I guess you faggots can just stay mad as fuck though because it's not going away.
Why is it fun? And don't say "because I can play it with friends", because literally every single game in the universe is fun with friends.
the fucking 3ds games are actually pretty fun but everyone wants this mobile fucking app?
What the hell is wrong with these people? it's a low budget poormans version of pokemon snap.
>hating it
I feel like the only two options for this game should be enjoying it and not caring. Anyone who hates it needs to remember that it's just a fucking app, not a game. And this is coming from someone who just doesn't care about it.
>its a social app
So its a shitty game? Is this what you guys are saying?
>it's not going away
That's where you're wrong. Fads are fads for a reason.
I don't think you understand what fun means, just calm down and don't play it if it makes you so mad.
>All those assblasted pokemongofags when other people on Sup Forums doesn't like their shitty flavor of the month game
How will the success of this effect future pokemon games?
Remember when old Sup Forums mocked people for saying ''its fun''?
>social is shit
only for mental illness or edgy mass shooter wannabe
Nice cherrypicking.
I don't feel like walking around occasionally swiping my screen and spinning signs.
All the gyms around are taken and there were some lures active in the day so people still play it.
>because literally every single game in the universe is fun with friends.
He's not saying it is the only fun game.
How long has the Pokemon fad lasted again? Oh yeah twice the duration of 4chans existence. It's not going away unless mobile phones do.
Defend this, normalfags.
>remember when old Sup Forums was autistic and didn't understand what fun was
No, simpleton. That's neo-Sup Forums
So do you hate every games on earth? How does ''social'' make a game better?
>"game" requires you to leave your house
>"game" requires you to go to specific places in town, so if you live 20 minutes outside of such a place good luck
>"game" has no actual gameplay and is summed up by throwing pokeballs at pokemon and that's it
>"game" is played by every normie on the planet at the moment
>"game" requires you to pay real money for basic shit like pokeballs or you have to travel to town to spin some shit and hope you can get pokeballs
Please explain why any self respecting person would play this shit?
Alright explain to us what fun is.
A buzzword
Yeah those critics sure know everything about everything, drats I won't be able to have fun playing it with everyone else anymore! I guess I'll just have to shitpost on Sup Forums like you now, how sad
>Pokemon go make 6th gen games look like fucking masterpieces
Neo Sup Forums please leave
How can anyone defend it by saying its fun instead of providing an actual reason?
Fun is subjective.
Nintendo almost gets nothing from it.
This is not made by nintendo and they get very low royalties.
Educate yourself peasant.
Face it, you're just mad because normies enjoy it.
Ask your therapist next time you're in anger management for being so utterly butt blasted over a freemium mobile game
>it's another 600 replies shit flinging thread
How do we stop it?
>Sup Forums won't accept fun as a reason to do things because they are all losers with no joy in their lives
This is hysterical.
You don't know what cherry picking is faggot. The post said user didn't meet people and that the app is shit. I just responded to the only actual reason given why user thought it was shit. Unless an hour walk is a complaint.
>there are people who genuinely believe they are having fun with friends
It's a great tool for making walking enjoyable. I would never play it for it's own sake but it's a great supplement for burning some calories while having fun.
Seeing what pokes pop up around me is fun. The actual game part is beyond shit. The app in general is unstable as fuck and the servers go down at least once a day. I can't see this lasting past the winter months when no one will want to go outside and walk around with their phone out.
Yeah. And old Sup Forums fucked off to Reddit half a decade ago.
Why are you still here? Go and stay there with your friends.
What about the "don't feel like doing that pointless shit again" part?
I've had fun playing it over the past week.
This does not though sadly stop the game from being completely fucking broken and should never have been released in it's current form where it's basically a pre-alpha where the features implemented don't even work correctly (Gyms are still fucked and pointless, Rare Phantom Pokemon are the bane of my existence) and the game crashes every 5 minutes
Seriously, if they kept this game in development for another few months, it would have been probably a solid 9/10 game. Currently though, the game just isn't good, but the concept itself is quite fun.
Literally every game can be fun to someone you fucking retarded normalfags.
This is where you have to explain what is fun about this mobile shit.
Fun is a buzzword to explain away anything shit we have to say about your little mobile shit.
>I have no argument so I'll just say its fun
Literally toddlers: the board
Fun is not an argument
Are we not allowed to have guilty pleasures now?
Are you insane? I've only seen bitching about this game.
I've NEVER seen Sup Forums get together to collectively decide something is good, so I guarantee you're full of shit.
if its not fun whats the point of playing games you fucking idiot
This thread is full of pleb defending this '''''''''''''''''''''''''''game''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Did Pokemon GO brought a surge of normalfags or was Sup Forums always this dumb?
>This thread is full of shitposters
Fixed. No wonder, given that people like you are so autistic you bite the bait with full force.
He means this particular game is not fun for him you fat fuck
I don't think I've seen anyone say it was particularly good, just that it's fun which it is but that has cause a large amount of autistic children to start throwing shit at the walls in tears
>Nintendo kiddies defending this shit
lmao, enjoy your mobile only future and amiibos
Seems like you haven't been in the threads with dozens of people saying that people don't like it because they have no friends.
Then if you say you have friends but still don't like it they do a 180 and say that it's good even without friends or meeting other people.
Even in this thread people automatically jumped on the "meet people" argument
Joke's on you I haven't owned any Nintendo shit since the Gameboy Color and I'm way into GO.
It's currently the best mobile game for passing free time on the go atm, and the exercise and social interactions benefit most players.
So if fun is an argument I guess not fun is also one and this is what this game is not fun.
But I do.
The fun everyone is talking about is going outside and seeing every other millennial playing and going
It's true, not one person in this thread has said the game was good, people are having autist tantrums, legitimately not one person in this thread has said its a good game or defended it these people make themselves mad
Oh they will enjoy it because if its Nintendo its ok.
Poe's law is in full effect in these threads so you may never be sure.
Can we all atleast agree that it's more fun than any game Nintendo has ever made?
Manchildren that seek nostalgia.
>play pokemon go
>get robbed
>>"game" requires you to leave your house
>>"game" requires you to go to specific places in town, so if you live 20 minutes outside of such a place good luck
This is a good point against it.
>>"game" has no actual gameplay and is summed up by throwing pokeballs at pokemon and that's it
There's battling and defending gyms.
>>"game" is played by every normie on the planet at the moment
Ignore them, that's what I do. Just sap off their lures and stick to the people you like.
>>"game" requires you to pay real money for basic shit like pokeballs or you have to travel to town to spin some shit and hope you can get pokeballs
The games doesn't require you to buy shit, everything in the game is obtainable through gyms and pokestops.
>Please explain why any self respecting person would play this shit?
I enjoy catching pokemon and exploring my town. This game has brought me to cool placed I never even knew existed. Defending a gym with your best mons can be very satisfying too.
>someone is eating shit
>you ask him why he's doing it
>he says it's fun
Now what? You have no argument for why you shouldn't eat shit with him now?
>not going on a pokemon catching adventure with your dealer
Unfortunately for them meeting people have nothing to do with the game itself.
So conclusion the game is shit.
Can we please get the Generation Z their own board?? For the love of all fuck.
Do you even love video games?
>mfw coming across fellow idiot and normie millenials pronouncing it Pokeeymon or even pokeeyman instead of Pok-eh-mon
This is how you separate uber-normie millennials from true gamer or nerd millennials.
I haven't played a proper pokemon game since 2003 but even I remember the proper pronunciation of the damn IP. Triggers my autism and I'm not even a legit Pokemon fan thought I might get back into it thanks to Go. I'm itching for a turn-based battle game.
>having fun is the same as recommending it
Sup Forums's autism is full force today.
Alright tell us about this battling.
Just lets me shit in his mouth is all. Just like Nintendo is doing.
You know
If this was actually like going out and catching virtual monsters with physical items and going to REAL gyms that'd be cool
this shit just retarded senpai
Because retards keep walking into traffic and getting hit or walking off cliffs. Totally worth it.
Nintendo games have always been boring shit Pokemon was always by far the best of the bunch. Pokemon sells their handhelds for them, if there was no Pokemon the game boy and ds would have sold like dogshit
How many of these so called ''nerd'' are going to buy sun and moon?
Because we have self respect, you basement dwelling nerd
>Sup Forums hates fun
So you admit it's not a game then. THANK YOU
>need to buy food
>PTC is down as usual
>can't get myself to waste a walk if i can't get any pokemon
>stores closing in two hours
Nintendo please.