Name a better written relationship in vidya than Geralt and Yen

Name a better written relationship in vidya than Geralt and Yen.

You can't.

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Too bad this was the last game about Geralt, I'd definitely play more Geralt and Yen shenanigans.

>tfw still haven't played Witcher 1

Is there a point anymore?

play the whole trilogy, it's worth it

>good writing
>video games

That's a laugh. Witcher 3 has the honour of being the best of the worst when it comes to writing, though.

why is she so pretty?
what the fuck

Nice one

literal cucks

triss is best


Shani best girl.

someone post the "magics gone" meme pic

It's heavily implied Triss got fucked by Lambert, you cuck.

why is geralt's voice actor so lifeless?

>slopping up Lambert's seconds

Top Cuck

>Thinking any sorceress doesn't get dicked down on the regular
>Especially an airhead like Triss

Geralt and Triss

Trial of the Grasses literally gives Witchers a form of autism that removes their ability to put emotion into their voice or properly display emotions in their face.

As a result of this, the general public believes that Witchers do not feel emotions.

>why is geralt's voice actor so lifeless?

Geralt's voice is supposed to be lifeless.

This yen is a narcistic bitch

thats pretty good

Geralt and Geralt

This again. Lambert was in a different country during the first game.

Perfect fit then. As if Geralt isn't in love with himself, please, "killing monsters"? Haha, good one.


>10/10 looks
>powerful as fuck sorceress
>more intelligent than the vast majority of people she meets
>fucks an alpha monster hunter

Who wouldn't be narcissistic?

it's implied during the drinking scene in tw3

>he's supposed to be boring
What was the writer thinking?


Doesn't yen fucks another sorcerer as well? I think he kinda rubs it in your face too.

Yes, because during the Witcher 1, there are footprints leading out of Triss' bath towards her window. But at the start of the game, everyone splits up, and Lambert goes to Kaedwen.

Yes, Yen, Triss and most of all Geralt fuck different people. I think we shouldn't be mentioning le cuck meme when talking about people with massive sex drives who live for centuries.

>there are footprints leading out of Triss' bath towards her window
>Lambert jumped out of his lover's window to not hurt a friend

I don't know if it makes sense timeline wise but they definitely implied it intentionally.

You can also win the triss gwent card from him or find it on his bed. It's heavily implied.

You return the favor after you fuck Keira and they end up together

Yes he does. But Yen fags will pretend it didn't happen

>Who wouldn't be narcissistic?

An emotionally mature person.

Oh. Wow. Now I feel bad for not fucking Keira when I had the chance so Lambert could get Geralt's sloppy seconds for once.

I didn't play 1 or most of 2 and I still picked yen because triss is annoying. did fuck keira though.

I get the implications, but there's no logical explanation for how Lambert could get from Kaedwen to Temeria back to Kaedwen especially if you consider the circumstances and importance of the mission the witchers were on.

I think people just want to believe it's true regardless of whether or not it's feasible.

More like a character without flaws, otherwise known as Mary Sue.

She isn't 10/10 in the books. If we really want to get technical, she's really a -10/10 who got lucky thanks to magic.

I went with Yen, too. Boned Keira but then went back to an earlier save and erased it. Played Geralt like an non-canon blindly faithful idiot.

I remembered that particular scene because it was kinda hot.

I felt like Yen was fucking other dudes because she was mad about Triss and Geralt so I just fucked everyone I could and ended up with Yen.

I don't know shit about tw1 lambert but Lambert gives off a "doesn't give a fuck" vibe about a lot of things, he certainly could have left for the mission a little late.

I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me. The Triss/Lambert theory comes from the footprints in Triss' house in Vizima. Not even being a dick, but did you play the first game?

She has been changed permanently, so what does it matter? It's not an illusion.

triss ended with eskel in the books if my memory serves me right (geralt with yen ofc)

Geralt and Triss

She's a 1/4 elf so that contributes to her beauty. She just uses magic to turn dial up to 11. I get the feeling that people look at Yennefer and, while initially attracted to her dark curls and shit, and get this tingling feeling in the back of their head that something isn't right. You know that uncanny valley shit? Where something is too close to being real when it isn't and your brain is sending you mixed signals and your eyes are still trying to figure that shit out for themselves? I imagine it'd be something like that.

Yeah, Lambert appears to have a lot of inflection in his voice. Though I need replay the game and pay closer attention to him. Lambert, much like Eskel and Geralt, must be channeling just one emotion that he's able to convey reliably while the others are more of a guess, you know? Lambert might be overjoyed at the prospect of something or furious at a transgression and his face will still have that stupid look and his voice would still have the same lilt. It's interesting but weird when you try to really pinpoint shit.

It isn't even a relationship. Its an """""""open relationship.""""""" They cheat on each other regularly.
Just about every relationship is written better than this """""open relationship"""" nonsense.

>Lambert gives off a "doesn't give a fuck" vibe about a lot of things, he certainly could have left for the mission a little late

I'm not gonna explain how wrong this is or how late he really would have needed to leave for this to add up. If you played the game, you wouldn't say any of this though.

If you want a good writer with a non boring main character, you should play Dragon Age 2 then


Someone post Yen wallpapers
Cosplay or art

I was just being a dick about her being a hunchback, but she's definitely described as not a great beauty in the books at some point. She's probably an 8 realistically.

Time doesn't even matter in the games, not sure why you insist on trying to disprove implications of all things.

>Played Geralt like an non-canon blindly faithful idiot
What? Geralt is canonically a blind and a faithful idiot, unless Yen and him have broken up for a couple months/years, then he will shag a bitch or two.

DESU I found sarcastic Hawke + Varric combo very entertaining.

>Yen cosplay

You have no idea what you are stepping into. Enjoy fapping to fully clothed polish beauties.

Not sure why you want to believe it's true regardless of whether or not it makes any sense, especially considering you haven't even played the game.

You just want it to be true, so you're pulling random things out of your ass like
>Time doesn't even matter

Inclined to agree. The only savior to the fucking shitty writing of literally everything else.

Triss is too immature

>a real woman being
>doesn't depend on Geralt on all things
>still loves him madly but she's shit at expressing it just like Geralt
>cares about Ciri enough to call her her own daughter
>great bantz with Geralt

>literally teenagers syndrome
>needs Geralt for all things
>a lap dog of the Lodge
>Ciri is like "a little sister" to her, only cares about her because Geralt does
>no bantz

And people will still choose Triss.

but Geralt an't be cucked since in witcher universe fucking around is not bad until you are married, neither of them are married so triss, yen, geralt fuck with whoever they want with little consequences

I wanted to marry her

I don't care if it's true or not, I liked Lambert and didn't care for Triss, all I said was it's implied. As for the time doesn't matter reply you can take as along as you want to and fuck around for a bunch of quests you're on and even if they're "urgent" and you won't even suffer any consequence for doing them late.

Triss and Geralt

Sounds like a degenerate paradise

pretty much this, it's not like geralt is tied down to any of them and he is always ready to get down with whomever gives an offer

Is Broche the best left-handed character in vidya?

I took it as her being an 8 but boosting herself to an 11 to the point where people go "holy shit she's hot but something is off about that beauty. Oh wait it must be because she's a bitch."

Oh. Well now I feel better.

just read the books, the story is the only redeeming quality in all of the games

You can't access the Trade District where her house is until you're fairly deep in the game, similar to how Kaer Morhen is inaccessible until you're far into TW3.

Just cheat your way through it for the story with godmode.


Now I'm sure he is.