Who else already has buyer's remorse?

Who else already has buyer's remorse?

It's not even out yet, how could you have buyer's remorse?


Are you kidding me? It already has more functioning content in beta than WoD had through it's lifetime.


>Being able to walk around as an unholy DK in public, while maintaining the functionality of a tank and DP...well, a tank.
Lets just hope everything works. So far, it's yet another expansion where key DPS mechanics are going undetected and costing us rune power/damage.

ok I'm seriously thinking about rerolling. Last played in cata, finished hc25 firelands and quit after killing deathwing.

How is pala doing? And any other major changes I should know about?

Doesn't mean it's good or worth the price.

But you don't buy a beta?
Do you know what buyer's remorse is..?

all classes are super casualized to the point where DK's starter abilities take more skill than any class in legion

like what?

>Pre-order game
>Play beta
>Beta sucks
>Oh man why did I pay for this

Didn't even buy it

Class Halls
Demon Hunter
Artefact Weapons

That's not exactly an achievement

>it's a I cleared the raid in LFR which is equal to clearing it on Mythic episode

World Quests
Mythic dungeons with modifiers

>Pre-ordering before playing beta

>pre-ordering a digital game
Maybe now you've realized that's pointless.

WoD was such a disappointment, the only part i miss about playing this game is staring at my goblin shamans butt all day

>it's a I have to wait 200 attempts for people to not be fucking retarded episode

>it's a "I can't change up my memes just a tiny bit" episode

not that user, but mostly for the character boost that came with it. those sneaky jews know just how to get my money. "well i'll probably play the new expansion eventually anyway so i may as well pre-order now and get the character boost"

>It's better than shit

Well,crap. I'll go get my 40 bucks then.

40? Oh user...

t. lfr babby

>It's a dumb frogposter

Is it better than MoP is the big question.

That's something only time will tell. They want to aim for a patch cycle similar to MoP, and they've acknowledged that two year expansion cycles are more feasible, so hopefully they are prepared to offer great content again rather than neglect the expansion half way through.

>Is it going to bring back the exciting moments MoP already had or exceed them

63$ for standard + 1month sub
83$ for delux edition + 1month sub
for rehashed content and old features rebranded as new ones

you know they will drop legion halfway through "to focus on the next expansion" and all 7 of the drones left will fucking defend it, because it's the first time a developer "learned from his mistakes" and isn't just damage controlling

>Is it better than the second worst expansion so far?
I mean, it doesn't take place in Pandaland, so probably.

A year of SoO aside it was one of the best.

There were quite a few good things about MoP.
I miss pandaland.

"to focus on the next expansion"
"You think you do but you don't"
Why do people keep falling for these?

All of these doesn't matter if the gameplay is shit and boring.

"next time we'll get it right" (c) 1990

MoP wasnt a bad xpac considering the shit that it got sandwiched in between it. legion might be just a horrible continuation of WoD.

if thats the case are we gonna get a repeat of WotLK in an alternate timeline?

There is zero reason to do anything past LFR.

With LFR you get:
The excitement of seeing the dungeon and the bosses for the first time.
Nice shiny purple gear that makes you look like a serious raider
A nice shiny Legendary ring
An achievement
All the cutscenes and the story elements showing you that you Did The Thing and became the most awesome hero Azeroth has ever seen

Whatever fun comes from the "challenge" of wiping a thousand times on a single boss and playing with a dozen+ people you probably don't even like just simply isn't worth it. You're OBJECTIVELY better off just clearing LFR and investing your time in something more meaningful.

>Arthas won and is trying to erase all other timelines
>Travel to the Lich King's broken Azeroth

..Shit, I actually want this

Most classes are better to play than they are in WoD and some better than ever.
Rogue is a little bit bland at the moment, but pretty much everyone else is much improved.

It's the same gameplay as ever, though, so if you don't like it you obviously won't like Legion.

>are we gonna get a repeat of WotLK in an alternate timeline?
unlikely also blizz has a habbit of removing content players enjoy because they want buyers to cling onto the game hoping they'll bring back what was fun once. If blizz never removed the fun content or made new content just as good, players would get burnt out and stop playing wow. players hoping it'll be fun again is what keeps wow alive

does retri paladin still have that shitty holy light energy thing

I would never preorder a Blizzard product.


Ret is kinda shit in Legion as well.

Rogues + Ret have it bad in the beta right now.
Possible they are a bit better once it launches after people complain during prepatch.

:O But then you'd miss game launch

god damn
i loved ret in wotlk

and now its dead

Why are Pandas so sexy?

It feels like they wasted a chance at giving us a clean slate by not sending us to Alt. Azeroth where no one knew who the fuck we were.

>Nice shiny purple gear that makes you look like a serious raider
except all the gear that drops in LFR has shit stats and literally looks like trash

Prot is pretty good though. Better than WoD. It does not use Holy Power anymore.
Holy Paladin is also kinda cool since it's a melee healer now (more or less)

>no set bonuses

no thanks

set bonuses are what its all about

The LFR ones don't count since they are generic and not class specific.

LFR gear is shit and the raid encounters are a face-roll. Except ToT because for some reason nobody could fucking do Durumu.

melee healer?

WoW went shit after Wotlk


>buying wow """""content""""

Fucking solid gold, right here

"Theres no reason to play any game on anything but very easy, because all the content is new!"


it's not dead, classes are constantly rebalanced throughout expansions, and tier bonuses end up mattering more than anything else

wew lad

The only real long term thing legion has to offer is the mythic+ thing. Its going to be exciting until the next soul cap comes along. I just hope we dont have another raid that lasts a year+

i just hate that holy light resource

dumb animeposter

This. Isle of Quel'thalas was shit.

how much do they pay you?

Stats mean fuckall when you can kill everything outside of these raids with zero effort anyway and you don't plan on succumbing to the mind-numbing gear treadmill and running HFC again on three other difficulties like a fucking retard who doesn't know how to manage their time properly.

Maybe if you spent less time running the same raid on redundant difficulties, you might have had more time to come up with better responses.

>I just hope we dont have another raid that lasts a year+

>18 months withouth a content patch
>On a MMO with monthly subscription

set bonus != stats

>for some reason nobody could fucking do Durumu.
>for some reason

I still had problems with the maze on normal progression. I just started using my bubble as a Paladin after a while because fuck it


Lol that's what I want to do in this case!

>you will never marry a pandaren

>redundant difficulties

Sorry, but LFR isn't a difficulty setting. Its cruise control. Complaining about lack of effort required in LFR is fucking hilarious.

why do you even care about playing the game at all? it's not like there's anything to do outside of raids that is objectively more rewarding than progressing through content

the "trick" was you had to put graphics (i think it was particles, i might be mistaken) on super low to actually see the path, if it was on ultra or something it was super confusing. We just marked one guy and followed him

not anymore.

LFR gear in Legion is like LFR gear in MoP: same tier set bonuses, trinkets, and looks just lower ilvl and colors.

Several seasons into PVP. The gear is still less itemized than normal mode raid gear. PVP gear scales up in battlegrounds instead of having a better item level than heroic gear.

Fire Holinka! Day one Legion greens will greatly exceed raid gear.

Science needs to be useful, cut the cancer research, and figure out how to make my panda gf.

No there isn't, but most games are actually fun and not shitty MMO's whose only appeal is grinding for hours to reach some arbitrary milestones, so there's more of a reason to go for the higher difficulties first. Most games also don't make me start out on Very Easy before lettering me move up to Hard, so I can get the experience I want right from the beginning.

glad to see blizzard has forgotten the lessons they learned from their mistakes


>If I lie, nobody will bother actually looking shit up to prove me wrong

dumb. Seeing how shit the gear that drops off LFR Archimonde looks is the reason I joined a progression guild

>bought Legion and 1 month sub
>played 2 hours

I always got the itch to come back, but I never though I'd ever fully quit.
Have 0 chance of ever playing this game again. Feels good

So how exactly does the Artifact leveling work? I know you get artifact power by doing stuff but is there a weekly/monthly cap? Will NEETs be finishing theirs long before everyone else?

>Most games also don't make me start out on Very Easy

>Wow forces you to play LFR

What the fuck are you smoking?

And progression is not grinding. Progression is actually difficult. Each difficulty tier has new mechanics too, before you complain about each difficulty setting being a grind.

Fuck off.

Everyone here believes you

>buying a sub before even prepatch

>Complaining about lack of effort required in LFR is fucking hilarious.
That's not what I'm complaining about, though.

Maybe if you spent less time running the same raid a million times on multiple difficulties because Blizzard is too fucking lazy to develop actual content, you'd have better reading comprehension.

>That's not what I'm complaining about, though.

>Stats mean fuckall when you can kill everything outside of these raids with zero effort

Gotta make some gold before garrisons are nerfed.

Blizz really doesn't give a shit about this because they now have 5 other games they can roll out content for and all the dedicated Blizzbabbies will swap to those games until WoW gets new content or an expac.
They only say they want to cut down on the long ass dead period to shut up all the whiners and give you false hope.

no cap, and yes they will. AP is too important, especially for top tier guilds running 3+ characters. You can screencap this post people will die farming AP so they can get world firsts

>>Wow forces you to play LFR
>What the fuck are you smoking?
Good luck getting into a progression guild without your ring, fucko. At the very least, you have to do it on normal, which might as well be LFR.

>And progression is not grinding.
Progression isn't doing the same raid four different times with slightly altered mechanics, either :^)

>doing UBRS CM
>playing fury
>at last boss
>if we wipe we won't have enough time
>boss at tank, healer and rogue die to fire/bladestorm
>pop die by the sword and scabbard of kyanos
>mfw just as die by the sword wears off I get my last execute off and down the boss

Felt good boys

The ilvls differences at admittedly noticeable (830 --> 850 --> 865 --> 880) but the "+" means that, if you are lucky, that LFR loot can be mythic quality.