Having a good time bros?

having a good time bros?



monster hunter thread

I haven't even beat all of 4 yet. tell me what they did to my beloved hunting horn in generations

double notes, double songs, all the fun


I'm having the time of my life over here, don't worry

double songs?

So after playing the Lance in 3, the bow in 3rd, the Hunting horn in 3U 4U what should I try now?
I was thinking about one of the two axes, the gunlance or that beetle bō but don't know which one is the more fun

Wait hol' up when the fuck did this release in NA?


Not started it up yet.

Done my FFXIV dailies, charging my 3DS, almost ready to begin!

Please tell me it's complete shit and literally worse in every way than previous installments. I don't have a thousand hours to waste on a new MH game.

Tell me it's been dumbed down, gunlance is still shit, and the story's full of SJW faggotry.

Does it have an eshop download and how much is it?

I only have 1 buddy who's picking it up. He's said I should but my time is limited. But I'm half convinced to get it since I'm flying to Europe later this year and I think it'll be a good time fill.

I put about 25-30 hours into 4. Never beat it. Always get choked because I go through singleplayer, then hop on Multi due to exclusive materials and stuff, and have to start from the bottom again and go through all the old easy mission I've already done.

Anyone else think the game is a little dark, brightness wise? Some zones I can barely see anything. I had to check to see if my DS was on the highest brightness and it was unfortunately.

I have to squint to see sometimes it really bugs me

It has all of the old villages and music in it, some of the old maps, and the combat feels awesome and the weapons are better

I also have the regular 3DS XL. Is the performance of GenX good on this? Or is it intended for the new 3ds'?

Fuck you.

my shipment hasn't arrived yet

Glaive is crazy fun all around
Charge Blade is really technical but fun
Switch Axe feels really powerful to use
Gunlance is so cool aesthetically but a bit too clunky for my tastes

Go glaive imo, it's pretty unique but beware it got somewhat of a bad rap in 4U because of shitty frenchmen

So its not out on eShop yet?

40 dollary doos

Is CB still easy mode?

51 beaver bucks ;_;
Assuming itll be cheaper on E-shop

If you hit the monster, your note turns into a double note.
If you play a song with nothing but double notes, you will play that song as well as the one you played before it.
Rewards aggressive tooters



> hated IG because of MH4U bitch duty mounting
> try IG aerial style
> pogo stick replaced with forward dash
> mfw

What's a good voice for the male character?
What do you guys think of Type 18?

>Go glaive imo, it's pretty unique but beware it got somewhat of a bad rap in 4U because of shitty frenchmen
Thanks! Guess I'll go with Glaive, I tried it in 4U but couldn't bother with learning the movesets
oh and I'm french, so if you see some shitty glaive user online, it'll be your own fault now

The grumpy one with "ORYA!" at the 3rd strike if you like heavier weapons.

I think you should build your own opinion user

go to options to adjust camera speed

Is the tigrex cat costume supposed to be unlocked if you transfer data? Because it's not in the equipment list.

How you liking the frame droppage old 3ds fags?

It got a pretty healthy nerf

Is Prowler really good for gathering quests?

I played 3u and 4u without touching a ranged weapon. Thinking about going ranged this time. Should I go full sheep with adept bow, or are the bowguns worth using?


Heavy Bowgun is, like always, one, if not THE best weapon DPS wise, and this time around comes with some ridicolously overpowered arts.

BUT WAIT, now with aerial you can actually SPAM PELLETS AT 100% EFFICIENCY. Aerial bowgun with lv2/3 pellets is simply hilarious.

Adept bow is still the funniest shit ever and you shouldn't worry about the fact that literally everyone and their moms are gonna main it.

>work decides to send me to fuckig Spain this week out of all ducking weeks

The game is most likely lying inside my front door this very second, but I'm stuck in a hotel staring out the windows at the cars going by below.

I'm using adept bow with 0 rugrats. The only reason for me to even consider any other style for bow is guild for arc shots (which I can't aim for shot) and a second hunting art

why do people keep complaining about not seeing the enemy health?


you must be new to these threads

How do I power reload with the heavy bow gun?

I'm really sleep deprived so I haven't jumped right into hunting, I played the demo for a bit earlier before the full game was released, and my mind was fucking blown, I was 100% sold. But I have been walking around the village talking to people, I love the villages and people in this games. Also, Moofahs are CUTE!

>over 60 weapons now counting the styles
how the fuck can you expect me to decide

>The first monster bigger than a Velociprey it makes you fight is a fucking Cephadrome
Come on Capcom, couldn't it at least be a Great Jaggi?

Why in the fuck is everything sub 40fps? Even on my New 3ds xl it looks like shit. MH4U ran smooth as shit, what the fuck happened?

Added double notes which is good. But the hilt stab does an A button note now, Guild (and Adept, to an extent) are the only good styles, and every unique hunter art is shite.

I keep getting the "Error has occurred" message when I try to run the game. Did anyone else have this problem? I've tried reinstalling it a few times but it hasn't fixed it.

Haven't kept up much with Generations, is mounting still in it? I also liked HH, GS AND IG in 4, which feels best in Generations?

He's wrong.

Yes, but it's been changed a lot. It's a lot harder on subsequent mounts and allies don't have to pause everything they're doing.

IG and HH both have very fun changes. GS is GS, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Is Aerial HH not at least decent? It seems like you can get notes pretty fast with it. Haven't played the game yet, but I was thinking of trying it.

It's fine. Anything but striker is fine.

Get in here nigs
King of the Lynians (Prowler only)


>prowler only
fuck right the fuck off

Nigger the Event Quest says Prowler Only.

Cheap baby hardware and nintendo is afraid of pulling a Vita so we get incredibly shit quality graphics.

Is this the US version or the EU version? Im confused which one just got released.

Fuck me the number of weapons in each tree is overwhelming. I don't even know where to begin deciding what to aim for.

Guys where can i find Yukomo Wood?

>where to begin deciding what to aim for.

High Sharpness and Affinity

High Raw+Low Sharpness are almost always a trap (except maybe on Great Sword and Hammer).

>event quest
Fuck right the fuck in there

So any extra content unlocked if you have MH4U data?

That's not how it works anymore.

>Upgrading weapons

What the fuck did just happen now, i just want to fucking get a better weapon what the fuck is this clunky shit.

Yeah but 4 ultimate ran beautifully on my new 3ds while this one, which came after, runs like shit.

Money, Potions, titles etc.

Basically nothing good, got it.

They prioritized flashy effects over everything else and capped the fps at 30.

>Have to wait 3 more days because Amazon likes to wait like 3 weeks before giving you money when you sell shit on their site

I fucking hate Amazon, the dude got his TV weeks ago

I don't want to see a charge blade in my room. That's an insta kick.

Bottom of the barrel kill times and a tripping machine? No thanks. Switch your shit.

>getting it tomorrow
>not sure if i should jump into online or start single for a while first

Think there's any chance they'll make an MHX G?

I don't think they've shown off their yearly Monster Hunter yet, unless Stories is what they're considering the yearly release.

Doubtful. Monhun 5 will be the next. So that's at least two more years for a g rank

Should i get a GS with yellow sharpness and 100 attack or a GS with green sharpness and 70 attack?

Which is better in this game early on?

>Everyone talking about CB getting nerfed
>When the nerfs don't affect 99% of the CB players because they were shit in the first place and mostly for solo play

Fuck me. How did they change the damage calculation?

>running through green hills
>area 2
>grass keeps popping up and despawning

holy kek

What's a good source of Sharp Fangs? I need to make some Expert Jewels

From what I understand, MHX is an in-between/spin-off entry while they work on a real MH5.

The fact that we got it here already rather than a MHXU version is telling.

This kind of sales target is usually reserved for their G rank game. It's not on the NX due to that console's release date, and it isn't MH Stories.

>With regards to unit sales by region, in Japan we forecast unit sales to be lower by 1.3 million year-over-year to 3.4 million units due to the rebound effect of releasing “Monster Hunter X (Cross)” in the previous year.

Whats a good HR Switch Axe? I'd like to plan out the tree while its still early

>The fact that we got it here already rather than a MHXU version is telling.
We usually get the high rank version. MH4 was a special case due to 4G/4U being announced just four months after launch.

This game really exposes how utter garbage the 3ds hardware is, jesus fucking christ. The thing just begs for a PROPER second analog stick and better hardware. Why is nintedo so fucking jew?

>want to play game
>don't want to support shitty localization may mays
Is it available on gateway yet?

It's been available for piracy for fucking days already. Downloaded mine 3 days ago and have been playing since.



sharpness > raw

with gs you're mainly gonna be doing charged attacks but even so, if you do a regular swing you don't want that shit bouncing

>Tfw your 10 minutes into the game and already liking moofahs far more then poogies
>those adorable little sounds the baby moofah you get makes.

They actually censored some of the female armor in the game. I just got back from exchanging that shit. Fuck NoA.


So how fun is it?
Tempted because 4U HBG was fun as hell.

I would be but I locked myself out of my room. Where my 3ds is. Waiting for my dad to come over with his power drills because mine are shit.

If you have a N3DS, you can replace the nipple with a psp1000 analog pad and it's 1000x better.

That's a pretty neat mod. does it clip in the same or you need some kind of glue?

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

You just push it in and it's good to go. Almost feels like it was made for it.

Damn is this game cozy compared to mh4. Pokke village is my home.


>he fell for the new 3ds meme

I played the demo and the camera control felt way less responsive then it was in MH4U. Is that still a problem in the full release?

I picked up a HBG in 3U recently and holy shit it is unfair as fuck. Then again I tested it against a duramboros poor bastard didn't stand a chance.
Jesus. It's like using the awakened kelbi strongshot against a HR1 quropeco