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>Game has multiple factions
>Nazi Germany is the strongest
>there are only a few vehicles that can beat them

I'm not history savvy; somebody explain this shit to me.


>tfw coh 2 will never be balanced
>tfw USF is still crippled post patch
>tfw UKF still has zero early game dislodging tools that isnt a 90 muni 1hp wasp
>tfw soviets gets rolled by OKW now
>tfw okw gets free wins for playing retarded and zero punishment
>tfw ostheer is gay as fuck with crutch bullshit commanders like mech assault, elite troops, osttruppen, and mobile defense
fuck you relic

Because German vehicles were beaten with numbers
>inb4 le 5 shermans a tiger meme
more like 20 slavs

Everyone likes Nazi Germany

game does not consider technical shit like tiger's engine breaking all the time (talking about multiplayer)


It's a wehraboo meme. Russian vehicles were better.

>no cock

>getting slaves who hate your guts to make your tanks
Well done, krauts

How's coh2 now? haven't played in a year

>We are Jagdpanther dammit... and we hate you.


>tiger's engine breaking all the time
Just like Sherman's and T34's technical problems too

this is how this discussion will go, kill yourself.

Lol wehraboos



>Russian vehicles were better
And why they were losing so many of them then?


>tfw i was an autisitic child and told my parents i love the nazis because they were cool looking


Then you grew up and realized that you love them because Hitler was right

Americans = infantry spam
British = tea party artillery spam

This = early game domination into snowball and overwhelm. BUT

Wehrmacht = better techs and GERMAN STIEL
Panzer Elite = Support and raids

Late game and Fuel seizing is the way to go at late game domination. This is the core gameplay of CoH.

Also why? because allied tanks sucked ass. Also german engineering isn't just a meme.

its still alive

Nein, nein Welpe!


Is it balanced yet or are Relic still being incompetent as always?

there was a major recent balance patch that removed shreks from volks

but then they gave it to sturmpioneers and volks got stgs as well as more brit nerfs

one step forward, 10 steps back

It's "Jesus Conrad, tie your fuckin' laces"

Also this reminds me how much I fucking hated how tanks would drill your ear shrieking about being under attack when at low HP and you focused on them and they were just being shot at by some faggot with a rifle who wasn't even moving their health bar.

>Vehicles beating the Prides of the Väterlange

kek nope

History wise, and the short lived but very interesting tank warfare that was waged on Europe, the Panther was an engineering prowess. Tank hunters were a German thing and the Sherman for example, was an iron coffin compared to the German response to them, having their armor penetrated side by side by 88 german cannons and exploding behind, pulverizing people inside.

as game balance goes, build AT as americans. Seriously do it. Do them. they are cost efficient and precise. The riflemen can defend themselves very well against almost any attack. As a Wehrmacht player the only thing you have against that is artillery. Sweet german artillery.

Better designed and more sensible, sure. But they were manufactured incompetently.

Plus Germany's retarded allocation of resources to over-engineeed over-specialized impractical tanks makes for great video game material.

Man I remember getting home from school and downloading commentary for coh replays and watching that shit while I ate dinner. Those were the days.

>Vehicles that were notorious for catching fire due to turret ring lubricant catching fire from poorly wired electrical instruments
>Better than over-engineered as fuck vehicles

You make papa Stalin proud with your conviction!

tfw you could just play coh1 instead

Why did they need so many if they were better?

delet this amerikanski cyka blyet

Honk Honk!

Because the Russian and Brit retards we were lend leasing them to kept getting them blown up.

I love how WW1 and WW2 had both sides desperately throwing science at the wall to see what sticks. I wonder what could get invented today if we had a war to motivate us.

>Technical problems

That's a nice MG team you got there, shame if anything were to happen to it.

Because they listened to Guderian better than Germany did.

>splitting T-34 and T-34/85 production

C'mon son.

>tfw no armies will ever just bolt shit on to tanks anymore

I'm getting the urge again Sup Forums

For 'technical problems' read 'kept lighting on fire and killing everyone at the most inconvenient times'.


Any WW2 tech would tell you what a fucking pain Shermans were.
They broke down alot, set on fire like paper.
They really weren't a good tank.
They were designed to be infantry tanks and yet they were slow and heavy.

They do, it's just usually more subtle than rocket racks.

Hey guise I read Death Traps tooo!

This is nonsense. There are actually a ton of Sherman tanks still in great working order being used by reenactors and super nerds. They're pretty easy to maintain and keep running.

You're pulling nonsense out of your ass.

german armored devisons were equiped with supperior communication technology which allowed their combat vhicles to cordinate with each other and their infantry more effectivly. german tank crews were also 4-5 man instead of the 3 man crew russian tanks usually utilized. this higher crew count allowed for a smaller work load on the idivudals in the turret. soviet armor was actually very formidable duriong the opening stages of barborossa, stories abound of KV-1s and t-34s taking on multiple direct hits before going down, however, due to superior tactical capabilities of the german tank companies these obsticals could be delt with. the panther was created as a response the the t-34. reed Battle of Raseiniai.

coh 1 1v1 ranked is utterly dead, coh 2 fills this empty spot

there are some things that are really gay in coh 1 though that make me glad that it got killed off in coh 2

wehrs global vet system: really unfair that you can shit out vet 3 knights and panthers while americans have to actually get vet from combat

blobbing: coh 2 has it bad, but coh 1 if you are playing PE or brits you're FORCED to blob because thats literally how your vet auras work, it's cancerous design

global upgrades: dumb as fuck, im glad this shits gone

snipers: coh 2 has it perfect, only camo in cover, or else they become unstoppable monsters with anyone with decent micro

the brit faction: this is easily the worst faction in the game to play, in 1v1s they're utterly worthless, they have barely any tools to deal with most situations and their slow, blob gameplay is just ass

little minor things like vaulting, the new point capping system, reversing on vehicles, true line of sight, all of these things make coh 2 slightly better to play and more thought out than coh 1

>In WW2 the allies spammed tanks to be able to overrun german tanks
>In CoH2 They have almost the same price and thus giving a huge advantage to germans
I'd really like it if my T34 could actually kill a fucking Pv4, instead of needing 2-3.

>Tfw no good tank games

>instead of the 3 man crew russian tanks usually utilized

T-34/76 had a four man crew, T-34/85 had a five man crew, KV-1 had a five man crew, KV-85, IS-1, and IS-2 all had four man crews.

Relic has abandoned the game. In reality Americans dominated the Air as the sight of P-51 Mustangs sent even Whitman scrambling to the woods, Brits destroyed everything with artillery, and Germans and Russians were pretty at odds with Russians dominating armor but Germany dominating the ground.

Once the T-34 was made in the early stages of the war, it kicked off a competition between the two that led to Armor Doctrine the way it is now. Before that, they fought their wars similar to how the Americans and Brits did when entering the war. Tanks were used to support infantry, and were taken out by specific anti-tank weaponry. Tanks were never supposed to go up against other tanks. But sometime in 1941, Russian engineers got massively hammered to the point that they decided to put a 76mm gun on the tank chasis because why the fuck not? And while they were at it, they decided sloped armor looked sexy. So was born the T-34 and KV1 which steamrolled over Germanys shit. It was very common to see a lone T-34 just roll on through German lines because the gun destroyed all their shit and the sloped armor caused shit to just bounce off. Germanys answer was to create anti-tank weaponry such as the Pak guns as well as upgrade to match with the Panzer 4s.

And from then on it just devolved into "who's dick is bigger?". Russia would counter with a bigger gun on a bigger chasis, Germany would counter with a bigger gun on a bigger chasis and so forth and so forth.

So when America and UK entered in, they were at pretty bad odds with the new way Armor was utilized. Granted we had superior weaponry for our infantry and our tactics proved to be superior. But Germany Armor was leagues ahead. We eventually were able to catch up with Fireflys and whatnot, but had Germany been able to make quality parts for their armor they could've kept the war going for a while longer.

The Panther was a terrible tank, way overengineered along with terrible reliability. So unreliable that in 1946 a Panther used by the French to for testing was unable to complete the trials.

Along with the fact that if your panther was on any sort of incline you couldn't turn the turret.

The Tiger was expensive and Trash in 1944, the only saving grace was the Gun.

German tanks are shit when it comes to reliability.

Not any more than any other tank, especially after introducing wet stowage.

Is this bait? Infantry tanks were slow and heavy. They're called infantry tanks because they support infantry and were intended to match the pace of infantry.

The Sherman had issues, but it was a very well liked tank and very reliable and easy to fix. Spare parts were everywhere, and the Russians liked them especially for their ergonomics and ease of driving because you didn't need a mallet to change gears.



>play USF
>m4 sherman can solo a p4 easily
>play UKF
>cromwell can solo a p4 easily
>play soviets
>t34/76 can solo a p4 about 1% of the time

why the fuck everyone here calls coh2 unbalanced? us mortar is literally the only OP shit in this game, and there is very little UP things left. l2play fucking scrubs

You mean like the engines that would foul their spark pugs if they were idled for too long?

God I hate Shadman, like I fap to some of his shit but whenever I see his buttugly style without a hard-on I just get irrationally angry.

>usf mortars
literally a clone of the ostheer mortar, you l2p you fucking germaboo

Most of those complains are just "I don't like thing"

CoH2 is meh. I still rpefer CoH1. I don't know why but can't force myself into CoH2.

Ja Finski!
Shoo before i blow up your tank with my heat seeking baby killing assault log!

sorry, i did not clearify which tanks utilized 3mans, you are correct the t-34 and kv-1s had more than 3, i should have clarifieid that i was speaking about the smaller qtp2t tanks.

Russians also liked Shermans because they didn't get cooked alive inside if the ammunition went off like with the T34

I agree that Brits are fucking garbage shit for retards and snipers are broken, but I don't really agree with the PE blobbing or Wehr vet complaints.

Blobbing PzGrens is a recipe for disaster vs any competent player, and I have no complaint about the Wehr veterancy system, since they're kind of designed around having to sink fuel into it in the first place. Grens really aren't cost effective until Vet2, MG42s not cost effective without Vet1, StuGs have no ability to combat infantry without veterancy, etc.

The real complaint about Wehrmacht is Medic bunkers, and that's certainly not an issue with the current sniper meta.

CoH2's mortar meta is almost as bad, honestly. General Mud can fuck right off.


You're a fucking moron. It's easier to keep a Sherman tank running 60 years after the fact than it was to keep a Panther running off the goddamn assembly line.

>the only saving grace was the Gun.
By 1944 it wasn't even that great. Soviet 85mm and American 76mm guns were just as good in the anti-armor role. The 75 L/70 that Henschel originally wanted would have made it a much more useful tank.

In real life, during the German offensives, T-34 crews were shit (the entire soviet army was pretty shit thanks to the purges coming pretty nonstop since 1936), combined with awful ergonomics meant that even the early model Pz.III and Pz.IV's used in the invasion were able to destroy massive numbers of soviet armor despite being outclassed in armor and armament. That's combined with the large numbers of inter-war tanks the soviets fielded, which were little more than speed bumps to the German armor, meant that the Soviets endured crushing casualties despite driving, on paper, vastly superior tanks.

>light tanks
The combined number of light tanks produced and converted into SPGs by the Soviets during the war is less than the number of T-34's produced.


I get it was a nice armored car. But as a tank, it was shit.


No, no, perrito!

Can't forget that although the T-34 was a revolutionary design with its sloped armor, appalling production quality meant horrible spalling so it didn't have to be penetrated to be destroyed.

Why are the slavs so ugly?

All the handsome ones were purged to boost Stalins confidence

You lost the war, Hans.

Start shit, get hit.

>german steel

but how many t-34s were avalibale during the summer of 1941, and which tanks made up the majority of the armored forces of the soviet union during that time period? I'm only speaking on the early stages of barborossa, not the entire war.

Some of these are too much

Only in terms of productability. One T-34 was no match for a Tiger, but when there's four T-34s for each Tiger, it's a different story.

Over-engineering. Kind of like how in Metal Gear, the first REX was a monster of a machine, and still superior to more advanced Metal Gears several years after.


Why would you compare T-34s to Tigers? They didn't serve the same purpose. It makes much more sense to compare a Tiger to an IS-2 or another heavy tank.

Panther reliability problems were solved in the G variant among other problems. G was also the most produced variant.

The Soviet 85mm was still years behind the Tiger 88mm which fired larger shells at greater velocity and better penetration, in addition to having actually reliable detonators.

It would make more sense to compare it to a KV-1S, but that would be even worse a comparison. I picked the T-34 because it was the tank it usually faced. The IS2 is better compared to the other late war heavy, the Tiger II.

Install the Eastern Front mod, Russians get vehicles which are mostly on par with the German ones

The Germans did make some quality stuff, particularly tanks and self-propelled guns, but so did everyone else. The main difference was in how the armor was used.

Ton-for-ton the French actually made some pretty solid tanks that could give the German armor a run for its money. The problem is that the French tried to use the tanks as infantry support platforms like in WW1, and deployed them all over the place. This meant that they were easily plowed over by concentrated Panzer divisions during the blitzkrieg. By the time the French learned their lesson, they were already out of the war.

The British made some decent tanks, but again, they used them incorrectly like the French did. They learned their lesson and used them properly later in the war, but at first the lesson was learned too late.

The American Sherman was actually a decent tank, especially when its cannon was upgraded later on. The Sherman was designed with a good balance of firepower, armor, and mobility in mind. However, in the open fields lined by concealing hedgerows in western Europe, it was easy for the Germans to force the Shermans into head-on engagements, which heavily favored the German tanks due to their bigger guns and heavier armor. On the other hand, the Sherman did really well in the Pacific, where its smaller size and greater mobility allowed it to move with the infantry in the dense jungles better than any German tank ever could.

The Russian T-34 was similar to the Sherman in that it went for a balanced design, however, the Russians leaned the design a bit more toward the bigger guns and better armor end of the spectrum while maintaining decent speed and mobility. It also had solid frontal armor, allowing it to soak a hit or two from the German guns whilst trading fire. Overall, the T-34 was superior to earlier German tanks, and could be produced in much larger numbers. While later and more advanced German tanks were better, they were two few in number to stop the Red Tide.

>T-34s having an engine life of only 100 hours
>no such thing as repair parts in the Red Army
>poor optics
>no radios
>no commander's cupolas on T-34s until 1944
>had to close to suicidal ranges to take on German tanks

Decent bait, try again though.

Ha ha ha, they're scratching our paint!

>>no such thing as repair parts in the German Army
