Star Citizen: Dead game

>Star Citizen: Backer Receives $2,550 Refund After Taking Case Against Game's Studio to Attorney General
>“the product remains unfulfilled and no longer constitutes the product(s) I originally purchased.”
And so it begins!

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I support this game but I can also admit that this clown was right.

>He also claims to have been contacted by “an LA County investigator” asking for information on the game, who was told by Streetroller that he felt the game was a “scam”.
>he felt the game was a “scam”
>game was a “scam”
The more I read the article the more I agree with the guy. I fell for Day Z and I've been feeling more and more like SC is the same thing.

>and no longer constitutes the product(s) I originally purchased
Yea, it became a playable game rather than some scratches on paper.


The "game" still has 6 years of development, I don't think people want to wait that long for something that will in the end be mediocre.

because giving them money has worked out so far...

>still has 6 years of development
What's your estimate based on?

>still has 6 years of development
Wat, isn't is supposed to come out this year?

Current development pace.

Based on them breaking every deadline they've ever set
No. They made a single player game that might come out, but the actual game 'Star Citizen' isn't coming out any time soon.

It was supposed to come out 2014. But yeah lets go with this year.

>he bought into the scam shitizen meme

Is the single player just a campaign or a offline sandbox?

How about we just wait until they finish making it worth the time and money like decent human beings?

Fuck off Chris.

I don't know, man. 2030 is so far away.

How about I fuck you off

Because they asked us to pay them early.

Friendy reminder that we, the master race, have funded a game so those fags can port it to consoles later.

Don't worry we'll have No Man's sky right guys?

Wanna fuck?

>haven't backed MN9
>haven't backed Scam Citizen
>still not Anthony Burch


You are no master race if you are stupid enough pay the crowdfunding of games.

this game is gonna own

shame about those people who spent thousands of dollars backing it instead of just kicking in 20 bucks like the sane people did, though

Just play Elite dangerous, it's still boring, but at least has actual graphics and real gameplay outside of going from point X to Y.

>and real gameplay outside of going from point X to Y
such as?

Might as well play VoidExpanse at this point.

>people gave 16000$ to them for pixels

No seriously someone explain this to me

I'm out of the loop, what happened to sc?

Dumb people did dumb things.

This game is not a scam, and it's coming out, and it'll be pretty cool. Mostly, I think Squadron 42 is gonna be a good single player game.

But it also won't be nearly what a lot of people have made it out to be, and it won't be for everyone, and there will be a lot of backlash from people who backed it to the tune of thousands of dollars because it's not the special snowflake power trip they hoped it would be.

Ultimately I think the biggest issue this game is gonna have as it transitions into a persistent multiplayer universe is that they've clearly envisioned it as a PvP-centric game, and that's absolutely not what most of the backers want.

There WILL be chargebacks the first time that Lord Commander Dickfuck McGee gets blown up by a kid with a starter ship screaming "NIGGER" on comms.

>tfw all I ever wanted was this ship
>tfw I still haven't learned if I could put some kind of EMP on it

they're textured polygons, not pixels

Basically noting.
They recently changed their ToS to basically "Refunds never ever, suckers!" One guy raised a minor stink with the Los Angeles DA and got one anyway.

the videos I've seen look PS1-tier t.b.h

How about they actually show us more shit about the game like normal devs?

>got a ship gifted by a friend
>enjoying the game ocassionally with him
all is good for me

Can you still glitch through your ship and just float in space?

To extrapolate on this, the fan audience for space games tends to be older, around their 30-50's. Middle aged dads (this will be important later, remember it) with lots of disposable income. Baby boomers, too. They've been without a competent space game for SO LONG that they are desperate and willing to throw a fuckton of money at even the suggestion of a good space game. This is illogical but they are starved for content. Think about it. What was the last good space game, that was not a strategy game, that was released? Can't think of one can you?

Sure there have been some space games released...X3 comes to mind rather quickly but that was quite some time ago, and X: Rebirth was so bad it was nicknamed Stillbirth, though the updates its received have turned it into a halfway decent game now.

So what are these middle aged space fans to do? They invest in the only two big name space games in recent memory: Star Citizen, and Elite: Dangerous.

Star Citizen, you all know about. E:D has released, but is largely considered boring and content-less, and the developers (Frontier) are STUNNINGLY ignorant and foolish, and they constantly listen to the yes-men who are their audience instead of doing what makes sense. This is why the playerbase of E:D is composed of what those of us with sense refer to as forumdads. Middle-aged, married players with kids who play maybe 4 hours a week at best, and think they know what the hell the game is about.

In short, there are no good space games, and people want them bad enough to throw money at it.

Such as actual depth in the combat.

of course

only $40 more user!

I'm going to laugh until the universe ends when Star Citizen comes out and it's a giant, disjointed turd of a game.

Lmao, when will you nerds learn? I, for one, have been playing the superior game Desktop Commander.

hey, SC dev here. Nobody is working on console versions at the studio

doesn't mean it's not being outsourced

do you really think developers don't know what is being outsourced? Only thing still being outsourced is motion capture and concept art

>mfw never backed a game

not if they're not from the original development team code monkey

i'm gonna need a code for this.

Do you know how game development work?

There's no way they could run anything that's been shown in the Alpha on PS4 hardware. Not even Vanduul Swarm.

And that's one of the game's problems right now. It runs like shit.

With the amount of controversy surrounding this game do you think that using backer money to develop shit nobody wanted will just be told to everyone including newly hired irrelevant code flunkies? Nobody trust untenured flunkies because they leak shit, FLUNKIE.

Optimization is the last thing you do in game dev.

>Mention Star Citizen somewhere when bad kickstarters (MN9, ect) come up as a topic
>Some sperg gets so triggered it's as if I called his grandmother a slut
>Happens every time

I recently had to listen to two nerds who blew untold amounts of their dollarydoos on spaceship jpegs discuss the metagame of this game, which baffles me because it literally hasn't even come out yet.

This game and everything surrounding it is ridiculous.

yep, confirmed for not knowing shit about game development

>The Peter Molyneux of space games
>Went bankrupt over Freelancer
>Advertises spiritual sequel to Freelancer
>People act surprised when he doesn't deliver, again

>tfw I learned how to handle money from my father and never fell for these scams
Feels good

Oh, there is definitely something to talk about. The dogfighting arena has been out for a while, and it is pretty fun, but I'm surprised you found two nerds who were actually talking about it.

Most of the playerbase is boycotting it at the moment because their $8,000 setups afford them no advantage against kids with $10 mouse + keyboard combo.

Blow people up and get told "go back to call of duty"

he didn't went bankrupt, Microsoft pushed him out

I wouldn't say they're baby boomers, but rather people who were kids from the 70s or 80s who grew up watching Star Wars and the space games that came out in the 90s/00s were basically their Hamunaptra.

But other than that, I think you're spot on.

I'm still irritated the "Electronic Warfare" variant of the Avenger turned out to be an EMP bomb carrier rather than a Wild Weasel.

because he promised the moon and only delivered half a game.
It took Microsoft years to turn his shit into a functioning game it still didn't have the features he promised.

Interesting. Last I heard all there was is a demo where you can fly a spaceship between two ports.

>Boycotting because they can't win with "screw the rules I have money"
Lmao I can totally see people who spend crazy amounts of money on spaceships having that attitude.

the way the EMP affects ships is awesome, sucks I'll maybe have to buy the Avenger to use it.

Anyone know what ship this is?

The game originally launched as an 8 man free for all dogfight. Then they added a horde mode against npc ships. Then they added a "Mini-PU" to test large maps consisting of a few space stations and moons orbiting a gas giant. (1:1 scale, so a lot bigger than it sounds.) Recently they added a test currency to the alpha and quests to earn that currency. Also they finally fixed the ship loadout system to not be dogshit. Next patch is supposed to add a pirate station to the map for faction vs. faction combat.


Nah. There is a coop swarm mode, a dogfighting arena mode (team battle and FFA), a racing mode and then a sandbox mode.

Vanduul Swarm and racing are both fun to play in short bursts now and then. I like the dogfighting, but the balance swings wildly from patch to patch with flight model changes, which is frustrating.

The Sandbox is actually pretty cool, but has crippling performance issues right now that are tied to the CryEngine netcode. Gives me a headache to play it for more than 5 minutes.

On the left? Sabre

Aegis Sabre. Stealth fighter. Faster than the Hornet, not as tough.

It's not so much the netcode as it is the object culling. When you load in to Olisar the game still feels the need to tell you what's happening on the Starfarer that's orbiting Yela 30,000km away.

I'm really enjoying star citizen, and have bought a couple of ships, that said, I also would have gotten a refund for a 3000 dollar ship.

compltee or not, that's simply to much to spend on a video game

I can't even think of spending all that money and just having it constantly there, in the back of my head

"You spent 3000 dollars, on a digital ship you can't even fly..."

Really looking forward to 2.5 though

Who is this boob baroness?

He sounds like a puss that doesn't understand how long video games take to make

Yeah, good things take time. Just look at how well WildStar turned out after 9 years.

>still not Anthony Burch

That always makes me feel better :^)

>Anthony Burch
Who is Burch?

Go back to bed, Derek.

it's my understanding that this is an underlying issue with the CryEngine netcode.

CryEngine's networking is really, really bad. If you've played other CryEngine games, like MWO, you'll know that it's got serious issues with object updates, hit detection, etc.

They're rewriting things from scratch with the old CryTek guys. While that's a huge step in the right direction, it's also something they should have started on sooner.

A comedic genius.- Anthony Burch

When did we first hear about Star Citizen? 2013?

Head writer on Borderlands 2. Notable for airing ALL of his dirty laundry on Twitter. Namely, pressuring his wife into an open relationship, deciding he was bisexual after she could land dates and he couldn't, chickening out of having sex with a guy, and having his wife leave him and take his Wii U.

90% of Sup Forums's jokes about cuckolding and SJW numales are using Burch as the ur-example.

It was originally pitched in 2012

October 2012

You spent 3000 dollars on a demo. And not a particularly good one at that.

There are a million other space dogfighting games you could've bought for 30 dollars that have better gameplay than it.

Are you saying games that don't are better? Fug man it's only been like what, 3 years of dev time for sc? And only one of those years have they been a full dev team. I mean they weren't just building a game from nothing but a few offices around the world too. With those comes scheduling, work flow management, and production pace. So I'm fine with how long it's gonna take because I understand how hard and long development can be and have realistic standards for this game

This explanation pretty much covers it. It'd be painful to see someone live his dream and then lose it, if it weren't for the fact it's all his damn fault.

I am with you, I put 450 into the project because I am will to gamble for something that could truly be amazing. If anyone can do it Chris Roberts can, I haven't played any of his games I am not a fanboy, but from what I have seen them do with the current StarCitizen I am confident in his abilities and the project.

What, no i didnd't.

I spent 30 dollars on it, and honestly for a multiplayer space combat sim i've not seen many modern alternatives.