What's your favorite short game? i'm talking under 6 hours to get to the credits.
What's your favorite short game? i'm talking under 6 hours to get to the credits
Other urls found in this thread:
Link to the Past
You Have To Burn The Rope
I can beat it in 4 hours, last i checked that's under 6 hours
playing a game so much that you can beat it in more than half the time it would normally take doesn't automatically make that game a 4 hour game
Metroid Fusion
shadow over mystara
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
lol I mostly play short games. Some of my favorites:
Strider Hiryu (1989): ~20 minutes
Elevator Action Returns (1996): ~25-30 minutes
Gunbird 2 (1999): >20minutes
A recent gem was Silent Bomber on the PS1. My run clocked in at just over 2 hours. Aside from the hardest fucking final boss I've seen in years, it was a great ride. Emulate that shit, stat - it's non-stop action + cool mechs + anime cliches.
The Witch's House
And hey, it's a free game on top of that
did people actually like this snorefest
Kirby's Dream Land.
>tfw 5,7
>tfw you are constantly made fun of on the internet because of fucking genetics
Just fucking give me a gun
>caring what people on the internet think
No, I just felt like posting it so I could get a reaction out of someone.
>implying only on the internet
Until Dawn
Metal gear Raising especial if you dont suck.
Well he only said people on the internet make fun of him
Mr. Sup Forums strikes again
Kirby 64
Kirby's Dreamland is pretty fun, can get though it in 3-4 hours start to finish
Also think Journey is fairly short if I remember.
>implying every non-manlet dosn't laugh at him in the streets when he isn't looking
Lmao when will they learn
Super Meat Boy
Jet Set Radio
>no one has said portal 1 thus far
i thought you guys had good taste
>portal 1
nice meme
I met my cousins old roommate from college, he's a 5'4" filipino with cystic acne and fucked up ears. Looks like Styx basically. He was really nice
It's okay man. Shave your body, throw on a dress and accept your fate
The Order 1886
Fallout and Fallout 2
diablo original
More pics of Morty pls
his full name is Mad Mortimer miller
Max Payne 3 took me 7 hours and it was pretty dope.
what is that creature
Resident Evil 4
Why the fuck has no one else said this?
you can marathon through max payne 1 and 2 in under 6 hours
He is adorable user, you lucky man.
the Shantae series
Assault Android Cactus. You can beat it in about 2-4 hours.
Have fun pulling yourself away and not S+'ing everything though. ;)
I once knew a cute girl that loved short guys even if they are not pretty, just believe it motherfucker
eugune victor tooms
The thing is i dont have a problem with ladies.
its that i am insecure as fuck walking down the street with gians near me
Does he like to sleep on your tummy
>Go to Walmart looking at the posters display
>One of them is missing and is is replaced with cardboard
>Look at the bottom
>"Call me for a great time!"
>Phone number is on it
>"Age 17"
>"Height 5ft 1in"
I couldn't stop laughing.
6 hours sounds about right
>Under 6 hours
Did you skip the dialogue and never stop to call Papyrus/Undyne? How it would be your favorite if you ignored all the good parts?
no i dont trust him
I don't understand your greentext
No mention of inside in this thread
Shit is the bomb, you guys should check it out
Is this an intentional reference from the translators or did it just happen to be worded that way? Or is that a shop?
watch those fuckers man. I had pet rats and one bit through my monitor cable.
eat peacefully, ratto
Asuras Wrath
Pikmin 1
why so much bait in this thread?
It's spelled "Azura" you monkey
Max Payne 3
he has ruined
>ornately carved wooden objects
>laptop power cable
>phone chargers
Not any of them but I beat all three routes in 6-7 hours. It's a pretty short game.
This. Also depending on how gud you are at CUHRAYZEE, Metal Gear Rising.
No, it's Asura.
I blame the rats
My first thought. Picked the game up yesterday and I'm about halfway through. Game's really something special, and it makes Limbo look like dogshit.
Fuck you Wukong
Jet Set Radio.
Are you retarded?
Some people suck at video games, rats are cool.
Cave Story
post more snek pls
Bastion easily
The Barkley SaGa
nope rope a best
Outside of RPG's I'd have a hard time thinking of games I love which are longer than 6 hours. Action games which are more than 6 hours are typically quite shit because they're focused on doing a variety of things in a shallow manner rather than having deep mechanics, good design, challenge and replayability.
i'm 6'4 and im still a kissless overweight virgin
being slightly taller isn't going to fix anything, especially when you have more interest in autistic spaceman simulators than girls
At least you are not 5'4-5"
Now this is suffering..
Are you Asian?
Are you also full of muscle and come from a land down under?
>i'm talking under 6
clever OP. It worked
No, and im average looking.
mmm underage shortstack prostitution
Binary Domain