CapCucks will defend this!

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its ok if capcom does it

Cuck Fapcom

The costumes also looks like shit.

And it's console exclusive, apparently.
They know who to milk.

I am disgusted at this.

I also bought it.

notice how the letter in the background is lined up with her nose.

>every character gets ONE extra color
>it's all a combination of yellow and blue
>meanwhile, survival mode is still fucked


But you can buy them with in game currency?

What a complete and utter nonissue. Do you people sit around looking for shit to complain about?

No. They're """premium""" items, so only real sheckels will work.

I don't get it either. It's not like Capcom riddled SFIV with DLC costumes, but suddenly it's a problem.



SFIV was at least a fully functional game. SFV not so much. See the problem?

>See the problem?
Apart from the problem in your lackluster argument, no.

>Incomplete Fighter V
No thanks

You must be new here. You need to go back.

t. Drone


Skipping to the insults won't make you any less logically inconsistent.

I don't like wasting my time trying to teach stupid people. I'd rather you rot in your ignorance.

So you have no point at all? Thanks for establishing that fact.

t. Drone

Stop crying.

You're not even worth responding directly to. Ignoring you from here on out.

Of course you do. Can't make a single coherent argument and now you run.

Thanks anyway for that virtual (You).

I'm willing to pay 25 bucks for chun li booty tbqh

when are they releasing bikini cammy? holy fuck that tummy/navel gets me diamonds and yes I know there is a mod to replace the original costume already but its no fun if only you see it.

If you haven't been keeping up with the Evo news, the costumes are supposed to release some time in august.

Cammy's outfit was changed to one piece

u wot m8, I know she also has the party costume but I thought they would release both?

>tfw I'll get to make my own shitty outfits once Tekken eventually comes out
I always forget about the differences between fighting games when it comes to outfits. Like how some have alt outfits and others just recolors.

Gotta make their money back somehow.

The announcement was a bit of a disappointment, $25 is way too much for these cosmetics. Oh well, maybe we'll finally get the daily challenges when Juri/Urien are added?


Even though Capcom said they wouldn't release different versions of SFV, this $25 costume dlc definitely seems like something they'd want to bundle in an "Ultimate SFV Arcade Edition" or something.

They learned from Tecmo how to milk more efficiently, it's the costume DLC if you want the big bucks.

>cpt colors makes them look like prancing bananas
I don't want it and dollars saved. Make those Japanese exclusive colors available for west already. I want to play as black haired Dictator and blue Dhalsim and brown Cammy.

As a PC and console player I genuinely feel sorry for PS4 SFV fans, holy shit.

You're lying about the Cammy costume, right?

Does someone know which costume this is?
I thought all costumes were already leaked.

No, he's not.

Someone post the 3rd Strike Ibuki costume

Yes, actually. I was hoping to rustle some jimmies.

Tecmo's cancer is spreading.


You got me, friendo

what isn't fully functional in SFV right now?

They probably got super butthurt about that so had their lapdogs cook up something real quick

Is it a Birdie costume? Isn't he among the least played characters?

Definitely Necalli. For some reason they've decided he's a "mascot" character for the game. You can tell from the pose of that arm, and the dreadlock hanging down.

A mod, right? Sauce?

They gotta pay for costumes colors after being told they're not going to fix the obnoxious way to get them on top of that they are charging for colors, a dollar to unlock colors which are on the disc but trapped behind the misery mode. They couldn't just unlock all the colors for them, they had to charge, ontop of the fact that the entire SFV launch, release, updates have been nothing short of a nuclear fuckup and yet they are still trying to empty pockets. Fuckers should give the colors as an apology for how shit the game launched and still is. PC players don't have to deal with that shit.

>main Alex
>mfw finally getting Third Strike costume

yea i hate that stuff thank god i got mime on my pc

congrats on being fleeced

will Ibuki's face look better with her new (old) costume?

>it's hard to unlock this thing wah wah!
>okay fine you babies you can pay for it
>now it costs too much waaaaah
are you for real? I remember when there wasn't any way to pay to unlock shit, you just had to put in the time and be GOOD to unlock everything.

>the entire SFV launch, release, updates have been nothing short of a nuclear fuckup
In what way? Please answer without talking about cosmetic content, and with the context that this game will continue to exist and be played for the next 5 years or so, meaning online problems in the launch week are ultimately meaningless, and that the alternative to launching early and then adding missing content for free was just delaying the game so that NOBODY could play it.

In less than 200 words, please.

It's a WIP mod. Should be released this weekend over at Zetaboards.

>he doesn't play on PC
Lmaoing at your life.

that is extremely autistic

My man, those times have passed.
Publishers started realizing that they could make serious bank off off peoples WHO DON"T PLAY VIDEO GAMES

>Launch problems are meaningless
Not the guy you are talking to but it is important to have a good launch to allow a thriving community at the start.

Doesn't matter if the game is meant to last year, a good launch is still important.

I do think their need to launch the game early did harm the game a bit.

>posting worst thing to be jelly about
at least post one of the many nude mods we have you useless faggot

It's Bison. No one else has those kind of bracers

>mfw niggers
i wish i could go back in time and make fighting games console exclusive.

its amazing how well these mods fit

Cammy = Tracer
Dhalsim = Zenyatta
Zangief = Reinhardt
Juri = Widowmaker
Birdie = Roadhog
Guile = 76
Nash = Reaper

It's ok when valve does it

So, you make a painfully boring mode and you lock content behind it, you want that content but don't want to waste 10 hours+ unlocking colors. Why did Capcom lock colors behind a boring and obnoxious mode? So you can buy them instead, it's a con you faggot. They can tweak the mode to make unlocking simple colors not so tedious.

So each character has about 3 costumes 4 for some. So you gotta play misery mode on easy normal and hard for each costume for every character. I dunno the total rounds you have to fight on normal and hard but I feel like it's 10.

So let's say you gotta fight 10 rounds, you have to fight 30 matches per difficulty per person, that's 90 matches per person, which there are 20 fighters assuming people bought the 4 characters, so 20 x 90 = 1800 rounds to unlock all colors for all characters, 1800 rounds for colors motherfucker, gthoh.

SFIV Pack of costumes: 4$
SFV one costume: 4$ (or more)

Yeah, it's alright.

>SFIV Pack of costumes: 4$
On sale after two years. Most of them were 12-20 on release.

...I hope you aren't bringing this up to try to defend Capcom's practices with SFV.

I'm bringing this up because you're delusional, faggot. It's a literal non-issue.

Game launched broken for starters, game launched at full price only and the game wasn't and still isn't content complete. The game is still missing key modes to a fighting game(Arcade/vs CPU). It launched with bare bones modes and was pretty much an online only game for a while, I mean seriously, what was the last game to fuck up this bad?

>longer load times
>shittier graphics
>paying to play online
yea I sure wish the same user

>On sale after two years
How about no, capcuck?
>$3.99/€3.99/£3.29. The packs are listed as below

>layers can access the costumes by purchasing the Complete Horror Pack for $19.99/€17.99/£14.99
Should have read a bit further, idiot.

What're you people, stupid? Just don't fucking buy it.

Not even the person you were replying to in the first place, faggot.

DLC costumes are cancer. Is it a non-issue from the perspective of gameplay? Sure. But that doesn't change the fact that you're being charged for something that would have been free back in the day. Soul Calibur 2 had free costumes, and 3s had colors that you could access from the moment you used a credit.

>Meanwhile Ace Attorney 6 gets 3 Sengoku Basara costumes for a 143 Yen/$1.36

Of course because SF is a bigger series they are going to overcharge you and take advantage of the popularity

Stop trying with your "complete pack", faggot.
A pack of costumes in SFIV was 4$, that was my point in the first place.

>reading comprehension
i definitely meant back in the arcade-first days, bro. y'know, that way niggers wouldn't have access to fighting games and they wouldn't be running so rampant in the western fgc scene and chimping out over "THICC ASIAN BITCHZ"?

You want colors? Play for them. You're not good enough? Tough break, nigga.

You fags complained about editions since Day 1. Now they got rid of them and you're still not satisfied. Capcom has to make money somehow.

You don't need those costumes. You're not entitled to them.

Evil ryu or similar.
why would they else make a big deal of it.

>Waaaahhh stop proving me wrong!

>You want colors? Play for them. You're not good enough? Tough break, nigga.
>Capcom has to make money somehow
I already gave them my $60. That was foolish enough, all I play these days are Soul Calibur 2 and Killer Instinct.

I have to go now, but I'll just end this post by letting you know that I cannot believe you're defending this shit.

You didn't prove him wrong though. A 4 dollar pack was a fraction of the cast. 4 dollars in V is one costume.

You're actually mad about the majority of content being free?

I think she could kick me to death with one blow.
but she enver will ;_;

>story mode art is inconsistent and badly drawn all over
>Muh censorship fags use it as proof

>I got proven wrong, so I'm going to pretend to leave because there's no way I will get out of this with my dignity intact.
>All I play is outdated dead shit anyway.
Bye, faggot.

Technically, that's not a problem. USFIV had more characters, so the individual costume was worth less. It all evens out.

How is life down there in bronze?

Or you download it and use it for yourself, like all costumes, without paying. Might only be for your sake but seriously, that's all they're for any way.

>he thinks blacks weren't playing games in arcades

Your 09er is showing

it isn't

The fact that you think its realistic that the artist randomly decided to remove clothes and that the underarmor doesn't look added later to an already complete design is odd.

>Capcom won't fix survival and will charge out the ass for colors
I wish they'd do something good for the community for once instead of being jewy as fuck

Hint: The artist didn't design the character, which was still work in progress at the time.

I wonder if people that scream incomplete waited until the final revision was released for every SF before buying it. I can't imagine jumping straight into 3s or USF4 and actually having fun.