Dead Space is almost 10 years old

>Dead Space is almost 10 years old

Can we talk about how great this game is?

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it sucked


How come?

Ripper > Plasma Cutter

One of the best games to come out of the last generation.

1 was great, 2 was good, 3 was fuck my shit up senpai

1 and 2 were fantastic. Didn't play 3, I didn't like the changes they made to it to make it more actiony.

There's really no reason to use the plasma cutter past the first 2 levels.
All the later guns outshine it pretty hard, even the pulse gun.
At least on impossible difficutly, where crowd control actually matters, on easier difficulties you kill everything faster than it spawns anyway.


I never played it because I'm very squimish agianst body horror

good: clever, makes-sense-in-game-world UI, protagonist is junkyard mechanic ""engineer"" and not manshoot oorah marine

bad: that FUCKING turret section

2 > 1 > 3

good game. Suffer from Aliens movie syndrome. The more you learned about the monster the less scary they were and the more the game leaned on gunplay.

This is true

also bad: those insufferable 'well I didn't find it scary so it's a bad game and people who like it are dumb, also [argument about exact personal-autism definition of 'survival horror']'

still also bad: your mom will hate it!!! LOL

>that FUCKING turret section

Was a piece of cake with a mouse.

Sequel when?

I agree with this. 3 became a shit show. Cut content, dlc, microtransactions, and the shitty animations.

pc version had terrible vsync and aimlag issues... easy enough to fix but a shoddy release. Does the patched gog version fix this DL it today

There isn't much Kendra porn either fuck it all

Never, 3 didn't sell well enough and now Visceral is making a Star Wars game. I'd say this is a great outcome though. Regardless of Sup Forums's retardation, 3 was a fucking great game and a good ending and Star Wars is better anyway so I want to see what they can do with it.

The PC version DS2 was fucked to hell by EA

It included all of the pre-order bonuses unlocked. By that I mean, they're all there no matter what and you can't turn them off.

So right at the begining, when you first reach a shop, you can get amped up versions of every weapon in the game for free, and you already have every ammo schematic.

I actually couldn't find any fix for it on the steam forums, so I ended up having to pirate it just to play it.


plasma cutter is fine even on so-called impossible mode... that being said what is the best weapon to replace it with? Might try a run with something different

Shit post.

sounds like I dodged a bullet by pirating

The iOS/Android game was actually pretty good.

It was decent but dragged after the halfway point, DS2 was far better in practically every regard (dead space was never good at being scary).

Never played DS3 because It looked awful.

I fucking HATE pre-order / DLC shit that gives you good items at the start of a game.

Best Horror game in a long time.

Very high quality and I cant think of a single flaw in the entire game, even the fucking meteor shooting section because it fit within the story of a empty ship with no defense.

Fucking 2 was no where near as good and 3 was just bad.

>dead space was never good at being scary

so you didn't play on impossible then

sure DS2 is the best DS experience hands down but DS1 was much more tense (not scary it just kept me on edge)

DS1 is sort of like Alien and DS2 the sequel

Tried playing it.

Got an hour in, realized it was a game about "lul su scary" jumpscares with a stupidly slowed down turn rate to try and stop you running away and make you panic more and gave up.

>bad voice acting
>not even scary
>clunky and awful controls

Yep so amazing

DS 2 > DS 1 > > > DS3

Actually you had to opt into that by editing a text file if I recall.

On early levels pulse gun and ripper, then force gun and contact beam (for bosses and income) combo.
Force gun can 1 shot regular necros on any diffiulty if you can aim worth a shit and time it right.
Hard to pull off but so fucking statisfying.

first game legitimately tried something new (turns out fps controls in a survival horror can work quite well, who would have thought)

sadly i think ea just heard WOW WE LOVE THIS SPOOPY SHIT HAHA and so in the second game there's that eye cutscene and of course the children's section, then they heard the 'we want the COD audience' and so 3 happened

which is a shame

I honestly believe that DS1 was the final horror game.

I want to play this again, I remember loving it. Should I or has it aged badly? Also, how is Dead Space 2?

impossible is just hard mode (read medium) with added monster damage, played it through on impossible a few times and rarely died... DS2 on zealot is significantly harder due to faster enemies and having to buy a lot of ammo (with the occasional medkits)

>good ending
its a fucking cliffhanger

Remember the "Your mother will hate this" ad campaign?


>new vegas

Fortunately, Josh Sawyer himself fixed that bullshit.

Dead Space feels like a genuine successor to RE4, especially after Capcom just got retarded with succeeding games in the series, with its strong pacing and emphasis on anatomical shots. Shame it went the way of all EA franchises.

>heh i'm too smart for jumpscares. ds1 is trash
>happily watches man get torn apart in first five minutes of ds2. isaac has eye surgery, classic reaction gif material
>ds3 is bad because it's a shooter and Sup Forums says shooters are bad
yes ds2 is the best game. i'm gay

it came at a weird time for EA. they also published mirror's edge and mass effect in that year, 3 news IPs all basically around the same time.

It reverse aged.

Easily the best atmosphere and sound design of any game I ever played.

This. 2 wasn't bad but it turned into too much of a generic action game.

3 completely forgot what it was doing most of the time and instead gave us a co-op dudebro shooter with an OP as fuck weapon crafting system and story that was just stupid.

Visceral was one if not the only good EA studios left. And then THAT happened. Also that Army of Two threequel everyone forgot was a thing

It's a slow-paced third-person shooter with minor horror elements. It's decent but not quite "good".


I'm a big baby for scary games/movies, but i quite enjoyed dead space. I liked how you had to do engineery stuff like start the engines, going through the gigantic engine rooms and stuff, sort of picking up clues as to what madness happened.

then all the weird shit like THUNK THUNK THUNK guy that was just there for flavour

Hey guys, what's up...

it was okay

This is literally all I want. Give me more RE4 DS1 games.

You're thinking of ME2, which was 2010 (the original was a Microsoft Studios game in 2006, iirc). Dead Space and Mirror's Edge were 2008.

Second game was better.

DS3 gets too much hate from here. It's practically the same game as DS2 except with a much dumber story.
Worst is when people complain about it turning DS into Gears/CoD, which is a redflag that they never played it. You fight human enemies maybe 3 or 4 times throughout the game, probably for a combined total time of 20-30 minutes.

It was still good, but they increased the speed, levels felt rushed and didn't have as much love and details put into them as DS1.
Giving Isaac a voice only increased the dialogue, something a game like this didn't really need. Story exposition can happen through level design and text/audio logs, no need for constant radio chatter.
Also the best part of 2 was the revisit of the Ishimura.

The gameplay improvements more than made up for anything it did wrong. It felt WAY better to play. Thats also where the third game truly dropped the ball. The gameplay managed to be the second game, but worse. Also, cutting out a ton of content from people that couldn't co-op was the dumbest fucking shit ever.

I thought EA changed their ways when they released Dead Space, Dragon Age, and Mirrior's Edge. Oh boy was I wrong.

You've never played STALKER?

>ory exposition can happen through level design and text/audio logs

Gross. I would prefer ANY storytelling format over a log 'story'.

The pulse rifle is easily the most useful weapon. I don't know what people are talking about when they say it's hard to use. It's not as fun as the other weapons, but it makes the game easy mode.

If it was only the story I could fovige it.
But a LOT of other things changed for the worse.
Sound design is fucking terrible, the enemy spawn system got balanced around co-op, it doesn't even matter where you hit the enemies (main fucking game mechanic got removed right there), the levels are just a string of corridors with no thought put into while they made perfect sense in the two pervious games and felt like places with actual purpose, pointless enemy reskins (tentacle babies are now dogs, for what purpose do they have dogs on a fucking ice planet colony?), shoehorned cover sytem and retarded human enemies, visuals look sometimes worse than the first game (I'm no graphics whore but this is unaccaptable), that whole last section jesus christ kill me.

Horror stories can definitively end on cliffhangers, not to setup sequels, but to make the player question what exactly they just experienced or to drive a point home that everything the protagonist did to survive was for nothing. Totally acceptable ending to the series.

It worked perfectly for the game since you were all alone on the ship.

Yeah, there was that year or two there where it seemed like they were turning things around and coming out with some cool shit. Weird. That's when Bad Company 2 came out as well.

Recently replayed it with SweetFX for some extra film grain and fake HDR and it is indeed fantastic.

It was a cake walk with the controller on impossible on my last run, did they patch it? is 60FPS overpowered?

Dead Space 3 is a great game.

I think the funniest part about the pc version was the bugged physics in zero gravity where corpses would start spinning in the air on their own for no reason until they were like helicopter rotors.

>all of these dead wrong nitpicks
Literally nothing was wrong with 3. The combat was great, the level design was perfectly fine, and much more open, the graphics were fantastic. You're just parroting Sup Forums lies for the sake of it.

DS3 is worth a solo run, on high difficulty it's probably the hardest, but the ending is cringe.

Bad Company seemed like a generic shooter to me. The characters seemed so fake and forced. I also don't like NPCs telling me to do things all the time.

It's okay. Not as bad as some people make it out to be.

>no arguments

I actually played the game and deemed it utter shit before Sup Forums even could because I got the early pirate leak.

Why the fuck would you play the campaign in a Battlefield game? BC2 multiplayer was one of the best shooters in ages save for a few glaring balance issues.

yeah i was confused as fuck by that. free weapons that are better than the ones that cost money, fuck off.
good thing i hated the game anyway

I played the multiplayer too. It was okay, but not good enough to keep me away from TF2 or CS.

there was a fix for that actually, it was some ini file overwrite or whatever

Only play the first one, it was good but have a really short variety of enemies and the section with the asteroids was really shitty

>hating 2

They made this backwards compatible on the Xbox one and my buddy had it so I got it too (shared home Xboxes)
I played it for an hour or so and got to the part where I'm about to board a train/tram thing, but I stopped playing and haven't gone back. I really enjoy the dismemberment aspect and that plasma thing is amazing; I guess what I'm getting at is should I go and finish it? Does the enemy variety get more diverse and challenging? Is it a relatively long game? What other weapons should I use or should I keep upgrading the sideways plasma thing? Iirc I also have an assault rifle and maybe another gun. Spanks in advance

Man, this game fucking sucked. Well no, I'm being too critical, but it was mediocre as fuck, I will never understand what people see on it. It gets boring too quick, you can't be scared because the monsters are in your face all the time and the plasma cuter is fucking broken to the point that you can breeze through the game in the hardest difficulty, who gives a shit.

he gameplay itself lacks variance. I never managed to finish it but I spent the entire time shooting the exact same enemies over and over again with the AMAZING turret section which might very well be the worst one I've seen in my life and that gigantic monster which was easy as shit. The no gravity thing is cool as first but quickly grows into a mess when tons of shit are flying to you. I kept pushing myself to finish it but then I saw literal enemy recolors and I gave up.

Offical ranking:

2 > 1 > 3

While 2 was more linear then 1 it had a lot less back tracking because of it.

That would be alien isolation. I hate stealth games, but that game is the definition of atmospheric

it had a very cliche setting, tons of jumpscares and no atmosphere, cause the game tells you when there are monsters around with sound cues


>Does the enemy variety get more diverse and challenging? Is it a relatively long game?

what was so bad about the turret? it was short and easy...

Man, this franchise needed exactly one more game to finish the story. And I was genuinely getting curious how fucked up Isaac's life can possibly become. But EA fucking killed it. Smothered the third game right it in the fucking womb.

It's not, it really fucking isn't. It removed the majority of horror elements, shoe horned coop, and left a forget able story that shat the bed for the rest of the series. The only improvement 3 had was the weapon crafting, which was an awesome idea that was executed pretty well.


Come on, the first part of 3 where you float around in space was pretty cool. The rest, not so much.