>there will never be a good James Bond game
There will never be a good James Bond game
Nightfire is good
let me guess, you used oddjob and you still never won a match?
>I'm underage
What's wrong with this face?
This is easily one of the most overrated games of all time. You're clearly just a fucking faggot.
Dalton and Craig best Bonds, because their characters have that 'could kill a man with their bare hands' poison in their veins
EA made the best james bond game of all time though
You mean there will never be another good one? Yeah fucking seems like it, what a shame.
That game was amazing. Even the co-op game was awesome.
What's wrong with it besides the controls, which were the best you could hope for in a console shooter at the time.
>le Sup Forums contrarian I hate games meme
No, youre just underage. For many, this was the first time playing a multiplayer 1st person shooter and it was damn fun. Golden guns or karate chops only??
I think there was even a control option that allowed using two controllers so you could have a dual analog setup, fixing most of the control problem, even if it was a bit odd.
lmao when does school start up for you?
James Bond films are just commercials that influence the weak at heart.
And Bond films are the Brits fleeting attempt at looking masculine, when they are the most anti-violence, anti-self-defense nation on Earth after France.
Brits literally have to live vicariously through this fictional character to make up for their excess of estrogen.
but there is
Funny how both Bourne and Mission Impossible are better than Bond now.
Ghost Protocol is better than any James Bond film in existence, whereas Bond films are just Mary Sue wankery with the plot line of a Rooster Teeth anime.
better than goldeneye
Goldeneye, EoN and FRWL were pretty good
>There will never be a good video game based on beloved movie franchise x
And people still have the audacity to say Sup Forums isn't filled to the brim with bait threads that get a gorillion more replies than legitimate discussion threads.
and were both great for their respective times, the former practically cementing the FPS genre on consoles, but apparently anything good is now bad because being contrarian is the hip thing these days.
I fucking hate this place and I hate all you faggots that pull this shit.
See you tomorrow.
Shame the pc version sucked.
Leave that to Gearbox to make inferior PC version
Everything or Nothing was good enough. Although i wish it was a movie.
>hire Willem Dafoe just to record his voice and make facial mocap
>what's wrong with the game apart from its gameplay
it was shit compared to quake back then and even more shit compared to quake right now
Everything or nothing is 1000x better
>still no Hitman/Mass Effect style Bond game where half your time is spent gathering intelligence and silently offing people in opulent locations
>shooter without aiming
pick one and only one
>Goldeneye 64
>Everything or Nothing
>From Russia With Love
They were all decent enough.
I liked tomorrow never dies on ps1fuck you
funny how the bond actor got progressively whiter
There will never be a good James Bond film
just buy hitman and cosplay idiot
From Russia with love was quite good, user
>There will never be a spy game with character creation
Now I can never have a female spy that isn't a boring femme fatale stereotype