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What happened?

Why couldn't they wait to remove kebab until after it came out?

Military coup in Turkey.

Oh fuck

The devs are probably scared shit less right now... hopefully the psychopath leader gets booted quickly

What's psychopathic about him?

US armed forces are currently on DEFCON 3. The Turkish army now has control of the nukes that were stored in the base where they started the coup.

He jails people for talking bad about him for a start. He's turned Turkey from the secular country of the middle east to a regular mudslime paradise

Why are you lying to people?


The Air Force is on DEFCON 3 though

He sounds like an alright guy, then.
Still not seeing where psychopathy comes into this.

nice source faggot

He is an Islamist. Like Obongo.

So what do they want?

>allright guy
Abdula plz leave

go home Mehmet

They want to get out of NATO and enter into a military alliance with the russians.

He used an obscure German law that says you can't make fun of other leaders as a reason to arrest people.


The guy went into comedic bond villain territory a long time ago.

No u


How is any of that "bond villain territory"?

Aren't the soldiers taking part in the coup pro NATO?

no it isn't

Nobody cares. Fuck off.

I hope the coup will be successful because if it fail Erogan will be even crazier and Turkey will end up with third world tier military forces.


Turkey under the Erdogan regime has been the primary supplier of terrorists in Syria. The war there would have probably concluded by now had it not been for Erdogan.


Will we get another fucking Arabic Civil war?

fuck off

But the good news is that Europe, as the caretaker of the world, will take in all refugees again

What does your fucking tiny brain says to you, little cunt?
What part of this is Videogames? What is the little tumor in your head that makes you think making this shitty ass thread on a videogames board makes sense?
Are you braindead? Are you craving dicks?

I wish you a painful death regardless. You embody the shitposters that are ruining this board. HANG. YOURSELF.

Don't worry guys, it'll be alright.


b-but they're playing Pokemon Go live

these nerds missing the meme

Erdogan has
>funneled tens of millions of state funds into his personal accounts and those of his families and imrpisoned those who reported on it and called for investigation
>given financial and material aid to ISIS and other jihadist groups in Syria in an attempt to project Turkey's influence over the region
>reignited a civil war with the Kurds because he was going to lose the upcoming elections without a massive boost of nationalist sentiment
>continously eroded Turkey's secular values while promoting islamisation

On topic though the m&b devs will be fine.


Good. Fuck Turks.
muh Kurds


t. k*rt

F ;_;

No. The military has already taken over. They're secular and trying to keep the peace. Turkey will probably stop sending aid to the terrorists in the Middle East and Syria will recover.

The only thing to worry about is Israel/CIA getting pissed and trying to start more coups.

topkek, and who had control of them if not the army. The politicians?


>getting beat up by an adult child
What? Why? That pussy was The motherfucking Mountain compared to that little shit

I hope Anzu is okay


She is, she's in Japan right now.

She's okay, she's cuddling with me right now in bed.

I wonder where Koksal is


Enjoy my sloppy seconds senpai, I gave her a good ride last night

>last night.
what a cuck, I fucked her last month.


t. turk