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Its time to say goodbye to Handhleds and Hello Mobile for Pokemon



Are we getting that detective Pikachu game? Don't really care about Go.


Of course not, Pokémon GO will die in a blink of an eye.

Hahaha yeah sure

someone post that furry webm

Just like Clash of Clans.


And people here said nintendo wouldn't go mobile, now would you look at this marvellous success that singlehandely trumps everything they've done since their earlier days.

Say goodbye to traditional gaming, nintencucks.

holy fuck

Holy shit Nintendo is doomed, just like Sup Forums predicted

>Say goodbye to traditional gaming, nintencucks.
Just Handhled gmaing idiot

Yeah, I'm sure nintendo is gonna keep pouring effort in their failed home consoles when they earn a hundred time as much with not even a quarter of the effort by shitting out mobile shovelware, nintencuck.

>people keep attributing everything to Nintendo like they're the ones that made this massive craze of a game

Nintendo had pretty much nothing to do with the game besides maybe okaying its existence. It's all made by some literally who phone game dev and published through TPCI.

Nah, they will still make both. Pokemon fans are so die hard it would be foolish to not milk them on mobile AND handhelds.

Unlike a lot of other Companies Nintendo cares about quality

holy shit nintendo is becoming a mobile company, just like Sup Forums predicted

>Nintendo cares about quality


I guess that explains the stream of shovelware on top of failed consoles bloated with gimmicky crap nobody wants to get near of. And now, smartphone shovelware of all things.

Some great """"""""quality""""""""" there, pal.

Well, they're the only tangentially involved company whose stock you can actually buy.

Wonder if niantic will go public soon.

Still fucked.


cancer wins again





Holy shit sonyggers are triggered, just like Sup Forums predicted

>extremely nervous Sony fan says Nintendo will go 3rd party for 7th time this day
Why are Sony fans so dumb, Sup Forums?


>31 replies
>26 posters
Probably not.

>Nintendo stock is now $3 higher than Sony stock

is this the biggest growth of an entertainment company in 10 days ever?

Nintendo has stated before that they are a long term investor when it comes to franchises. If they went mobile only their IP value would drop and they know this. They'd rather 100 billion yen over 10 years not 10 billion yen over 1 year.

what furry webm

>this same faggot boasting about how nintendo is going to focus on smart phone apps like they did with amiibos

i bet youre real excited about that brand name huh faggot?

>yfw Sup Forums saw this coming from a mile away

>none of you invested

You don't get many chances to fucking DOUBLE your investments, anons.

GG no re

triggered sonypony

Stocks are fickle, as soon as the fad passes they'll lose all that 90%.

b-b-but it'll all come crashing down
some faggot youtuber told me that
because nintendo didn't have anything to do with this game

he told me he knew more than investors

As longs as profits are still apparent for handhelds then I see no reason why they would stop a founding tradition after 20 years.

> You don't get many chances to fucking DOUBLE your investments, anons.

somewhere on the stock market, there is a chance every single day to get horrible rich or poor

Stocks don't really matter, the important question is how is Pokemon Go Monetized?

buttmad sonygger is buttmad

>invest before it goes global
sounds like a safe thing to do

Literally the only way that would happen quickly is if they said they're never making another mobile game again.

>nintendrones are actually celebrating the success of a smartphone game

Jesus, you really can't see, can you?

Will it keep going up? When will it stop and start to fall?

FUCKING DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Making the game trend as long as possible with biweekly updates

>Convert word of mouth and use it to market Sun and Moon as well as all the other spinoffs like Pokken
>Get a live action movie made by the best directors possible since Hollywood is chomping at the bit
>Tickle nostalgia bones by cashing in on the retro scene which they're doing with mini NES

Pokemon Go get that money
Pokemon Go get rich
Pokemon Go get paid
Pokemon Go get bank

See you in a year user



>Nintendo stocks are finally climbing


>they could come to rely heavily on mobile


>Sony and Microsoft could follow suit

if invizimals took off like pokemon go you would be praising it together with other sonyggers

only on the internet where nintendo prints money and bitter nyggers spin it to something negative

>Sony faggots are still mad that Uncharted was unsuccessful on the mobile market.
Only Xbox knew that you couldn't make it on the mobile market.

>live action movie

Nintendo would make alot of cah if they went multiplat.

Good news for me desu

Legendary pictures are clawing at dibs for the rights

pokemon go will just make moon and sun sell 300x more user

cause you cant battle on pokemon GO

Time to end it all, I cant deal with this.

Pokemon spinoffs on mobile
Regular games on handheld
Mobile user gets converted to handheld
Now playing both
Now has mobile players, handheld players, and players that use both
Dosh out of the ass

They're adding battles to Pokemon Go with an update soon.

>Pokemon GO is the game that started Nintendo's domination of the mobile games industry
>Pokemon GO is the game that killed the need for consoles entirely
>Pokemon GO is the game that accelerated the advancement of smartphone technology

After some quick research it has a fuck ton of in app purchases that can be bought with earned/bought in game money but it takes days of work to earn that money (that might fail to be earned) to equal the real money purchase value of about $20.

This And Sony already tried putting their games on mobile


Should I still invest in Nintendo? Animal Crossing F2P could be big.

GO will die once casuals get tired of it and move on to the next big thing

I know that but a live action adaption of anime are known to be terrible

This is cute what it this from?

Go is fun

I lost it at Dr Spice

Who gives a shit?

So Pokémon dies off on handhelds and moves to mobile. So what? The main RPG is trash and you've already got a massive backlog that'll keep you busy until you're dead.

Everyone at my work except my boss has pokemon go on their smartphone.
Seriously, this app is getting everywhere.

Dr.Dynamite best one.

But everything Safeway makes is the best.

i don't follow WWE closely, but i will if you tell me her name and maybe link me a youtube video featuring her wrestling

Never. Nintendo hit the casual audience in the sweet spot with the Wii, which was the reason for that jump. The reason that jump went back down was because the audience moved on from traditional consoles to mobile devices. The casuals are staying where they are, and because of that Nintendo has found their new throne. The NX at this point is pretty much guaranteed to have some kind of mobile connectivity or compatibility.

Pokemon is game

Trading and battles and customization on gyms and trainers and improving the spawn ALGORITHIM for Pokemon so it's ultra specific and region exclusive mons and special events and sponsored businesses using pokestops

>Sup Forums says it'll flop launch day
>it doesn't
>Sup Forums said it'll be shit and not fun
>it isn't
>Sup Forums says they won't make money
>Nintendo made a lot from only 10% of their cut
>Sup Forums says normies won't like it
>Most Players are normies
>Sup Forums says it'll be a fad that'll last a month

Watching Sup Forums is like watching two stupid dogs or cow and chicken. It's dumb but funny and entertaining



so can we have dat dere pokemon mmo already?

I want more crossover data to be possible via the Pokebank.

Maybe make it so that Pokemon captured in Go can be transferred to the other games... but not vice versa.

I think it would work well and Nintendo would make an additional killing from their "diehard" Pokefans in addition to the normies.

More incentives, more hype for Sun & Moon, etc.

but they have console sales
and ghostbusters

>Nintendo's most successful product in the last 7 years was made by Niantic instead, using an IP not 100% owned by Nintendo

That's sad, actually. I wouldn't be surprised if Niantic ended up buying Nintendo altogether.

It's making fun of my boy Roman Reigns, they best wrestler ever.

hi chris jericho

Will Animal Crossing Go be as fun as Pokemon Go?
Will Fire Emblem Go be Skinship in My Pocket?

this shit blows my mind
imagine if pokemon go had been a finished game with at the VERY LEAST trading
how popular could it have gotten on the first week alone?

The inverse is more likely. Nintendo already has a large stake in Niantic.

but Nintendo is a co-owner of Niantic


That's a perfect idea, but modern game devs don't get good ideas.
It's gone from doing everything possible within the limits of technology and a little more due to wondorous exploitations, to constant hurr durr how do I do what the fanbase wants

That's not how it works.

That's like a single Starbucks location being the most massively successful cafe in the world... At the end of the day all the royalties go to the parent company who owns the brand.

If they wanted to secede and do their own thing it would cost them dearly. Besides, the game is fucking terrible from a coding perspective. People are playing it for its potential for updates.


Forget Pokemon Go! Nintendo's rivals are hotter

It looks like other video game stocks are the ones that investors want to catch these days.

Sure, Nintendo (NTDOY)'s stock is surging. But it's still well below the peak levels it hit when its Wii console was a huge hit. Meanwhile, video game publishers Electronic Arts (EA, Tech30), Activision Blizzard (ATVI, Tech30) and Take-Two Interactive (TTWO) have all hit new record highs this week.

Nvidia (NVDA, Tech30), which makes graphics processors used for games in PCs as well as its own console called the Nvidia Shield, is also trading at an all-time high.

Heck, even shares of struggling action camera company GoPro (GPRO, Tech30) have gotten a lift in the past few days.

Some traders are attributing excitement about the augmented reality technology used in Pokemon Go as a reason since GoPro has an AR camera of its own.

Yes, mobile gaming is all the rage these days. It's why Nintendo finally decided to put its games on smartphones after years of holding out.

It's also the reason that Activision bought Candy Crush Saga maker King Digital and one of the reasons Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) scooped up Minecraft maker Mojang. Microsoft also has skin in the AR/VR game through its HoloLens technology.

Facebook (FB, Tech30) is expected to be a big augmented and virtual reality player as well thanks to its acquisition of Oculus two years ago.

And even companies outside of gaming are embracing augmented reality.

Matt Ouimet, CEO of theme park owner Cedar Fair (FUN), said the company debuted its AR game -- The Battle of Cedar Point -- at its flagship park in Ohio last month. Players collect "characters" -- represented in this case by some of the park's rides.

Ouimet said he's happy to see Pokemon Go's success helping to take the technology mainstream. (1/2)

>12 KB JPG
>this shit blows my mind
>imagine if pokemon go had been a finished game with at the VERY LEAST trading
>how popular could it have gotten on the first week alone?
Mobile developer here, mobile games work differently with human psychology

You have to release a game that's barebones. Either not with all the features planned or stripping all the features already developed

Then you update once per month, it brings in more users and engagement. Don't ask me why humans are retarded, it works ever time

>nintendo is doomed!
>nintendo is FINISHED

>pgo increases their stock by a shitton

Sonyfags truly are the worst fanbase in existence.

"We don't have to train people about augmented reality thanks to Pokemon Go," he said, adding that "techtainment" could be the next big trend at more of his company's theme parks as well as rivals like Disney (DIS) and Six Flags (SIX).

But the huge moves in EA, Activision and Take-Two show there is still big money to be made in good, old-fashioned consoles and PC games. EA and Activision are working on VR and AR games too, but Take-Two seems more skeptical about the technology.

Still, any AR/VR bump would just be icing on the proverbial cake. All three already have huge franchises with many loyal customers.

In many respects, the games are like annuities, with people eagerly scooping up new releases in EA's FIFA and Madden NFL sports franchises, Activision's World of Warcraft and Call of Duty and Take-Two's Grand Theft Auto.

Investors are predicting that sales and earnings for all three companies will grow next year too -- thanks to rumors that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo may all have new consoles hitting the market -- the Xbox Scorpio, PlayStation NEO and Nintendo NX.

So even though it may seem like everyone around you is walking into walls because they have their face glued to their phone as they try and catch Bulbasaur and Charmander, keep in mind that other gaming stocks may be better bets than Nintendo. (2/2)