Just beat SH2 for the first time. Was this really a horror game because after the first stretch...

Just beat SH2 for the first time. Was this really a horror game because after the first stretch, it's more depressing and sweet than scary.

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Even SH2's The Making Of -video states the game being more of a "sad love story" than a typical, gory and terrorizing horror experience. And that's one of the reasons people love it. The "scares" in the (original) SH games in general were all about the atmosphere and creepy visuals, especially the audio. This is one reason people who dislike jump-scares prefer SH games over so many other horror titles.

Still, congraz, OP! I've been seeing plenty of newcomers play this game in the past couple days.

How did you play it? What difficulties? Which ending did you get? And most importantly: did you play SH1 first ?

It's a memegame for the fedoracore

You are correct. It is more depressing then scary even though the fact that it is such a sad game does make it scary as well.

Know what I mean?

Yeah, it's more depressing if anything.
If you want more horror SH1/SH3 should fit that bill nicely.

well weel, you want a scary game? then play outlast, Amnesia or Soma. YOU´LL KNOW WHAT´S HORROR KID. (also the 3 dead space games are good too)

If you're wanting a pure horror game play silent hill 3.

The tone is intentionally more subdued and sad than 1 & 3 which were in your face balls to the wall insane horror and 4 which was more isolated and disturbing than scary.

Silent Hill 1, 3 and 4 are more outright horrors than 2 is, not that that makes it bad, but 2's intentions were more of a somber love-story than pure terror experiences.

Yes it was a horror game, a psychological horror game.

Neat, a SH thread!
Time to repost the SH PC Guide + the DL links:



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.

The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.

alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.

Been itching to replay SH4 lately, since I've done 2 and 3 to death recently, but I remember how much I detest Water Prison World and escorting Eileen.

Why do so many people hate the Water Prison? I thought it was pretty neat and the puzzle wasn't really that annoying.

For me, it's really the dullest of all worlds.

That's how I feel about Forest World. To each their own though I guess.

Why did James go in if everything looked so creepy?

Well, horror is subjective. What might scare one person, won't even faze another. SH2 has themes that some people can relate to (lost loved ones, abusive families, etc.) and so it's scarier if you can identify with some of the themes it touches on.

Because he was a mentally unwell man who was compelled by an irrational and obsessive drive to figure out where everything went wrong and also likely a supernatural pull drawing him to the town.

Forest World is pretty close to bottom place, but I like the dark forest motif of it, so it wins over Water Prison by a tiny bit.

I hope this is some copy pasted YouTube comment

>this 2005 tier bait


>animal crossing
>adventure time
>gravity falls
>butch hartman
What style are 5 and 6 supposed to be?

5 kind of looks like Jhonen Vasquez in the face shape but I'm probably wrong. 6 looks vaguely FMA in the eyes but it might just be the artist's personal style.

>can't get SH4 to launch for the life of me

I just want to get spooky

Water Prison has Twin Victims.


Now this is a meme game. 4 is clearly the best if you want pure dread.

it's a pseudointellectual game for redditors who think its omg so deep

>meme game

And opinion discarded.

SH3 has plenty of great scares, stop kidding yourself.

>non combat running sim

>still trying with the hipster meming

It's barely been an hour since you're first pasta, kiddo. Slow down before you bust a gut.

>YOU´LL KNOW WHAT´S HORROR KID. (also the 3 dead space games are good too)

>calling others kids while recommending literal walking sims, and considering the third Dead Space as remotely "good"


Yeah nah

1 would be the best if it was on the same graphical level. But alas.

I got it to launch but now I'm stuck on a black and white pulsating screen that crashes to desktop after a few seconds.

I will never be able to get spooky at this rate.

Not really.
It's the least scary SH game

>implying graphics matter

They're all scary you twit, regardless of how their graphics have aged.

>Game has a well written story with interesting themes
>lol REDDIT!! xD

I don't like how SH4 received so much hate for being different from previous entries.

I'm still remember when i had 13 and i play it. Those ghost with their annoying sound were sure a thing. And protecting Eileen from Walter, well, fuck that.

I could never finish this game.

It commits so many vidya sins it's unreal
>>limited inventory that can make even more backtracking to the hub necessary for puzzles
>unkillable enemies
>more unkillable enemies that patrol a vital location full of useless rooms and trial and error exploration
>swapping between first and third person
>breakable weapons
>escort mission
>timed aspect to the final boss that's related to the escort mission
>escort that can actually cause you harm and cannot access certain areas

It's still my favorite though

Does the PC version of SH2 include Born From a Wish?

Origins was not a bad game god damn it.

It wasn't absolutely terrible but I wouldn't call it good. It was just mediocre.

What's worse? Downpour, where there was effort put in but it's not very good, or Homecoming, where no effort was put in and the game's quality reflects that?

I think you already explained the answer.

Yeah. That's in fact where I played it first. I remembered that I always had the standard version of SH2, and never played Born from a Wish. So I pirated the PC version 3 years ago.

I have a friend who I encouraged to play SH2 and they spent most of the time complaining about the bad voice acting, easy combat, and laughing at loud at the enemies and scares. Once she got to the part where you row a boat through the lake, she just quit and said "I can't."

Was the issue playing the entire game on a laptop, or did she just not appreciate horror?

I-Is this not standard for Turok-likes? A-Am I remembering video games wrong?


Downpoor. It's shit all around.
HC is at least playable

you got weird female friends. Girls usually love SH to bits.

Then again, you got a faggot lesbian who cries about "bad" acting and combat being too easy.

Your friend saddens me, user.

N64 only had 1 stick.

I understand. But the C buttons shifted your vision and turned you around, which eventually became the basis for the modern shooter which uses both sticks for the same thing. Isn't that the standard set-up? If so, what is the reviewer bitching about, that's just the most intuitive setup.

Downpour has a better story, main character, motivation, etc.

The thing about SH2's VA is that a lot of characters come off as "bad acting" due to the way everyone just seems to be on the verge of completely depressed apathy.

Maria and Mary's VA is pretty good. Angela has the same VA as Claudia from SH3, etc. A lot of people just don't understand the theme of the characters.

Yeah, a lot of the awkwardness comes from the directing more than the actual actors. There's some shit that stands out as objectively terrible like Angela's "... LOST?" line but for the most part it's intentionally stilted and weird.

Mary/Maria in the jail cell is the best voice acting in the series imo. She gets the mindfuckery of bouncing between two personalities right without getting too over the top and stupid about it.

I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but if there's one thing the HD collection did right was the voices.



Wish I knew how to pirate shit

Both are shit and poor additions to the series, but I felt like HC was far more enjoyable than DP.

Not that hard m80 there are even written guides online.

I've read them and tried it. Never worked but I only tried with one new game dark souls 3 don't really wanna try again because too scared of viruses

I think the irony is that the reviewer is complaining because it seemed like an obtuse control scheme compared to the standards of its day; these days, it's the only way to map player and camera movement to a gamepad.

>Angela has the same VA as Claudia from SH3
She was also voiced by Donna Burke, the woman who sang Heavens Divide and Sins of the Father for MGS:PW and MGSV.

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Angela sounds bad because Donna Burke wasn't very good at hiding her accent.

And really the VA for 2 IS very stilted and generally not very good. This is something the voice director even said.

Why do people have a hard time admitting a game from 2001 doesn't have the best voice acting? It's not like it detracts from the game, if anything I fits, but it's not good voice acting. And no, SH2 HD's VA isn't much better, despite the fact it has better acting and direction.

>And really the VA for 2 IS very stilted and generally not very good
I wasn't trying to say it has the best acting ever, but it fits well enough.

It does have bad voice acting, but it's appropriately bad. We've heard the alternative with the HD collection; it's technically better, but it sounds so much worse.

>tfw your favorite ending is Rebirth

I think it looks like they were trying to go for JV's style but failed

Thank you for repeating what I just said.

Really, to be fair, English voice acting directed in JAPAN OF ALL PLACES (even if the voice director was American) could be worse. Like most of Capcom's games before Production Studio 4 started hiring Soundelux.

>Thank you for repeating what I just said
I'm gonna be completely honest with you because I feel like you deserve it; I stopped reading your post at
>Why do people have a hard time admitting a game from 2001 doesn't have the best voice acting?

That game is a fucking miracle. It did so many things wrong yet it works so fucking well. It's unbelievable, and purely on story, music, characters and atmosphere is definitely my favorite.

You're right, I probably did deserve it.

It is pretty interesting how it took until SH4 for the series to get professional VAs.

Voice Acting for vidya was still largely in its early stages during the PS2 era. Even big named companies like Square suffered from terrible voice acting. Games like Bouncer, FFX, etc, all had terrible VA's.

But towards the later half of the gen's lifespan, the VA's got far better, just compare FFXII to FFX.

FFX had professional voice acting, just poor direction.

A big reason I mentioned Soundelux is because they did the voice acting for a very large handful of games that gen that managed to have really good voice acting. Two in particular are Viewtiful Joe and killer7. The former being released in 2003.

