>btw posted this on facebook, an evil guy said it's cubones mom
normies go home
Fuck the Pokemon, what about that sexy chocolate woman?
That's an edited picture of a trap.
Btw why would you like a nigger? Post a pic of yourself and I'll give you info
You've led me astray
Sorry, me and her are pretty gay. I knew I should've deleted my Facebook messenger bubble before screenshoting
Don't tell me you fapped to him you faggot. Kys.
you can't see Snake
Kek. I wish
I only got to half mast, god was looking out for ya boi
You know bestiality is illegal in most places, right?
Post her cock, you faggot.
She's only for me dickheads. Post your address
>being this Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
You newfags do realize it's all satire right?
Black girls are high test and make strong babies
holy fucking shit, this is what Sup Forums has become
fucking normies, get the fuck out
Post the feminine penis, pal.
>muh safe space
Niggrers are disgusting. Always have been, always will be. You're the newfag if you think otherwise
> asking for porn
> on a blue board
> thinks I'm gonna share my trap with you retards who don't wanna share information
Wew lads
I live at 123 FUCK YOU! lane, now post woman erection please
OP here. Shes not a real girl idiot. She can't breed. Science doesn't work like that or ever will. Hence why she's perfect for me.
Ok Dylan
I want her to breed my ass.
I didnt known it was a non-girl desu
I have a strong feeling racists are all closet homosexuals.
Spotted the leftist
>that much bullshit on the top notification area
fucking android
Anyone else having the nearby Pokemon bug? It shows 3 steps underneath them no matter how far or close they are. It's annoying
>muh alt right
Where can you find a voltorb in Pokemon GO?
In a Mosque
>You newfags do realize it's all satire right?
I love it when the leftist newfags try and push their bullshit on Sup Forums.
No, we aren't ironically racist, you retard, we're just racist. Everyone that has common sense is at least a little racist.
Why the fuck did I leave the messenger bubble in the screenshot. Now virgins are demanding I post pics of MY TRAP GF, knowing I'LL get banned. This ain't tumblr, shit ain't served to you on a platter.
>Obligatory betiality post
WOW! (You) sure showed me!
Life is tough being black, man.
This thread is fucking horrible. Why did I even bother. Also post your address I was gonna send you fappable material
Look, you don't just talk about traps on Sup Forums and not post any delicious feminine cock
That would be a bf, user