Tell me about the time you had fun playing this game

tell me about the time you had fun playing this game

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Just got done having fun with it a few hours ago

but did you actually have fun

I've had some fun invading in this game, the most fun I've ever had in the series was me vs a host with two phantoms in Anor Londo with a Seed popped and I managed to kill all three players. But fun games like that are rare, PVP is pretty awful in this game and the linearity of the game world means you can't really replay it as much as the original game.


I can't, really. I uninstalled the game after I beat it and haven't touched it since. It's clear that most people did the same thing seeing as how it's pretty much dead according to steam stats.

I watched an LP of it, thought it looked fine, though doesn't help that it took LPer 50 parts to get through the swamp.

This game is fucking amazing

>put down purple sign to trick summoner fags into thinking I'm friendly
>only people that summon me are XxX_git-gud 69 and they always kick my ass
>invaders and blue always come and gank me if I start to do good
why is best colour worst covenant

50 fucking parts wtf was he doing, also how long were the parts.

>turn on game
>hit thing with weapon
>roll out attack
>hit big thing with weapon
>roll out big attack

Why would people still be playing it?

I had fun beating the snot out of the Nameless King. I didn't think it would only take two tries, though.

I haven't finished it but, coming out of those dark tunnels and that shitty swamp area to Irithyll was a mind-blowing experience to me. That place is beautiful!

Each part ranged from 14- 18 minutes though there was a few 20+ minute parts and there would be parts where he would spend like 10 minutes walking around in a circle, also there was one part where he kept killing enemies at the bridge bonfire but would loss 1-2 estus flask so he would go back and try again.

Does killing Yuria keep you from getting the Usurp ending, even if you've already killed the Soul of Cinder?


Damn he must be retarded.

It was pretty fun, Irithyll was amazing and the gotthard twin swords are probably my favorite souls weapon. I'm hyped for the DLC. Not the best but not the worst.

Dark 1>Demons>Dark 3=Bloodborne>Dark 2

Sweet, time to get all 3 ending trophies on one save.

Game was genuinely enjoyable up to Smoldering Lake, but from there I felt burnt out. Finally beat it after about 90 hours of fucking around with low level PvP (50-120), and I thought the ending was about as lackluster as the ending for DS2 was, which was disappointing. Also, invading is absolutely stroke-inducing, and I need to stop telling myself that I'm the bad player, not the 4 man gankfest that has a seed of the tree giants up. The game's longevity went down the toilet with this IMO.

have you gone into the dungeon yet?

and I meant to say through Smoldering Lake. Easily my favorite area in the game.

Well not really besides using the Broad Sword for 80% of the playthrough, he made like no mistakes and beat most bosses on their first try without summons.

Getting different builds ready for the DLC right now, am having fun.

First two characters are in NG+, the last three are the ones I'm getting ready. One is quality, one is luck, the other is a Lorian cosplay.

Lolwut, average 8000 players online. Pretty impressive considering everyone's waiting for the DLC to come out and fuck load of games that just came out.

>Invading as aldrich faithfull
>Host pops the giant seed
>i run to the water reservatory and luckily both sulyvan beasts are alive.
>i aggro both of them while getting stabbed left and right
>quickly run up to the stairs and leave the host to fight the beasts all alone.
>despite being skilled he falls to them.

Good times.

I had fun just playing through the whole game. I know haters love to shit on the combat but I really liked it. Then again I am a DEXfag so speedy combat full of stunlocking is catering to my needs. It was also a great breath of fresh air considering the last Souls game I played was 2, which I hate.
Fuck Archdragon Peak though

I....Actually agree with you

Link to the play through?

Patch 1.6

>133 parts

Fuck. i had a blast doing co-op with a friend until this area where I get kicked off for framerate issues. now i can't have fun until i upgrade my PC, again. (yeah i'm not doing this shit again this year)
rip DS3 co-op with childhood friend who lives in another state now